Reviews from

in the past

Conflicted about this game, on one hand this is incredibly fun with friends but on the other hand, the community is full of the most unfunny motherfuckers I've seen.

better play on some garry's mod breach server than this

Exactly as fun as the other players in the match want to make it.

My boy friends made me play another weird ass game again😭
I didn't understand anything at all haha

Most complex labyrinthian map ever designed and u barely even interact with the other players

You'd be forgiven for thinking this is a horror game. It is not. It's a VRChat lobby minus the VR and everyone is dressed as SCPs.

I've sunk a lot of hours into this game, more than someone probably should, but I don't regret it. Hunting down the final SCP while someone plays "The Only Thing They Fear Is You" in the background or someone plays elevator music while they press the button to go down is amazing.

This is one of the most fun games I've ever played and the community is fucking hilarious. Only downside is that the game is very poorly optimized and you will probably get around 60 - 70 fps max even with a high end PC.

I've tried searching for games that combine both fun gameplay and a fun community/players and I haven't found anything like SCP: Secret Laboratory. The closest things I could find is VRChat (which doesn't rly have "gameplay") and Crab Game (Not a lot of people talk).

nada mejor que vivir en argentina y jugar un shooter con vc

I remember one night playing with some people. I was really enjoying it, but they never called me back to play with them. They probably hated playing with me.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do, there's no tutorial or anything and even if there was it just feels way too bland and lifeless to be...a game

one of those games where watching someone play it makes you foolishly believe it might be fun for even one second

Can be great but varies greatly from server to server. If you find a good one though it can be very fun.

El juego es complicado de entender, sobre todo los múltiples equipos y condiciones de victoria, roles, items, salas y estructura del mapa, pero una vez entendido todo ello da a una gran variedad de situaciones posibles.
Además el juego tiene chat de voz de proximidad y los servidores más activos son los españoles así que las risas están más que aseguradas, yo me he librado de más de un SCP que me perseguía a cambio de contarle un chiste suficientemente gracioso.
He pasado decenas de noches haciendo amigos de los que me despediría para siempre un par de horas después.
En cuanto a servidores, mis recomendaciones personales son World in Chaos o Bounce Gaming).

every time i played this game i was confused and did not know what was happening.

You'll hear the n-word more times than you thought possible when you play this game.

conflicting experience. despite the lackluster gunplay, controls and generally janky feel, a well populated server with some friends can be exceptionally fun.

The people in this game are hilarious...sometimes there's no one online though.

someone could make this in gmod and no one would tell the difference

One of the funniest games to play with friends. Amazing community, just wish the game would get more consistent updates

Game is absolutely fucking hilarious with friends and even quite fun with randoms, the clips I have are genuine gold

i spent 10 hours playing this game just to micspam garbage at the intercom

Fun multiplayer intepretation of SCP Containment Breach, but it sometimes gets a bit annoying when you end up as a D-Class, not being able to obtain any items since everyone else takes them, then die to the SCPs, being forced to wait until another spawn wave of reinforcements to come and actually determine the outcome of the game.

When that doesn't happen, the game is quite fun! SCPs are obscenely fun to play, and even the guards can prove to be a fun side to choose, but I would be lying if the majority of the game's outcome doesn't lie in the respawn waves.

Still fun tho.

fun game with people and vc is fun too.

Um dos jogos que mais me diverti interagindo com outras pessoas na minha vida, cada pérola que tive nessas 200 horas são muito especiais