Reviews from

in the past

fun game with people and vc is fun too.

I'm very surprised the average rating is so low. I mean it's a free game and a really good one at that. I'd absolutely recommend it.

Cuando me conocía los roles todavía pero ahora que se me han olvidado es que no puedo.

lot of good memories from the early days would play this for hourssss. sometimes fun and sometimes absolutely dreadful

Not sure why this games so fun to come back to every once in a while, most likely the funny people you cone across and proximity chat. Can get a little annoying dying instantly to either players or scp, but when you get a good run going, it feels amazing.

I get this game was made for funny multiplayer interaction but where is anyone?

Fun multiplayer intepretation of SCP Containment Breach, but it sometimes gets a bit annoying when you end up as a D-Class, not being able to obtain any items since everyone else takes them, then die to the SCPs, being forced to wait until another spawn wave of reinforcements to come and actually determine the outcome of the game.

When that doesn't happen, the game is quite fun! SCPs are obscenely fun to play, and even the guards can prove to be a fun side to choose, but I would be lying if the majority of the game's outcome doesn't lie in the respawn waves.

Still fun tho.

Put a bunch of screaming people in an underground facility with monsters, and you got yourself a great game !

Game used to be more fun when it first dropped.

The game can be fun at times, but having to rely on community servers for most of the time makes it very unenjoyable because of the staff that run said servers.

jfc why are the avg ratings so low this game is gold

I spent 500 hours in this game, I god damn love it. Ive made friends, enemies, and memories, its incredibly unique and i think it has little to do with how good the gameplay is

Silly game but gets old quickly if you're not a roleplayer.

Can be great but varies greatly from server to server. If you find a good one though it can be very fun.

El juego es complicado de entender, sobre todo los múltiples equipos y condiciones de victoria, roles, items, salas y estructura del mapa, pero una vez entendido todo ello da a una gran variedad de situaciones posibles.
Además el juego tiene chat de voz de proximidad y los servidores más activos son los españoles así que las risas están más que aseguradas, yo me he librado de más de un SCP que me perseguía a cambio de contarle un chiste suficientemente gracioso.
He pasado decenas de noches haciendo amigos de los que me despediría para siempre un par de horas después.
En cuanto a servidores, mis recomendaciones personales son World in Chaos o Bounce Gaming).

A game not for everyone, but for me it has been an absolute blast to play, love every second of it

Absolutely limitless fun, be it with friends or randos you will have a good time

Really fun game, but is filled with annoying bitches. + In my opinion they ruined scp939 (the dog) in the new update

Great to play with friends or strangers. The servers in this game can either be very toxic or very fun with lots of funny moments!

Chiant à comprendre mais une fois que c'est fait, qu'est-ce qu'on s'amuse, clairement à jouer avec des potes. Comme d'habitude le tchat vocale de proximité dans les jeux c'est du génie.

ive spent too much of my life in this game but thats what happens when theres a global pandemic as soon as you graduate high school!

Um dos jogos que mais me diverti interagindo com outras pessoas na minha vida, cada pérola que tive nessas 200 horas são muito especiais

Very unique and niche with a solid community. I never know what's going on, but at least there's someone playing Kesha over the PA system.

95% of the time it's the most boring game you've ever played, but that last 5% gives you the type of stories you can tell to friends over a campfire. 2.5 because the games a 0 and 5 at the same time.