Reviews from

in the past

only writing a proper? review because i had the worst game of fortnite ever triple reboot my teammate because i had annoying kids up my arse the whooole game so this will take my mind of it (no real spoilers probably)

many gamer megatennist chuds will tell you its viable to skip raidou 1 for 2 because they arent connected and reoccuring characters are reintroduced in 2 but i dont think so because 1 is really fun and silly

the gameplay is kind of shit a LITTLE BIT, the game has random encounters which sets you onto a typically square plane with no obstacles and a fixed camera and demons will spawn in waves until all of them are killed. you only have a sword with a slash, charge and joust attack and a gun with different bullets to load in (you can also block too i forgot that). the main way you fight is by summoning in your demon to command manually(ish) or let its fairly competent ai aid you, although the quality of the ai depends on the skills it has pretty much. if you hit an enemy weakness with your demon and hit them with raidou you can fill some go go gauge and do a powerful combo attack with your demon

the game also has a MAG counter which you gotta top up as it costs mag to summon demons and do combo attacks but youll never run out even if you waste it on useless combos you can just capture a shitty demon and trade it into shin sekai for shit loads of mag or whatever
within the game's tutorial youve done the most you can do with the games combat it will never get anymore in depth or complex which i guess creates a same-y vibe but the execution makes it feel like your actually fighting with your demon which is kind of chuddy but its infinitely more interesting fighting as equals rather than mindlessly slashing while getting carried by ai, you actually need to pay attention to your demon(s) and command them well a good example is this infamous (to me) fight during the hiroku invasion you gotta fight mishaguji hes some big penis guy but his attacks can inflict charm which literally turns your demon against you by healing up the boss or something and making you wanna kill yourself

a really shit part of raidou is the demon fusion system and how you tend to stock your demons too, if you arent battling you are doing detective work and you can summon your demons to aid you by using specific skills that their race has. people say its kind of annoying but there are like 5 races so as long as you have a pagan, frost, wind, pyro and volt order demon + a small guy and a fly guy you are pretty chill BUT

because of this and the bond system where you gotta max out your bond with a demon to fuse away makes it so you only fuse demons every 3 episodes or so and along with the fact there are so few demons in the game everyone who has ever played this game will have run the same demon team at some point in the game, going back to the mishaguji ive seen like 4 people talk about how they had raja naga on their team with bufudyne and dia aura which crazy story i had that too!!!! you BARELY fuse demons or get to use a good variety which sucks because the demon models look disgustingly good like its kinda crazy how good they are no bad looking demon (subject to change when i remember an ugly one)

the game has sakes which you can use to boost the bond of your demons quicker but like real talk sell them holy shit uselessss free money its insane and fusion is expensiveeee

the detective gameplay as mentioned is fairly tame its just going a to b but its driven by the story obviously which without spoiling is a crazy interesting and whimsy silly story and the music pairs really well. there is no bad track in the ost at all its inoffensive they didnt try and do anything crazy they just made some good as music

anwyay idk it was really fun and i like it more than its worth this game is probably a 3/5 for normal people but its a crazy goofy time with a good amount of challenge the big gripes are at times it can be a bit of a slog or a bore when its pure sucky detective work or poorly designed gimmick bosses thats it #rumblygoopers #poshcheerios join the army play fortnite with us

ALSO the game isnt necessarily linear there are optional content via training halls scattered across the map and at the shrine where you can fight cool bosses like yoshitsune and beezlebub for fusion (yoshitsune is broken so slept on fuse him PLEASE)

Raidou saw the aftermath of WW2 in 1920 and presumably did nothing. Curious......

This game takes away all the issues I have with most Megaten games (Too long, nothing happens until the end of the game in terms of story and characters, modern tokyo setting) and makes a short and sweet experience with an unique setting. The only issue I have with the game is that the battle system is only serviceable. But it's not as bothersome in such a short game (I think it took me 20-25 hours to beat). It also has a lot more personality than other, far longer Megaten games. Which have more time to flesh out the world. They just don't.


Truncado e repetitivo, mas definitivamente um grande experimento da equipe pra Megaten. Consegue se segurar até o final com a dinâmica de demônios no combate, que neste caso foi muito bem adaptada para um jogo deste tipo.

A história não chega a ser nada demais também, mas tenho que tirar meu chapéu pra Atlus pela habilidade extraordinária dela em conseguir fazer personagens carismáticos, é impossível não se apaixonar por todos os arrombados desse jogo.

No final isso aqui se torna um preparo de terreno pro próximo jogo que aperfeiçoaria tudo que este fez. Vejo Soulless Army mais como um jogo-apresentação.

I changed my mind this is the best game ever made.

This was pretty good, it was surprisingly comfy too! It gave me a similar feeling to roaming around Inaba in p4 and that's honestly all you could ever ask for really

The game is quite different from other titles in the SMT series. The combat is very interesting and dynamic. Coordinating your demons in battle is very interesting, a type of combat that you don't see in other SMT series titles or even Persona, which follow the standard turn-based combat. Additionally, it has good soundtracks, but nothing spectacular. The story is the weak point of the game. At first, it tries to be a mystery and works very well, but after a few chapters, the story becomes tedious and only gets worse. In the last chapter, it returns a bit, but nothing remarkable. The characters are one of the highlights of the game. The MC is the classic silent protagonist, but he has a very interesting personality that you can notice. And the support characters, all have distinctive and charismatic personalities.

An ok action JRPG (nothing that amazing but it plays fine) with an interesting setting out of nowadays Atlus comfort zone.

Great visuals and music, interesting story, absolutely dreadful combat which is made even more annoying by the high encounter rate. Its probably best to watch a lets play series of this instead.

A Gameplay até é interessante, juntar os demônios as investigações é uma ideia bacana, mas eles erram no mais básico do combate de ação deixando a gameplay travada, e a história pelo menos nos primeiros capítulos, não cativa.

god i love raidou...a smt greatest chara..luv him forever i teared up bad when i finished !!! would love to replay to start the second game ^__^

SMT: Devil Summoner came as fine change of pace from what I've experienced in the Shin Megami Tensei franchise, but despite its nice ideas and simplistic enjoyable mechanics, it didn't quite stick the landing for me.

The beginning of the game hyped me up. It starts very well and during the first very entertaining three chapters, Devil Summoner showcases its strenghts back to back. The combat system is fun and accessible for anyone, characters and demon designs are great, the story sparks an interesting mystery, the demon investigative mechanics are creative and the cutscenes are nicely done.

Raidou Kuzunoka himself, albeit a silent protagonist, makes quite an impression and is definitely the most memorable character in the entire game. Add that to Shoji Meguro's fine soundtrack, the right amount of challenge and incredible boss fights, and you have yourself a strong start.

From chapter 4 onwards, though, the game's cracks become visible.

The pacing is dull and the story is simply tedious. The writing just does not hold up. I found myself wanting to go back to grinding and boss fighting everytime the story became the focus.

Fusion, something essential for SMT's fun factor is almost useless here. Demons take too long to level up, there's plenty of tiresome backtracking, map designs are unvaried and uninteresting and the soundtrack, no matter how good it is, repeats its 15 songs over and over again.

It's by no means a broken or an unpleasant game but it is, throughout its lenghty 30 hours campaign, quite a bore. I mean, come on, the final dungeon even packs a BOSS GAUNTLET! And I say this while praising the boss fights, which are probably the game's spotlights.

To me, SMT: Devil Summoner felt like a breath of fresh air for the series. Honestly. The first 3 chapters and the final 4 were great, containing everything right that this game carries. The problem is that the game has another 5 VERY tedious chapters that just threw the story and my interest through the window for a big chunk of the playthrough.

It's not bad. It's a fine action JRPG. But for a series with so many highlights, this is lusterless one.

Amazing story, atmosphere and music with godawful gameplay

Combining interesting setting and story with terrible gameplay.

the detective aspect and the story is what caries this game the combat is ehhh

Absolutely love raidou kuzunoha, but this game is extremely frustrating at times! Raidou runs very slow and the encounter rate is very high, which wouldn’t be bad if the battles weren’t as tedious as they are. You wait until your demon hits the enemy demons weakness and then you attack, sometimes you use a special move, occasionally heal, that’s kind of it for everything is this game. Idk if this was a problem for anyone else, but raidou doesn’t block unless you hit the block button when he’s finished with any other animation, which led to me feeling like the game wasn’t responding to my actions, which is very frustrating. He still runs slow during battle and enemies attack from off screen. All the bosses are essentially damage sponges with one gimmick that usually isn’t fun and just prolongs the fight. Good story, amazing soundtrack! I love this ost, character design and atmosphere made me enjoy the game despite it not having the best gameplay.

Story is good but leaves room for improvement and the combat is below average considering this came out around the same time DMC did. What saves this game is the sheer amount of style that just oozes from everything.

It's a pretty good game, despite the gameplay being pretty repetitive, the compendium pretty small and boring navigation, the game stands out in the character designs, plot, and characters overall.

Being an smt makes it unique, indeed.

I have no idea what to think but it is good

Raidou 1 has really solid sense of style, nailing a supernatural detective TV show in its atmosphere, music, characters and designs. The story is fun and intriguing throughout, and at the end goes somewhere you might not expect it to. If nothing else, play an hour or two just to check out the vibe cause its seriously good.

The gameplay drags it down though. Combat is too simplistic and stiff, and your summoned demons can take forever to react to anything. The dungeons can be pretty slow, and filled with random encounters which made the combat become really tedious.

2nd game's combat clears this one but story is solid enough to push through. raidou GOATZUNOHA

Raidou 1 was a nice surprise; I didn't go in with high expectations, but I ended up enjoying it.

The game definitely shines in its story. I really liked the episodic format it was told in, with each new chapter having twists and turns that impeded Raidou's investigation. I really felt like a true detective at times, so the game nailed things in that department. Overall, an enjoyable detective story, with a memorable cast of characters and an unforgettable setting to go with it. Having a MegaTen game set in the 1930s is something I never knew I needed or wanted. Seeing how the turn of the 20th century was affecting the characters, was something you can't get anywhere else within these games. This game also continued the trend of Devil Summoner having both fun and foreboding villains, which is something I really appreciate. I think my favourite episode was 12, for all the little details it had and for how it wrapped up the conflicts that had been looming since the start of the game. I was also fond of 4 and 8-10.

Gameplay-wise, the game has its fair share of pros and cons. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it - the combat was dull throughout the game. I found it to be incredibly rudimentary and repetitive, with the game hardly encouraging you to experiment with new techniques and demons. I honestly felt like I was just mashing Square to win sometimes. The fusion mechanics were also not that great, it definitely feels better in the other games I've played. That being said, there were some things I liked. The dungeons were pretty nice and compact, which was a good change of pace from the more sprawling ones of Nocturne and DDS. The mechanic of being able to send your demons out on solo investigations and use them on the field was also neat, although I don't think the game innovated with this idea enough. All in all, I can't say it's that great gameplay-wise, but seeing Atlus try something new was pretty commendable. Hopefully the sequel refines some of the issues I had.

Raidou 1 does atmosphere pretty well. The soundtrack was a treat, favouring quality over quantity. All of the battle themes are still stuck in my head, as are the overworld themes. I also felt like the artstyle was a good evolution of Nocturne's, this era of Kaneko art feels truly realised compared to how it was from 1999-2002.

To summarise, the game had its problems - mostly with gameplay - but it was still more good than bad. I'm excited to see where Raidou's journey goes next, and to see how Atlus delivers more engaging and intense battles in the sequel. I would give Raidou 1 a 7/10. Not one of my favourite MegaTen games, but it definitely had a lot of soul (despite its name).

This game is fuckin tight. Someone else on this site described the gameplay as "shitty KINDA" which is roughly correct. Raidou 2 nails down the gameplay elements super well but this one still has a lot of value in its own right. Recommended.

I have tried this game from the start twice and bounced off of it both times. I really loved the atmosphere and characters, but the combat really put me off of the game. It feels like a mix of a poor imitation of early 3D Zelda combat mixed with an Atlus RPG, resulting in something that feels very stiff and repetitive. I might go back to it some day, but it's very hard to and I might just move on to Raidou 2.

this was Not a good game but i liked it anyway (kind of)

This review contains spoilers


Was playing this on my PlayStation and is not too bad. Might play more later.

Made it to the start of chapter 3. I’m gonna have to throw in the towel here. The combat, while interesting in concept, does not work in execution. ATLUS is better at developing turn based games and this game is clearly an example of that. Outside of the actual combat, demon fusion just sucks. Why do I have to max out a demon’s loyalty just to be able to murder it to make a better one? The story and music are about the only thing I can give praise to in this game.