Reviews from

in the past


“We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the art of words.”

-- Ursula K. Le Guin, Datalinks

Unbelievable how it's still unsurpassed to this day, it seems like every dev that has had the budget to imitate it hasn't been able to get it. Once in a century kinda stuff.

This is an utterly genius game.

The Top of the top of Sci fi games, a Timeless Masterpiece, that influenced my sci fi imagination like no other game

"Perhaps a careful review of your options is in order."

Alpha Centauri remixes the Civilization II formula with a sci-fi setting, with ideological factions in place of nations. In addition to more impressive visuals, the game features a substantially more involved set of gameplay features than its earthbound predecessor, too, with the addition of things like customizable units, more robust diplomatic interactions, and far more complex terraforming.

The game also does an outstanding job establishing its sci-fi story, not just in text form but with voice-acted quotes from the faction leaders as you progress your way through the game. The eerie vibe of Planet permeates the whole experience, as your fellow human factions begin to unravel (or perhaps add to) its threat to humanity.

If there's one fault to this game, it's that it's rather difficult - both because the opponents tend to play aggressively, even on easier difficulties, and because the added gameplay complexity sets a somewhat high bar to entry.

More than just a sci-fi rebranding of Civ, it really is its own unique flavor with more narrative focus (somewhat reminiscent of Dune and other old sci-fi stories), more focus on leader strategies and ideologies, and some well-done chunky, StarCraft-esque aesthetics and intriguing animated/FMV cutscenes

Among the most immersive games I've played. It's like stepping into and inhabiting a great sci-fi novel. The personalities and ideologies of the leaders are so distinct and well-realized. The music, sound effects, voices, writing, everything comes together brilliantly to wrap me in its world.

A 4X game with a compelling story. How?!