Reviews from

in the past

Gosto do modo de batalha desse jogo que utiliza um 3D com 2D, pra um jogo de GBA isso é bem incrivel.

>> Prós
• PERSONAGENS : Tem um elenco dos melhores personagens existentes da época ( faltando o Metal Sonic ).
• JOGABILIDADE : É bem legal e divertido de jogar pelos cenários do modo de batalha do game.

>> Contras
• ARENAS : Dava pra ter um pouco mais.

>> Perso Favorito = Shadow.

Talk about a wasted opportunity. A fighting game with Sonic characters is such easy money, but this ain't it.

First impressions were all over the place. The art is out-fucking-standing, this is SUCH a good look for the gang, but I swear I felt my ears bleeding a little bit with that Mode Select BGM. Whoever decided to use that guitar sample for multiple tracks in the game, you have a special place in hell set aside for you. The soundtrack as a whole is pretty weak, with a couple exceptions (Holy Summit is so good, no wonder they brought it back for Advance 3.)

The writing is cheeky and fun, and the story itself was entertaining enough but good lord the progression here is absolute dogshit. How do you like fighting the same character twice(or more!) in a row, with more rounds each time? How about selecting a random building just for shits and giggles since it's your first time playing, only to be assaulted by Emerl clones because you dared to explore a little bit?
The moment I realized I could win most battles by either spamming normal attacks or special R attacks, you bet your ass that turbo button was on and the frameskip was rolling. While the combat system is interesting on the surface, it's just not very satisfying. Even when customizing Emerl with new skills, every fight feels like a slapfest, with everyone waving those foam spaghetti things in the air.

Uh, what else... Oh, it looks really good. Sonic's GBA entries always had beautiful sprites, and Battle brought so many great animations to the whole cast. I also love the 3D environments, always cool to see that on the GBA, even though I wished it was a normal 2D fighting game instead.

That really just sums it up. I wish this was a regular ass 2D fighter on the PS2 or some shit. Instead, we have a weird arena fighter with some interesting ideas that ultimately aren't very satisfying. The story isn't good enough to warrant playing this all the way to completion, I feel. Cute character moments don't make up for all the "fight Gamma again for the millionth time" you have to sit through.

I honestly wish I could play this with friends because I'm sure it would be so fun in multiplayer! Singleplayer mode is fine but it's really only needed just so you can unlock characters and gain more moves for Emerl to learn. Emerl being a customizable fighter is so cool since you can have him learn other characters moves and create unique combos like Sonic 1, into shadow 2, and finish it with Knuckles 3. So much room for customization! I'd like to see another attempt at this sort of game one day.

This game probably changed Sonic sprite animations forever.

On one hand, it's a neat and fun experience that's there if you want something that's a major step up from your 80% of mobile games you see. On the other, fighting that red robot bastard in the story mode makes me want to

Honestly pretty underrated as far as Sonic games go. Many fights in the story are absurdly difficult unless cheesed but the combat is pretty alright given the limits of the GBA, plus I love pretty much everything about Emerl from his character to his moveset (I can't think of many fighters with this level of customization).

Weirdly fun. Writing was consistently okay, but some characters like Shadow and Amy are really entertaining to watch. Amy’s completely unhinged in this game and I love it. Combat is a bit simple, but quite fun. However, although there are ways to speed it up, improving Emerl is painfully slow, and the AI can get pretty frustrating sometimes. Still a rather underrated Sonic game that I do recommend to any Sonic fan who hasn’t played it.

Very cool art and story but my god is it boring to play

frame data aqui é importante

This game would've been much better if it was a console game with a joystick because playing on original hardware doesn't cut it.

Finally got a Sonic fighting game but I don't really like the arena style. Still dope.

7/10, Never have the voices sounded so good with such poor quality

Criminally underrated. The grinding can be a pain but I love almost everything about this game. The writing is probably the best the series has seen. ...besides its length, that could've been condensed a little.

This is a very fun, pretty polished hidden gem from this series! The combat mechanics are very simple, but they utilize a very interesting special moves system where each stock you can block one of the three types of moves. The 3D arenas are also really cool for a GBA game, especially if playing it on a handheld like a GBA or 3DS where it won't look too chunky.

The story is pretty good too, as it's basically just "Sonic and Co. literally raise a child together". You can imagine pretty well how that goes, although it tying back into SA2's story with Gerald Robotnik and Shadow was pretty cool. Really goes to show how much SEGA was committing to the continuity of this series back in the day.

The main appeal of this game is customizing the robot playable character that the characters raise, Emerl. He has a super cool ability where you can equip him with moves from other characters you get from fighting those characters, where the only issue is that they don't drop enough. From what I've seen, it's nearly impossible to get all of the cards in a reasonable time, which is my main critique of the game. After trying (in vain) for about 2 hours to get anywhere in the Virtual Training mode for new cards, I just gave up and cheated them in because I have better things to do.

Overall though, really fun time that gets a solid recommendation for me! Good length, good difficulty, genuinely just a really fun, although not perfect, game.

Sonic Battle is a game about raising a child to be their own independent being, and then having to brutally kill them while everyone mourns their passing

Great art style and slightly fun at times, but boring for the most part.

Tried playing it through the emulator when I was about 12 years old, couldn't beat the story mode due to some problems with the controls and the game constantly crashing on me for some reason, of course I couldn't figure out why at that time.
But still, even if most of it can be done by button mashing certain cheesy moves, the game is mostly pretty fun.
And dont get me started on the sprites, they are gorgeous. They were also used for the Sonic RPG flash games, which were a HUGE part of my childhood.

A unique handheld fighter that doesn't really have much going on besides the novelty and art style but can be decently fun on a little car trip

Başarısız olan bir dövüş temalı oyun daha, oynaması kirli bir donu tekrar giymek gibi hissettiriyor, yani bir türlü doğru hissettirmiyor. Hikayesi en ufak bir şekilde merak uyandırmıyor, oynarken sürekli sıkıntı çektiriyor.

Довольно специфичная игра про Соника в плане геймплея, сам по себе он неплох и играть не скучно, но всё одеяло на себя перекрывает хороший сюжет.

I have memories of playing this with my brother in hot summer days. 10/10 with bias, objectively though a decent 7/10.
Very surprising writing, and innovative gameplay. The only real flaw is the excessive padding the game's campaign has.

I started Unleashed as my next big lunge into this series but I found myself really wanting to play some smaller shit here and there, Ive been wanting to take a stab at larger games less and less if i already have so much media im consuming already on my plate
So naturally that's why youll see bursts of me messing around with things such as 007 GoldenEye tiger electronics or the Home Improvement Game or peeking at the Postal series
Or even swinging into something that has a gnarly hook thats totally off base from anything else i've been doing :)
It's the spice of life, babes.. spice of life

With that being said, Sonic Battle is something Fiercly different.. it's an arena fighter on the fucking Gameboy Advance and it plays like it in every way youd expect
You get some fun combos and fine enough looking stages, though only a couple of them were really stand-out as visually interesting to me with others just kind of devolving into "Gee I hope I get to play on one that Doesnt have annoying terrain blocking my depth of field all the time"

This gameplay is very unique but the tedium here is so harsh it makes me grit my teeth in agony..the execution of it all is effective enough in short bursts but when youre playing this shit back to back to back to back against CPUs you start to notice little.. cracks in it all..
the depth of field misses, getting juggled, the guessing game of how strong you are against your opponent because you can't see their HP bar.. all of this and more really wears on you.

And thats all just shit you find in the multiplayer
I played all of the story mode stuff almost in one sitting and let me tell you

DONT. DO. THAT.. DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

And ill explain Why

Sonic Battle's campaign presents itself as this sort of Sonic Adventure style story structuring at first glance
each character having a different perspective in the overall narrative with one consistent thread that ties them all together and unites all the perspectives in the final showdown of tearing some colossal threat's ass asunder(which rocks)

But the most baffling thing to me is that when you beat the first story you get booted out to the title screen for picking another one, and this is in a completely linear fashion too. You dont really get the whole "Oh i finished sonic now alll these are open" kind of feel, when the stories youre playing through are more conjoined like chapters of the overarching story than perspectives you can watch in any order
you can replay them as much as you want(not sure why you would)
but for the first time experience it's absolutely railed into the script

But.. it's a nice script im ngl
Apart from Amy's characterization of being flighty and nearly psychotically in love with sonic
( ermm, jodie you cant say that..,, god forbid women do ANYTHING jodie, what da heck.. loser. )
and yes u in the back youre right, i dont have a problem with Amy crushing on Sonic. I just think there's something cataclysmically ironic and funny about how Shadow has better characterization than her in this game

There is a moment in this game when Amy straight up hallucinates up a Sonic ghost to try to beat Rouge's ass
FOR SOME REASON and then hes gone and its like what just happened lmfaoooo
I love her though just pointing it out because the actual narrative of the game and interactions are kinda fun
I really like Emerl as a main character and how each character has something important to rub off on him with.

from sonic he gets that heroic kinda charisma and not giving up, tails that independency, knuckles the willpower to be tough for himself, rouge the quick thinking and kinda wound up makin him a bit zesty which was hilarious LMAO
amy reaffirmed his dedication to protecting but cream helped him have a reasoning for that protecting with genuine love and understanding
and that understanding is brought home with shadow's affirmations of existence and the pursuit of life

It's dope! It's aggravating being told it through a series of
"ok kill that guy 10 times maybe"
[dialogue inbetween]
"ok now kill that guy 10 More times.. maybe"
and then you do that and it just goes and goesss
The best thing about this game is by far the customization though and the sheer amount of characters you can play as is a double edged sword

On one hand, you have so many different kits to mess around with and apply to your Emerl build... on the Other Hand.. this game is too FUCKING L O N G!!!!!!!!!!!! oH MY G O D.
I enjoyed the narrative and the conclusion to it is actually really sad, one of the more bittersweet ones in the series actually that I don't think is talked about in how beautiful it is enough even though it's similar to SA2's ending in a handful of ways

final thoughts: this game can fucking SUCK a lot of the time, some fights got stupidly unfair for no reason at ALLLLLLLLLLLLL bleaugh. I almost wanna just give it 2/5 stars but I really do like a handful of things about it as a side game
the art is nice, the story is simple and sweet and i like how satisfying some of the ass kicking is for the characters
my favorites to play as were cream, rouge and shadow
im incredibly surprised this game is gamma's true final throes, its... confusing.. like why did they do him like that..
Oh well, atleast Omega is funny
Emerl fits right at home and exemplifies some of the best aspects about Shadow, Sonic and Gamma all rolled into one which is W E I R R RR RR RR D but hey it works for me, i like the little dude

I couldn't get into it that much

A very unique brawler game. Very simple as well.

Completed the whole story and it was compelling, sad that the robot dude never appeared on later games.

every day i wake up and think about playing sonic battle again. my friends have to avoid arguing with me over any aspect of the quality of this game because they know that if you told me to my face that you didn't like Sonic Battle (2003) for the Game Boy Advance i would tear your head off like a grape from the stem. so they have to be like "haha yeah that's so true sonic battle is one of the greatest works of art of our generation hahaha... can you untie us now and let us go!!" and the answer is no. the answer is you're going to sit here and talk about sonic battle with me until i say we're done

Thank you for this, Sonic Battle. I owe you my heart and a 5-star rating.