Reviews from

in the past

Endless fun with friends, especially with the large amount of glitches that can happen because this game is completely unstable.

Got this game through the awesome @duhnuhnuh giveaway. Check it out (they didn't ask me to plug them, I'm just doing it because I'm grateful).

Anyways, the game is a lot of fun. It can have server issues and bugs, those were certainly annoying. However, when the game works and you get a feel for the controls, it's so much fun. It reminds me of old computer flash games and stick fighting animation from the early 2000s. I'm glad I have this game now to continue that fun nostalgic feeling.

fun with friends but so are a lot of other games

You're a stick man, and you beat the crap out of other stick men. That's this game's schtick (Heh). And to be honest, it's all it needs. It has minimalist looks, has surprisingly tight platforming controls, but fighting is chaotic and unpredictable.

The simplicity helps it, but at the same time, the description above is ALL of this game. It's simply smashing buttons and shooting guns aimlessly until everyone else dies. There's no story or anything, but I've no idea of what story it could have in the first place.

Vanilla maps don't take long to start repeating, but map making mod support keeps this game alive. It's very basic but fun, get some friends and play this for a good game to play while chatting.

SCORE: 6.5/10

There's this game called "Street Fighter" and well, let's just say: simler.

This game should serve as every first date

"No os movais" - 3 seg despues - "JOPUTAAAAaaaa...."

i hate it i always get fucked (literally)

Party game, you know the drill

funny shit with the bois haha

Good, but gets old fast. Maybe playing it once in a blue moon could be fun, but only with friends.


The first match I played had a hacker in it; I got bored shortly after. It's probably fun with friends but it's just not my type of game. I can only imagine how repetitive it can get — actually no, I've experienced how repetitive it can get with an hour of playtime...

2017 - Ranked

It's like Duck Game (good) and Gang Beasts (mediocre) had a baby (unholy)

One notch removed from the most cynical Twitch-core party game slop imagineable, the whole stick figure thing barely being utilized to any effect that could at least harken back to their origins (no blood or gore whatsoever, no dismemberment); just extremely toothless.

I grew up with the very flash games this is trying to point towards, but they're (almost) all better games or at least with more personality than procedurally-generated gamer terms in the year 2017.
The controls are also weirdly awkward, you CAN just play this with only a dpad and 2 buttons but ideally you use both sticks and all actions on shoulders, since you can aim weapons with right stick.

But hey "it's only $2 tho" "you can join mid-game" "it requires zero thinking to play", it sure does.

Completely random, but the fun type. Good 30 mins of local co-op with friends, but once the stages loop there's nothing more to see. I don't even own this one but I've played the full game at least 3 times at a friend's because of how short it is. Kinda funny to see your friends who sweat Smash get pissed off when they can't win because of skill

i also kicked tricolor's ass in this lawl

Needs more maps, maybe a workshop would be cool

Very fun with friends

A bit of good fun but we were playing this with only the two of us and an inactive player (from my keyboard being connected I guess?) and in that setting its limiting simplicity becomes obvious pretty quickly. Still, this is the kind of goofy chaos local multiplayer is all about and I'll be keeping it in my back pocket for when I'm looking for something to do with a larger group.

Eu queria muito jogar com meus amigos quando eu tinha 12 anos no pc da minha vó que mal rodava

Comprei no meu pc uns anos depois e joguei com meus amigos, é real mt divertido

It's nothing too crazy but yeah, it's fun to play with friends every once in a while whenever they actually visit me.

nothing makes me rage more than this "party" game

fun game to play every once in a while with friends

One of the few games I've completed the achievements for, and in just 5 hours this game is so fun. If you need a game to pick up for a fun hour or two with friends this is it.

A good way to spend some time with friends, especially since you don't really need much skill to play it. However it can definitely get repetitive after a while. There are also some bugs (walls and floors glitch out on some people's screens).

Muito bom, vc não da nada pro jogo e quando se joga com amigos vc recebe tudo

legal de jogar com os de verdade