Reviews from

in the past

So weird and esoteric that it works.

foundational ipad kid experience

Feels more like a proof of concept/excuse to play around with the combat mechanics but ultimately lacking much depth. It'd be cool to see the concept developed further in a full-fledged experience.

Мне очень нравится артдизайн игры, который, по моему мнению, не коннектится с комедийным сценарием игры, из-за которого мне пришлось дропнуть игру.

"Do you wish to take a break?" Hmm, no...?

The style and music are great but otherwise, it didn't grab me.

I got no clue what this game is about whatsoever. The story is tell in a really wierd way and the "combat" feels like scentific-monkey testing. It has amazing visuals and ambience. Maybe it's just not for me.

I actually really liked the style, but after my first playthrough (?) I just stopped. I think there's a lot in this game, which is why I definitely want to try it out again.

This game has its own magic, non-standard riddles and a terribly bewitching atmosphere. The game is suitable for lovers of slow immersion, but also for those who want to find something new, I think that it can be considered a work of art.

В этой игре есть своя магия, нестандартные загадки и ужасно-завораживающая атмосфера. Игра подойдет для любителей медленного погружения но и так же, кто хочет найти что-то новое, считаю что ее можно относить арт произведение.

I dig the visuals and the sound. But the gameplay, story, and writing style do nothing for me. It sounds rough, but I think I would have preferred this as a screensaver.

Takes some elements of Loom to the next level