Reviews from

in the past

I finished it, but man did I want it to be over at a certain point. It's on me for finishing all of the nodes (except Node 100 for obvious reasons), but it just got repetitive and frustrating. I knew I was close to beating it so I just keep going, but when it reaches the end, you've seen all the levels, and you're on the last bit, it's just not worth it. Gameplay was fun, but I'm just tired at a certain extent.

Surprising to think I've enjoyed the prequel yet this somehow feels dull, stale and repetitive to continue playing, even though it brought new content around. Who knows, maybe I'll finish it one day.

Difference between this and the original reminds me of the difference between The Raid and The Raid 2. For all the more this gives, it loses something in the hard-hitting brevity of the first, but I wanted more Superhot and this sure did deliver that.

a little bit of bullshit smeared in and whatnot

A continuação de Super Hot implementa mecanicas novas, transformando o game quase que em um fps roguelike, com poderes aleatorios para se escolher e fases aleatorias a cada tentativa, apesar disso resultar em uma variedade maior do primeiro game, por causa da duração do game ele se torna enjoativo, me fazendo dropar o game, voltar e quase dropar novamente, so continuando por estar perto do fim, no mais, se curtiu super hot, jogue este jogo, mas talvez em pequenas doses para não ficar saturado, e tornar algo divertido em chatisse.

very sad ending. i wish it could have ended much more diffrently. but its just the way the game was made. very good.

I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I love the throwables. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.

This review contains spoilers

Took me a little while to finish because the last few levels were frustratingly difficult to me. That said it's more of the same great gimmick with a few additions that all seem to be improvements. Runs a little long, gets a little tough at points, and honestly the whole ending and then 2.5 hour wait time is very silly, but whatever. Still a lot of fun even though it lost a little of the charm of the original by running over and perhaps lost a little goodwill by the end.

I don't think Mind Control Delete is a bad game, but I do think that it lacks a lot of what made SUPERHOT a great game. The core gameplay of SUPERHOT was more puzzle based than anything else. It had quick resets for each level, so it was mostly about learning your sequence of actions and then being a badass. It was simple, but allowed for plenty of opportunity for experimentation and optimization. I think that Mind Control Delete brings a lot to the table, but its change in gameplay design is where it misses the mark.

The original SUPERHOT had a fairly curated base game, with each level having a set number of enemies. One level played out the same way every time in terms of enemy spawn points, spawn times, and weapons. Mind Control Delete is procedurally generated, and thus weapons and throwables are placed everywhere over the map, and enemies can spawn through random doors at any moment. I think that the constant variety is great early on, as it lets the player learn the layouts of many maps in rapid succession. But as time goes on, I find myself feeling more frustrated with this approach, as it only amplifies some of the problems with the original game.

The original SUPERHOT had some issues with field of view. Because the game emphasized using your movement precisely, it was really easy to get tunnel vision on what was in front of you and forget about enemies spawning in behind you. The remedy for this was that the level played out the same each time, so getting better at the game was all about memorizing the level, and when and where each enemy would spawn.

Mind Control Delete encounters this same issue, but it lacks an easy solution. Because the game is a roguelike, you constantly are thrust into levels at random locations and an assortment of enemies are spawned in at random. Because you can never truly know where an enemy might spawn, it is safer for you as a player to stay away from the center of the map and have all enemy entries in sight. This forces you to play in corridors or with your back against the wall, which takes away from the fun of out maneuvering your enemies. You still can play in the middle if you're willing to be constantly turning around, however this causes time to pass in-game meaning that you put yourself at higher risk just by turning your head. They have a prompt for if a melee enemy is behind you, but it's pretty inconsistent with when it triggers and it doesn't help when you're being shot at by someone behind you. It's not the end of the world, and as you get better at the game you learn how to be more equipped with enemies spawning behind you, but it's still frustrating when you die to an enemy that you weren't aware of or isn't telegraphed to you in anyway.

My other major issue with the game is the hacks, which serve as stackable abilities. I love a lot of the ideas that they bring to the table, and they definitely expand a lot on SUPERHOT's gameplay. Ricocheting bullets, exploding throwables, boomerang shurikens. It's all super dope. But I feel like they never really stack in a meaningful way. One of the greatest feelings when playing a game like Binding of Isaac, Risk of Rain 2, or Hades is when your abilities start to stack and feel godly. It doesn't happen all the time, and it takes a lucky run, but it provides an insane level of satisfaction. Mind Control Delete doesn't ever really give you the opportunity to let loose with your abilities.

There's absolutely pairs of abilities that would mesh well together, and it's nice when you get them to line up in one run, but most nodes are so short-lived and only have 3-4 hacks, so you never actually feel like you get to take a fun build far before its reset.

I also think that the game starts to lose its steam as you continue playing. They continue to up the challenge with longer nodes and harder enemies, but things just don't feel as purposeful as they do in the first game. I liked a lot of the optimization of levels in the first game, so it's definitely disappointing that the second game detracts from optimization and focuses more on quick action.

I can see what they were going for here, and it's not a bad game, but I think that the gameplay of SUPERHOT doesn't totally align with the randomness of rogue-likes. It's still fun for a little bit, but it gets repetitive, and the payoff for completing each node isn't really great overall. I think that if they were to take these levels, hack ideas, and new enemy types and put them into a more curated experience like the first SUPERHOT it would be a really great sequel. I can't fault them for wanting to take SUPERHOT somewhere new, I just wish that they had found a way to minimize some of the original games problems.

Me fizeram ficar 5 minutos esperando o jogo recuperar os arquivos

- Give Up -
Superhot es un juego que tiene una base sencilla de gameplay, muy raro en su forma de ser y con cierta dificultad.
Es muy bueno en lo que expresa, en especial con ese final.
Me encantó su final que no es nada complejo pero le da un cierto xD y profundidad.
Lo medio malo es lo poco que hay de armas y que fácilmente se te puede volver muy repetitivo, junto a sus mapas que siempre se repiten y son aburridos despues de un rato.


If you liked the first game, you'll likely enjoy this game. It feels a bit long after a while, but I'm ultimately glad I stuck through to the end. I think the first one is better, especially if you're new to these games, but this game does a good job at giving you MORE

It was a neat sequel but it didn't justify its existence.

When I initially played SuperHot a while back, I totally adored it.
The story, the gameplay, the presentation were all superb.

So when I found out there was a sequel that expands on the gameplay of the original, I was ecstatic.
But god help me this game loses all of the charm the original had and the sheer length of it only backfires on it, making it lose its novelty really quickly.

Mais superhot e melhor, com história melhor e mais bem contada. Bom demais

Esse aqui parece até droga de tão viciante, frustrante e gostoso que é, ele pega tudo do primeiro jogo e melhora MUITO com varias mecânicas roguelite, q aumentam o fator replay, o game tem uma duração boa até, 10hrs, mas as msc são bem genericas

I remember liking it slightly less, but still having a great time. Both the first and second game kind of meld into this array of red, white, and black, and I don't remember too much difference between the mechanics.

doesn't change enough to warrant its existence, also too hard imo

MELHORARAM O SUPERHOT (mas a história é pior)


Wow, SuperHot is back... freaking epic slow-mo game!!!

at some point i got sick of trying to min-max the slomo and just threw on a superhot vr playlist on spotify and let the mood guide me and that's when the game really really clicked with me and also somehow started feeling a lot easier. i don't know how that last part works, but it feels kind of incredible at that point

Passei raiva e gostei bastante desse jogo.