Reviews from

in the past

i love being able to play this on apple tv but the control sucks ass im sorry

Geht nur über dem Apple Arcade Gamepass Abo Service-Mist. Also 4,99€ im Monat. Das ist doof.
War aber für mich der Einstieg in das Franchise. Dafür war es wirklich gut. Gibt einem so ungefähr das Gefühl, worum es geht. Das mag ich. Ich empfand auch den Input trotz Touchscreen unglaublich präzise und dank kaum einer Ladezeit, spielt man gerne 20 Runden mehr als man eigentlich wollte. Drumrolls können hier aber nicht wirklich nachempfunden werden, was die Highscore-Jagd erschwert.
Spätestens sobald man ein anderes Spiel der Reihe anspielt, kommt einem das hier sehr unfertig und unüberlegt vor. Das ist schade. Und diese täglichen Missionen etc. wirken auch sehr erzwungen. Mobile-Ableger eben.

Taiko on mobile. Love it.

It's harder on mobile but I still fw it

2023 review after 16 updates that added a handful of songs. It's very basic, taiko drum tapping to music with nothing else, but there's more songs (currently 132) available to play than almost all the console & portable releases in this series. I have a whopping 25 marked as favorites.

I wouldn't recommend subscribing to Apple Arcade just for this (look into Donderful/Rhythm Festival on Switch instead), but give it a try if you're a member. There's a few songs you'll probably only play once, like Baby Shark and the Sesame Street theme. Don-chan costumes are unlocked randomly as you continue to play.

I use this game to that while I like the offerings this service has, it's still a monthly paid service. Also this is one of the few games that can be played with touch on this service

This game freakin rocks! Got me addicted to Taiko fr (and the arcade game, I've spent way too much money on that dang machine this month) The game sensitivity and UI are so much better than Rhythm Connect, and I like it more when I'm playing on horizontal. The only downside is that it's only available to apple arcade subscribers, which I'm not going to become after my free trial has ended. It's just too much to pay for just to play this game. It also could probably do with more songs.

It is what it is, not easy to play, but if you're absolutely itching to play taiko on the go it does the job. Sucks it requires a subscription to Apple Arcade...

It's not as fun as is in console and the lack of songs is underwhelming
(Although they have the Stone Ocean op)