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Im not a big fan of Telltale or this style of game, and Borderlands only barely works in this format - but Tales From The Borderlands is captivating for one real reason: it is meta-commentary. I have no clue if its on purpose but Rhys running around haunted by the literal ghost of Handsome Jack seems to curiously mirror how the series struggled to get out from under the shadow of Jack itself. Its a very poetic observation.

Its even more poetic considering that it doesnt seem like its worked out for Borderlands as a franchise quite as well as it did for Rhys. I also personally mourn the loss of mystique for Hyperion, made all too mortal and comprehensible by the events of Tales (made partially as a companion to the events of Pre-Sequel). Something of a bittersweet feeling emerges here: yes, Tales From The Borderlands is entertaining but its also…. not really Borderlands.

"Tales from the Borderlands" foi minha primeira incursão nos jogos da Telltale, e foi uma experiência marcante. Apesar de alguns pontos fracos na mecânica e nas consequências das ações, a história me envolveu completamente, apresentando personagens ricamente desenvolvidos com características e motivações únicas, tudo isso em uma narrativa repleta de humor ácido. Mas os elogios param por aí. Ao olhar para trás em 2024, percebo que o jogo equilibrou uma história excelente com uma mecânica de jogo e consequências de escolhas apenas medianas.

O jogo segue a estrutura típica da Telltale, com mecânicas simples, estilo de arte em cel shading, eventos de quick time e um foco quase exclusivo na narrativa. No entanto, em relação às decisões do jogador, há uma falta de impacto significativo no decorrer da história. Isso pode ser frustrante para aqueles que esperavam mais liberdade na forma como suas escolhas moldariam o rumo do enredo. A sensação é de que, em certo ponto, somos enganados pela promessa de uma narrativa interativa mais profunda.

O lançamento do jogo foi marcado por atrasos significativos na entrega dos episódios, o que gerou frustração entre os jogadores e pode ter contribuído para o declínio financeiro da produtora. Embora a Telltale tenha antecipado obter um sucesso similar ao de "The Walking Dead", isso não se concretizou, em parte devido a erros na escolha de projetos e à falta de inovação em sua fórmula de jogo, que começava a se tornar previsível e monótona.

Apesar de seus pontos fracos, ainda recomendo o jogo hoje em dia para aqueles que procuram uma história envolvente e cheia de humor ácido, sem se preocupar muito com uma jogabilidade avançada.

This game was fucking gold then, and its gold now.

Surely they wouldn't ruin their perfectly developed main character in the third game

У кого нет особо планов и вы хотите провести время дома в кампании друзей, но вам не хватает хорошего настроения- то эта вещь от студии #TelltaleGames скрасит ваш вечер!) Кто не знает, эти ребята выпустили серию игр по сериалу "Ходячие мертвецы", где вы будите плакать от принятых решений, так же у них есть серия по "Игре престолов", где вы почувствуете всю боль и унижение, причем зря))) и великолепный "Волк среди нас"- не оставит вас равнодушным к играм этой серии, ну и наконец просто самая шикарная игра которую они сделали в сотрудничестве с #GearboxSoftware, которые в свою очередь выпустили игру "Borderlands" именно в этом мире и будет развиваться сюжет самой игры! Вас ждут самые смешные и необыкновенные приключения! Советую! Именно совместно с ГирБоксами и их фирменным юмором вы не сможете устоять, обещаю вам!))) Короче, кто не знаком, знакомьтесь! Спасибо всем людям кто дела эту игру и ребятам, кто перевел на родной язык! Ура!)


I am getting somewhat tired of the "goofball male lead and the morally questionable but always right no matter what she does female lead" duo that makes this adventure really uninteresting after some hours.

Rhys is lovely on his own, and his story has everything to make it interesting, but Fiona's part gets surprisingly ham-fisted into it after the first episode, and their dynamic just falls apart after some choices. What I mean by that is that seemingly every time you do something as Rhys, you get punished for it. You are being called a jerk, a loser, and the list goes on. Why did this guy even bother with caring for any one of these characters? No matter if you are honest, selfish or friendly, everyone will screw you over. You cannot even say that this is part of the Borderlands world, because it is not.

And the story? It goes nuts. I get it, it is a Borderlands story, but Borderlands does not masks itself as a simpler story, that goes totally nuts at the end. They are always about a grand adventure, a hunt for loot and saving the world. This game started out as a more personal story and it got ruined by the fact that it is all about the vault hunters and a certain character that became the Joker of this franchise.

Also, did I just mention how insuffurable Fiona was for me? Every other character had heart and motivation. Her being a rude blank space without any kind of development really made me angry when all your choices were either to manipulate, kill off other characters without any consequences or just straight up bully Rhys. Her sister was way better, and I would have actually loved this game if she would have been the other protagonist.

Лучший сюжет во франшизе
Лучший юмор во франшизе
Лучшая драма во франшизе
Лучший злодей во франшизе
Лучшие главные персонажи во франшизе
Лучший второстепенные персонажи во франшизе
Итог: лучшая игра во франшизе.
Я так сильно ни над одной игрой не смеялся, юмор здесь великолепный, сюжет выносит все части Borderlands вместе взятые, но больше всего мне понравились темы которые раскрывает игра, особенно тема дружба, как по мне это лучшая игра (из тех что я играл) которая смогла её так хорошо раскрыть. Кучу эмоций я получил. Возможно объективно игра и не шедевр, но для меня она определённо останется в сердечке. Лучшая игра Telltale!

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Third playthrough for this game (after playing when it first came out and a couple of years ago), and man I miss this game!! It's so fun to replay without remembering a few points of the plot, I honestly forgot LB comes back and Sasha lives!

Fiona and Rhys will forever be my comfort characters, such a shame there's barely any return for Fiona since Borderlands 3 features Rhys. (Still haven't played, but I'll get to it!)

I remember playing this not knowing a thing about Borderlands, thank god I played the first one and starting Borderlands 2 before replaying this one! I can't wait to continue the Borderlands series.

And It's great to rewatch Rhys fanboy over Zer0 when fighting the Vault Monster.

And, of course, Catch-A-Ride!!!

I will never feel the way I felt when that moonshot hit the rakk hive and the music hit like that, when scientists dissect my brain they're gonna find a imprint of that scene on my hippocampus.

Could be the best use of Retrograde by James Blake ever.

As my first piece of Borderlands content that I consumed, this is genuinely some of the best storytelling and humour to come out of telltale.

Mix of good writing and cool characters (Gortys and Loader Bot are so wholesome) with Borderland's charm and humour, One of the best Telltale games but not without it's faults. Some poorly written character arcs and choices not mattering as much it should in a game in which most of the gameplay is choice based but then again it's telltale so I didn't expect much.

Also the game would have benefited a lot more from good puzzles instead of sections of just slowly walking around, mashing Q and quicktime events all of which gets boring eventually.

This is probably my favorite Telltale game besides Wolf Among Us. It's story is so well written, the characters flawed but lovable and interesting, and just how it gives a lot of heart to the Borderlands world makes it such a great addition.

Easily the second best installment in the franchise

Telltale has finally proven to me that they have good humor and can combine it with a serious story. I really enjoyed the game, the characters and dialogue are top-notch and I had to laugh out loud a lot.

My favourite Telltale game behind The Wolf Among Us, and probably objectively better than it. Also absolutely concur with everyone who says this is the best Borderlands game, because by far and away it is.

I have my issues with Episode 5, but they're entirely personal and subjective ones. This game is genuinely funny, full of personality and with a plot that kept me engaged and invested in its characters and outcomes. Rhys is one of my favourite protagonists of all time, and I genuinely love how different he can be as a person depending on your choices (although, and this is one of my aforementioned issues with Ep5, he does end up railroaded into A Good Guy Accepted Into Found Family in the end no matter what because it's clearly the path they Wanted you to go down with him, which sucks, but it is what it is). Generally in Telltale games you have a protagonist who's a set kind of person and you can only lean them a little in other directions (for instance, Lee from The Walking Dead could be angry with people but he was always fundamentally a decent guy who cared about protecting Clementine), whereas here, with Bigby from TWAU as the only other instance that comes to mind, Rhys can genuinely be a sweet, well-meaning dork or an ambitious, backstabbing asshole.

I wholeheartedly encourage people to try the Trust Jack path - I genuinely think that it's more interesting, engaging, and funny than the Trust Fiona/hostile to Jack alternative, and opens up more interesting choices.

I played this before I ever played the main-line Borderlands games, and didn't go into it with a lot of knowledge about series lore. I think it did pretty well keeping things clear and giving me the necessary context, and I didn't struggle to follow along at all, so you can definitely get into this without playing the FPS games first if they're not your kind of thing. The only thing you'll really miss out on are full appreciation of some character cameos and in-jokes.

Ultimately, this is Telltale at their absolute peak, and it's genuinely sad that more people haven't played this and given it a chance.

Favourite Male Character: Rhys
Favourite Female Character: Yvette
First Character I Liked: Handsome Jack
Favourite Character Design: Present day Rhys (the black and gold outfit! The hair! The gold eyes!)
Favourite Soundtrack: To the Top
Least Favourite Character: None

Tales From the Borderlands tells a funny and compelling story, populated with interesting characters. The enjoyment of this game is entirely determined by how much the player enjoys the banter between the characters and the humor, and I was definitely vibing with it even though I have no attachment to the Borderlands universe.

The pacing felt inconsistent, sometimes quick time events come out of nowhere, but my main gripe with the game is that it didn’t seem that there were long terms consequences for my actions apart from which characters I would have available in one section towards the end of the last chapter. The game remains a pleasant experience, and by the end I really cared about every single character.

The last good Borderlands, in my opinion. It's full of charm, deep characters with their own personalities, doubts, dreams and nightmares. You really feel like you always get to know everything you need to know about everyone you meet.
They're charming, the soundtrack is catchy, jokes usually land, and you really want to name your first-born child Loader Bot, for some reason.

Not only is it easily still the best Borderlands game, it’s also one of Telltale’s best. Incredible writing, fun characters, fantastic absolutely excels at everything a story based game should excel at. I genuinely really miss this Telltale.

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i like the part where jack and rhys kiss

Great game with a great story in an already-established great universe. The episode intros were my favorite parts, especially Episode 2 with "Kiss the Sky" by Shawn Lee's Ping Pong Orchestra feat. Nino Mochella and Episode 4 with "To The Top" by Twin Shadow. The emotional beats definitely worked for me, giving me goosebumps, making me cry, or sometimes both.

might be the most underrated game of all time, Rhys x Sasha 4 life

Eu tenho todas as músicas nas minhas favoritas do Spotify e esse aqui como um dos favoritos da vida.

actually not bad, only complaint i have with it is the ending fight was honestly kinda meh.

liked this game and the characters but i felt like it fell off in episode 5

Bizarrely good! Randy pitchfork could never

Easily the best modern Telltale game. Never gets old. Has far better humour than the mainline BL series (perhaps minus 2). That should tell enough.

no joke, the best Borderlands game hands down