Reviews from

in the past

The game is very, very ugly, and very low-budget. However, it has great character designs, music, and gameplay. Unfortunately, though, pretty much every good thing it does is surpassed by its successor. So, unless you really like certain new or returning characters not in XV, there is very little reason to return to this game.

Years ago, when I went to get my physical version of this game the store just gave me a steelbook copy instead of a standard one.
Idk if it's because of that anecdote or maybe it's because I'm latino and it's in my blood to like every KOF, but I have a soft spot for this game.

This kof is not in the conversation of the best ones in the franchise, but I think it's... pretty good.
Yes, I know the graphics are um... not the best.
Yes, I know the character designs are... also not the best (look at Terry...)
Yes, it doesn't have the style of 13 or 2002um (or the early KOFs)
Yes, gameplaywise it's not 98um, 2002um or 13.
And yes, KOF 15 existing makes most people question why would you want to go back to 14.

14 takes from 98um, 2002um and 13, while adding some small changes to the kof formula (like the wall splat). At a glance it's like a simplified and less execution demanding kof 13.

15 is definitely the more refined version (like ultimate to sm4sh) and also way better looking, but for some reason I feel there's some charm to what could be considered a "transition game". Testing the waters of what a 3d (or 2.5d) KOF could be, trying out new character design ideas and even checking if it's worth continuing to make new KOF fighting games.

The roster of new characters is fkn weird. It includes shitty new protagonist Shunei, that for some reason is in the next game, and his friend sleepy boy who is the worst character in the franchise (worse than Bao and the Kyo clones). There's also team south america (more like team Brazil lmao) which includes a Brazilian ninja, a boxer with a cyber arm and a girl with a toucan. None of them came back in the next game. Then there's 3 pachinko characters and wtf is Xanadu????
There were some great new additions though, like King of Dinasours, Mian, Najd, Antonov... and adding someone from samsho is such a good idea. It feels like the philosophy when considering new challengers was that of quantity over quality, so it's understandable that some of them were duds. I mean it introduces 22 fighters to kof and of those 16 were all-new designs debuting in this game.
It's unlikely that most of the duds return in future kofs and I'm pretty sure that Love heart and Mui Mui can't come back ever. I think that alone can be a reason to come back to this game, just like Hwa Jai in 13 or the sports team in 98.

Apart from the weird designs and characters, and the bad graphics, there's not much wrong with this game. The gameplay is good (the less demanding execution is good for a KOF casual like me) and it maintains 60fps. The presentation is pretty bland but the ost is great as always. The online is trash, and it died extremely quickly but you can probably coordinate with other players online, just like I have been doing when I get the itch to go back.
If you liked 15 you'll probably like 14. I can understand the bad reactions at the time, since this had to follow 13, a gorgeous game, but give it a chance if you can.

This game needed some help, it got the help to revive SNK era but my GOD. Revisiting this game now that XV is out makes XIV unfortunate.

eu tenho alguns problemas com esse jogo...
A gameplay é sólida, a OST é interessante e o moveset dos personagens tá bacana, mas isso não apaga dois grandes defeitos: os gráficos e os personagens estreantes
Os gráficos são antiquados, parece genuinamente um jogo de 2008, e não de 2016, a qualidade das texturas é baixa, os modelos são feios... sendo eufemista, não é um jogo bonito.
e os newcomers são 8 ou 80, ou foram personagens bem interessantes, como o Bandeiras e o Kukri, mas alguns foram erros objetivos, como o lendário King of Dinosaurs, a Sylvie Paula Paula e o Xanadu.
Alguns acertos refrescantes, mas diversos erros fortes que impedem a nota desse jogo de ser algo maior que 6.

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Pretty nice roster ngl. Ost is solid like usual. The plot is a little weird and XV doesn't help clear that up for us. The only thing holding it back is the visuals, and how they made Kyo look cursed.

i was really bad at this game, but it was fun and the characters all look so interesting. maybe someday i'll understand it.

ugly as sin but the gameplay is fun

os personagens estreantes e o grafico desse jogo e oque mata ele, se eu reclamei no kof XV de ser puro fan service aqui e a prova do pq so jogaram seguro pois quando tentam algo so traz boneco bosta.

Joguei 120h dele, foi o "primeiro" KOF que eu me esforcei pra valer pra entender as mecânicas e zerar, já que eram bem diferentes do que eu era habituada, e sendo bem sincera ele me divertiu muito, acho que o único ponto negativo é a história em sí, mas é até entendível porque ele foi a transição da SNK para jogos 3D e da falência kkkkk

Comparando ele com o KOFXIII ou o KOFXV, dá pra perceber que ele não tem a melhor qualidade visual nem melhor jogabilidade, mas simplesmente pelo fator da diversão ele merece uma nota boa

I honestly think that the world wasn't ready for this game. And SNK failed to realize this. Lot of new, quickly forgotten characters being added. Visual aesthetic now turned into 3D, new antagonist that lacked any intrigue or personality. It was a tough sell for the old KOF fans. But regardless of those issues and the horrid visual aesthetic of the game, it was fun. It's a good fighting game experience despite all of this. I'm still waiting for Nelson to be added to King of Fighters XV!

I don't like this game, the character designs are quite ugly, its graphics for 2016 look quite mediocre, and its gameplay is the same as always, it's good, but it doesn't add anything new.

fantastic roster and music, but presentation is a little stiff and maxmode is annoying more times than fun

everytihng is good except the visuals

Graphics aside this is a fantastic entry. It has a ton of newcomers that are all great.