Reviews from

in the past


"Bum-Bo Got Coin!" is the Isaac equivalent to "Don't Trust Them New _________ Over There" from The Boondocks.

The Legend of Bum-bo is a fucking WEIRD game. It’s the prequel to The Binding of Isaac, but I never fully played it, and I couldn’t say I would recommend it, but I kind of liked it at the same time? It’s complicated. This one’s gonna be pretty “”quick”” because of that, so buckle up. This is my pretty brief review for The Legend of Bumbo.

Okay, so Bumbo is some guy with Mii Hands, who gets his shit stolen. And then he descends into the depths below, only to fight all of the monsters in his path. There’s not much to overarching story itself; Bum-bo kind of just goes through the motions, and upon clearing a new floor, the run ends, the next character is unlocked, and you get another new floor. It’s pretty straightforward, but The Legend of Bum-bo adds some important pieces to the story of The Legend of Bum-bo. In the 5th ending of the game, the ending is suddenly interrupted by Isaac’s mother, storming in and taking the cardboard set from Isaac. It’s revealed that The Legend of Bum-bo was made by Isaac’s father, and the Mom threw it out. It’s such a well done scene, with the voice acting and music really selling the fear that Isaac goes through. And, in the end, the cutscene points to The Binding of Isaac’s title screen. A great way to segway into the game. But, if you 100% the game, and get 10 Jackpot endings, which are endings you get at random, Bum-bo creates an underground society where he is king. Bum-bo goes on all kinds of adventures, with monsters to fight. And then, the game pans out once again to reveal that Isaac’s dad is the narrator of the game. He made The Legend of Bum-bo as a way to escape from the real world for Isaac. The Dad taught Isaac the power of his imagination, in order to make this world a reality for him. But, this very action would cause Isaac’s downfall, no matter how good it seems. Is that a good storyline, or what? I absolutely love it when Edmund reveals new elements into the storyline. It makes the story feel so open, and interpretation heavy. I’ve already explained why Isaac has a phenomenal story, so if you’d like a full explanation of why I think it’s amazing, check out the Rebirth review.

But on the game itself, does it stand up on its own? It’s a match-4 puzzle game, where each tile does something different. Activated items are the main focus of the gameplay, and they alter the board or damage enemies. Bum-bo has 3 HP, and if he dies, it’s Game Over, back to the start. Each enemy is on a grid based system, but at times battles can get pretty overwhelming. The game is simple dumb fun, but I wish there was a little more variety to each individual run, like The Binding of Isaac. Bum-bo gets a little more stale than Isaac and FAST. Sure, each individual character adds some variety, but in the end, you’re doing the same thing ad nauseam. Match, use item, repeat. What if there were passive items that added all new tiles, or items that expanded the board? Or perhaps allow the player to pick up different weapons to spice up their attacks? I feel like there’s a lot of missed potential with Bum-bo’s kit here. Oh, and the boss fights... Yeah, not the greatest to say the least. They’re just too tanky for my liking. Each boss just has too many enemies, and making one mistake too easily leads to a dead run, in my opinion. But after that, the game just kind of goes on...? It doesn’t really change up the formula much. And while it was fun for a few hours, it did get pretty stale, so I just ended up dropping the game. One thing I can praise The Legend of Bum-bo on is its PHENOMENAL presentation. Everything in the cardboard world is so animated and colorful, and the soundtrack is pretty solid to boot. A good effort all around, but the game kind of falls short for me otherwise.

The Legend of Bum-bo is fucking WEIRD. I don’t think it’s really a bad game, but it’s not all that great either. A solid effort, but not all that fun, unfortunately. It has good production values, and amazing music, but I couldn’t bring myself to finish it. Consider it on a sale, and not much else.

"I want coin" I say / In reality I lay / in grim thoughts all day” - “Bumbo” by zeusdeegoose, Written on 4/22/24

After years there are a lot of technical issues and bugs. It's a shame because the game is really funny!
I need to do the three Bum-Bo The Lost achievements (which were introduced with an update) and the 7 curse tiles and 7 heart tiles achievements for 100% completion!

Hmm, mixed feelings about this. I'm a big ol' Binding of Isaac fanboy so I figured I'd have to play this at some point. I was very nervous of its Bejeweled/Candy Crush-style central puzzle mechanic, but it is honestly a lot better than I was expecting from first impressions... but that doesn't necessarily mean I liked it.

The set dressing is pretty damn good; stylish and nicely themed in an unexplored part of the Isaac canon (it definitely helps to have the context going in to this one, otherwise its just going to come across as kooky and weird). The music is pretty solid throughout, better than Isaac: Rebirth even I'd say; the music is by the same people for both Bum-Bo and Rebirth, and the little musical references to the main game in the Bum-Bo soundtrack were nice touches. I was also a big fan of the voice acting; again, you definitely need the context for it, but I really think it nails for what its going for. And the ending cutscene (which I won't spoil) is great.

To some extent, the gameplay is also /substantially/ better than it could have been. At the start of the game, yes, you are just solving these Bejeweled-type puzzles to fire off 1-damage attacks at enemies, and it all feels pretty mobile-gamey and reductive. But before long, you can end up with a bunch of different spells (moves independent of the puzzle grid) that chain off each other to do brutal combos and it feels really good. The spells mechanic really do save the gameplay here; without it I would be giving this a /much/ worse review. But I cannot deny that, at its best, this game is really pretty fun.

But at its worst, it isn't. Sure, it's hard; so are the original Isaac games. But Bum-Bo comes off as brutally unfair at times. If you start a level with a bad puzzle grid, you're screwed and there's nothing you can do. If a bunch of enemies all decide to attack on the same turn and you don't happen to have a load of defence poop lined up to deploy, you're screwed and there's nothing you can do. If you build a gross combo character that relies on spell chaining (a.k.a. the fun half of the mechanics) and hit a room of spell-immune enemies, you're screwed and... you know the rest. Add to this a suite of gimmick and puzzle bosses that will probably just kill you before you work out the esoteric condition required to harm them, or at least deal so much damage that your run is dead.

I had a couple of glitches too in the form of achievements not popping and unlocks not working correctly (annoying but not exactly deal-breakers), but the final straw for me was finding out about the 'Jackpot Ending' system. When you beat the final level on a run with a character, you put a coin into a slot machine. This machine has a chance of 'winning': a high chance at first, decreasing with each win you've had on that save. If you win, you win! The character gets the 'run complete' mark by their name, you get the unlocks for 'Get the Jackpot Ending X times' (/many/ things in the game have that unlock condition) and everything's great. And if you don't win the slot machine... that doesn't happen. Even if the odds line up for you throughout the run, you beat every room and make it to the ending, the game has a chance to just nullify your progress based on a single RNG call. What the fuck. It feels like the game is going out of its way to /try/ to feel unfair at this point.

If I'm going to play a game where most of my runs are going to end in failure, I want that failure to be on my terms, because I made a mistake or I wasn't good enough. Ideally I would also like said game to have fewer Candy Crush elements. Perhaps I should just go back to playing the original Binding of Isaac...

A ver, es una de las peores ideas del mundo, muy bien pensada, hecha como el culo.
Esto pone mi ordenador a 1000 grados y hace que se me ralentice por completo JUGANDO EN BAJO, el juego está lleno de bugs horribles y tiene decisiones de diseño horribles como que, DESPUÉS DE GANAR UNA RUN, el juego tira una tragaperras para decidir si has perdido o no el tiempo. Yo creo que merece la pena probarlo porque el gameplay es muy satisfactorio y tiene un diseño sorprendente, pero el juego se cae a cachos por completo yo no entiendo cómo es que esto se vende siquiera.

It's aight. Runs are a little bit too long for my liking, but it's still kinda fun.

I loved it, mostly completed it specifically because of the Binding of Isaac aesthetic, but I had fun for a good portion of the time

A match-4 roguelike. It's a fun game to play with cute art and an original gameplay. My problem with roguelikes is that they end up being too repetitive, this one is not an exception. I was missing something more maybe, not just fight after fight.

bumbo is the greatest thing to ever be conceived

I 100%ed this one. Don't play it

It's fine. I like how well it turns a matching row game into a turn-based roguelike but it struggled to keep my attention. The art style is really clever though

It's alright, I'm just not a big fan of strategic rogue-likes. I always feel I'm not playing optimally, but when I lose I sometimes also feel like there was nothing I could have done. It has cool artstyle though.

I actually had a lot of fun playing it. I feel like there's not enough content as in enemies/bosses, but characters, powers and all that? They nailed it.

Das System ist ziemlich elegant, da das vervollständigen einer Linie aus den gleichen Elementen einem neben dem Einsatz des Objekts auch Mana gibt, welches man für weitere Aktionen verwenden kann. Dadurch entsteht eine ganz nette Entscheidung daraus, welche Elemente man priorisieren soll, da man manchmal das Mana des einen aber auch den Effekt des anderen Elements braucht.
Zu Beginn ist der Schwierigkeitsgrad ziemlich angenehm, später zieht der Schwierigkeitsgrad aber stark an, was etwas anstrengend sein kann, da ich persönlich nicht das Interesse habe das Brett ewig anzustarren um die perfekte Kombination zu finden. Zudem tuen manche Gegner einen später auch stark Einschränken, was sehr frustrierend sein kann.
Musik und Stil sind sehr schön.

Fun enough. It worth to play a couple runs and try to beat the final boss one or two times. But that kinda is.

Even though the characters are pretty well design and feel unique to play you don't really have a reason to revisit them, also most boss fights I found to be really easy and trivial, "normal" rooms would usually be harder. Cool to play when you want to kill time with a 40 minute run.