Reviews from

in the past

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the only thing i didnt like about this game is that it is too short

Why? Truthfully don't think anyone asked where Michonne was during the whole New Beginnings arc in the comics.

It was alright but truthfully a forgettable experience that had nothing to do with the telltale series.

I guess this was them trying to tell the fans that Telltale TWD's will have connections to the comics but truthfully never gets mentioned really in the comics...

This game doesn't even get remastered for the switch due to how useless this game was that should tell you something..

Y a que la fin qui vaut le coup

Samostatně stojící uzavřený „interaktivní celovečerák“ jako alternativa k na několik sezón naplánovaným „interaktivním seriálům“, to je na papíře přesně to, co by mohlo vlít novou krev do žil poněkud vyvanulého Telltale přístupu.

Mohlo by se to díky jasně danému prostoru vyvarovat onomu pocitu „odnikud nikam“, který provází jejich sáhodlouhé opusy. Mohlo by se to soustředit na komorní sevřený příběh. Díky mnohem menšímu rozsahu by se to zároveň mohlo vyvarovat hluchých pasáží či na místě přešlapujícím zbytečným epizodám, které jsou morem posledních „velkých“ počinů tohoto studia. A v neposlední řadě si to díky sevřenosti v podobě jasného začátku a konce (a malému rozsahu) vyloženě říká o skutečné možnosti, co se rozhodnutí a větvení týče, protože není třeba řešit konzistenci po několik dalších let. Mohlo by, ale nic z toho neplatí.

Michonne není ničím více (a ničím méně) než celkem obstojnou novelou ze světa videoherních Živých mrtvých, která se i navzdory krátkému rozsahu místy dost táhne (i opakuje; nejen operace je scéna jak ze dvojky), ovšem umí jednou za čas nabídnout působivou vypjatou intenzivní pasáž (ať již v podobě quicktime gore festů či ambivalentní disputace o morálce se zdaleka nejrozumnější postavou celé hry, která je paradoxně na opačné straně barikády) čili ji nelze považovat za úplnou ztrátu času. Ostatně ono toho času mnoho neztratíte tak jako tak; cca 200 minut.

I'm pretty sure that this will be the last time I ever touch this game. It's a 3-hour slog that fails to justify its purpose in any significant way whatsoever. It's a dull trial that forces players through what is easily the most inconceivably boring story of any Telltale game, and it only gets worse with every replay. I feel bad saying it, but it's just a worthless experience that does nothing to flesh out Michonne's character in any meaningful way. Skip this one in its entirety.

Excelente jogo, a telltale se aproveitou de um arco da michonne pra construir seu próprio jogo respeitando o canon

Nice Telltale animated story game. Played only the first episode.

Needs more flashbacks every second.

Cortino, ma non male. L'attrice di Michonne in RL ha delle chiappe di un certo livello.

It does nothing for the character you know she lives..

The story is really interesting, but also too short. It should have been a longer series. It suffers from a few other problems, but despite everything, it's still a decent game.

Esse jogo é só pra quem leu as HQs, como não li fiquei perdido.

It was fine. Liked that it was short.

I liked Michonne alot so it was pretty cool to see, just unexpected

This was the last piece of Walking Dead content I played of the Telltale Games iteration. I remember enjoying it but it has kind of been lost to memory at this point. The first and second seasons stand at the forefront, while the DLCs take a bit of a backseat. I still need to play the other seasons.

J’ai apprécié le gameplay nan c’est du lourd par contre faudrait peut-être terminer les épisodes parce que partir sur un point culminant c’est non.

Vive Michonne

Wasn’t a fan of this one, was a nice change but different to the other ones. Michonne is good protagonist to play as. Story was good but not as interesting as the previous seasons imo.

Yes they for some how made something worse than the waling dead a new frontier.
I love michonne has to be one of my favourite characters from the walking dead TV show obviously but only 3 episodes ain't enough this game deserved more episodes.

Vraiment sympa, pas long du tout c'est vraiment cool a jouer les QTE sont stylé et j'aime bien massacrer du zombie comme ça bref super sympa mais surement pas a la hauteur des autres TWD

Um jogo mais curto que os outros The Walking Dead. Mas eu gostei desse, ele não tem muita enrolação, a história é interessante e o final é satisfatório. Terminei ele bem rapidinho e isso já me deu todas as conquistas. De qualquer forma, não sentiria vontade de jogar de novo, mas é o único dos The Walking Dead da telltale que eu recomendaria a alguém.

This lady making me feel like I can actually see through time in real life with how many flashbacks I’m getting hit with.

A very uninteresting and forgettable adventure for one of the best walking dead characters ever I barely remember a single thing about this game I think its just bad genuinely just mid.

Çocuklar o kadar çok oyunu böldü ki katanayla kafalarını koparmak istedim. Bide daha ep1 de düşmanları öldürme fırsatları varken daha seçenek bile sunmadılar telltale bazen bu konuda batırıyor cidden

para ser tan corto es super aburrido -_- michonne nunca dio tanto el coñazo con sus hijas!!!! además la decisión final es re ESTÚPIDA