Reviews from

in the past

Charming, fun, and doesn't take itself too seriously-- An easy recommendation, especially if you're looking for something to lift your spirits.

TROMBONES IN THE SKYYY (my spouse recently got a swedish massage and they had trombones in the sky stuck in their head for the full hour)

we got this for thw switch and I like having an excuse to use motion controls since I have a soft spot for them and its kind of the perfect game to bust out when people are over or if I'm going to someones house.

Way more baboons than I was expecting, in fact I wasn't expecting any. You can align yourself with them. or not

You get toots from your score and you can use toots to by trombone trading cards in the store. You can also exchange your card doubles for turds or sell the turds or extras to a demon. You can also get a blue eyes white babbon and a red eyes black baboon.

I wish I had it on pc beacuse of community mods and songs but we got it on the switch.If you want to do a tool assisted run of a song I found out theres a mod called AutoToot for that. I haven't used it or anything but I love the name

fofo & original, um amor esse trombone champ!

The trombone fanbase is dying. Repost if you are a true tromboner.

Its inviting premise and simple, goofy charms give way to a playfully perplexing "campaign" for those who stick around once the laughter has died down. Also, it's just an excellent digital toy.

Genuinely fantastic subversion of expectations, fully expected this to just be a mediocre new rhythm game.

o jogo consegue ter algo a mais além de ser uma bobajada de tuiter, divertido tentar o 100% e sempre legal voltar pra ver as musicas novas, só deveria ser mais pa pum pra adicionar musica custom

mesmo gostando de jogos de ritmo esse jogo não me pegou, tem essa ideia engraçada pra chamar a atenção, mas a gameplay é bem sem graça

Tontísimo, divertido, hay babuinos y una historia chulísima. Nada más que decir

Hilarious, well-executed concept. Had a lot of fun with it!

It's an interesting, and quite interesting absurdist comedy if you ask me, and I find the Rhythm game aspect quite interesting in a way that's approachable for beginners, and those who love Rhythm games, might have to buy the soundtrack.

TROMBONE and the way a note is played no matter what is quite interesting.

"Trombone in the sky!"

I never finished it but what I did play was really fucking funny and amusing. It has a really nice sense of humor about itself, and it knows that it can only keep that humor up for so long which is why the game just doesn't feel like a super long game. Very entertaining, a cool take on the rhythm and music game genre, and one that I'll probably finish at some point!
And remember, baboons!

This game is literally Dark Souls.

Great for a laugh with friends. Not much else here, though.

A great laugh if you have played rhythm games in the past.

Fun but man is it damn difficult.

This game is unironically great. Like it isn't just a stupid comedy game, but also a great rhythm game. It is genuinely a fun time trying to toot in rhythm and pitch to the music, even if it can feel impossible at times. Heck it feeling impossible just adds to the comedy of the game, which I must say is quite great. Like they almost certainly could've used a trombone sound that sounded ya know... good, but instead they decided on this awful sound, which just makes the songs sound so incredibly stupid it's incredible. All the weird baboon/hot dog shit is just the cherry on top.

I do have some complaints with the switch version though. First off, it did freeze on my a few times when I earned some the rewards (like the trombone colors). Also I only saw one joke on the loading screen throughout the entire game. Neither is a big deal, but are certainly annoyances. What is kind of a big problem is that the tilt controls constantly drifted to the point where I essentially pointing the switch screen at the ground or 180 degrees away from my face. I often had to pause to recalibrate 2 or 3 times during some of the songs. Outside of calibration the motion controls worked really good actually, but constantly having to recalibrate definitely sucked. Honestly may have given this game a 5/5 if it weren't that one control issue, as I do think this game achieves exactly what it is going for. So probably play the PC version, if that is available for you.

a good rhythm game with a great story and sountrack

this game's pretty silly and funny that's for true