Reviews from

in the past

Um retrocesso a toda franquia.

O game fica chato super rápido já que é totalmente desbalanceado (Impossível não passar raiva com o oponente revertendo 500 golpes seguidos). O jogo também traz algumas novidades com 0 sentido na gameplay. Por exemplo o "Chain Wrestling" que, em todo início da luta, ao tentar segurar o seu oponente, um breve mini game, que funciona como pedra, papel ou tesoura, faz com que seu lutador realize uma sequência de chaves (Na teoria isso seria ótimo super realista mas é colocado tão de qualquer jeito no jogo que o negócio fica insuportável rapidamente).
De resto o jogo está literalmente igual as versões anteriores, quer dizer... (Vale ressaltar que é o primeiro game da WWE lançado pra One e PS4).
Literalmente igual não, pois a 2K conseguiu o feito de remover MUITA coisa no game (Desde o detalhado modo de criar lutadores, que era MUITO utilizado pela comunidade, até literalmente modos de luta). A impressão que ficou é a de que a 2K tirou algumas coisas para conseguir enfiar texturas de personagens mais detalhadas (E MESMO ASSIM ELES FALHARAM NISSO!!).

Como dito anteriormente, WWE 2K15 foi o primeiro jogo da franquia a ser lançado pra PS4 e One. Levando isto em consideração o jogo erra MUITO. Parece que literalmente moldaram alguns lutadores de forma perfeita e alguns outros meio "de qualquer jeito" (Se você olha o John Cena por exemplo ele está perfeito, idêntico. Aí você olha o Batista e o negócio fica esquisito, o lutador todo borrachão das ideias).
Outra coisa patética que se repete nesses jogos dum jeito bizarro é a narração das lutas. Eu juro, parece que desde o Smackdown vs RAW 2010 eles utilizam as mesmas linhas de narração nas lutas, o negócio é de uma repetitividade bizonha (Fazem 10 jogos que o Jerry Lawler continua falando "He’s using his educated feet for good use").

Showcase Mode:
Aqui é o único ponto onde o jogo se sustenta (E mesmo assim não é o suficiente). O modo Showcase do game conta com duas incríveis rivalidades que aconteceram na vida real: CM Punk vs John Cena e Triple H vs Shawn Michaels (Particularmente esse é um modo que agrada muito mais quem já conhece WWE ou está conhecendo recentemente).

My Career Mode:
Aqui é o grande fiasco do jogo. O modo carreira é literalmente igual a qualquer jogo que a 2K faz: você cria um lutador e começa a lutar em divisões menores até atingir o topo e ser o melhor lutador da empresa, PORÉM...
O modo também é feito de qualquer jeito e no fim você fica lutando apenas com o propósito de upar seu lutador. Não existe nenhuma sensação real de evolução ou conquista.

Vale destacar rapidamente o fato de todo o conteúdo de jogo ser desbloqueado apenas jogando, sem nenhuma micro transação ou algo do tipo (Como acontece nos títulos seguintes).

De resto WWE 2K15 é um jogo que consegue ser inferior aos games anteriores, como o excelente WWE ’13 ou até mesmo o WWE 2K14.

- Conteúdo desbloqueável apenas jogando.

- Repetitivo e cansativo.
- Gráfico deixa a desejar.
- CM Punk.

They put the updated rosted and showcase mode on the previous year's game and ended up with something ten times better than the next-gen version

wow this game is super next gen and looks great on these new consoles! buys on xbox 360

GooeyScale: 55/100

Just your run in the mill Wrestling game. Nothing special, and slippery controls

Yes, the graphics when this dropped were mind-blowing. However, the gameplay was so dry. 5/10

Anısı var kardeş, anısı var..

WWE takip ettiğim dönemde, şu oyunun varlığı resmen bir mucizeydi benim için. Hatırlayamayacağım kadar çok saat gömdüm bu güzelliğe.

Ki, benim oynadığım PS3 sürümüydü, Next Gen. değil. Ve özellikle oynanıştaki hız ve değişimler açısından, PS3 sürümü belki daha kısıtlı ama kesinlikle daha eğlenceli gelmişti bana. Shawn Michaels x Triple H ve John Cena x CM Punk feud'ları ile yeni karakterler ve var olan karakterlerin eski versiyonlarını, yeni ve eski haritaları açmak vs. çok keyifliydi.

Aah, ah... Kendi oluşturduğum karakterimi de çok özledim. Reign'lerinle bin yaşa, Jack Shine...

Playing WWE 2K15 led to unexpected excitement in my life. My buddy, let's call him John, noticed me playing it on PS4 and came into my room to tease me about it. I told him to leave, but then I saw he changed our nicknames in his Discord server to Cena and Punk. I asked him why he did that, but he just giggled. I challenged him to a wrestling match, and things escalated quickly. We ended up in a heated wrestling match, and amidst the adrenaline, I kissed him. We made out for like 5 minutes and then he called me a mark and chased me out of the room, shouting "You can't see me!" We're both 19 and live together in an apartment in Jersey because rent in the city is insane.

Score: 9/10

Fun but flawed. This game did have the best 2K showcases out of any game, Hustle Loyalty Disrespect, Best Friends Bitter Enemies, One More Match and Hall Of Pain were all goated. Didn’t play Path Of The Warrior tho.

fucking ATROCIOUS CAW tools holy shit why was it so bad

NO review for this as my eye are starting not to stay open.


Always wondered why people were hating on 2k15. Because i remember it being great. And it was... On the previous gen consoles though. The showcase mode was... just amazing. Triple H and Shawn Michaels feud got me hyped. And of course, can't forget about John Cena vs CM punk. Overall, Amazing game for me. Very much not a general consensus for the majority of the people who've played this game, but it was amazing.

a 12 hour career mode is wild. More than half of 14s game modes are now gone.

Getting rid of the by then ancient graphics the 7th gen era games had was nice, but did they really need to throw away most of the content too? I can understand it having less stuff than the previous game if it was a totally new game but this is just a slower version of 2K14 with the worst carreer mode known to man.
Man, if only this cast of characters and showcase mode was in a better game...

Playing it in the time in Xbox 360 was certainly a different experience than who played it on the next gen. That being said, it was a great experience, it's sad I was too frustrated for not having a Xbox One at the time.

MADE FROM THE GROUND UP. FOR THE ALL POWERFUL NEXT GENERATION SYSTEMS... with an entire year less than the developers needed to finish it, WHERE'S THE REST OF THE GAME

YOU CAN'T EVEN CREATE WOMEN IN THIS. I know Vince McMahon was in charge at the time so it's probably best to keep even fictional women as far away from him as possible, but they didn't start their partnership with Saudi Arabia until 5 years later so WHERE'S THE WOMEN

MyCareer is PAINFUL DUDE. A meandering slog of meaningless match after meaningless match. Barely any story. Barely any purpose. Half the time against some random Create-a-Wrestler that MUST have been designed by someone who's just been introduced to the concept of graphic design for the first time. Who the FUCK is Jayden Jet and why have I just won the SmackDown tag titles with him


Even the core gameplay is bollocks. After decades of arcade gameplay, 2K15 focuses on simulation... SIMULATION OF 2023 MATT HARDY, YOU CAN BARELY DO ANYTHING IT'S SO JANK. If you try to run, the wrestler has this almost mini stutter before he properly gets going. The animation for TURNING AROUND was mocapped by a 95 year old on their deathbed. See this enemy right in front of you that you wanna dive on? THE GAME DOESN'T, FACE FIRST INTO THE CONCRETE SPLOOPS.

The core mechanics are FUNCTIONAL most of the time, they just have a ton of small quirks like this that add up to make the gameplay deeply unsatisfying. The chain grappling minigame is REALLY functional in fact, so functional it's ALL YOU DO. EVERY OTHER MOVE auto changes into some shitty minigame where you gotta move the right analogue stick into a specific position before your opponent does. Your grand reward for succeeding is the grip of your headlock tightens slightly. MY HEADLOCK IS SLIGHTLY MORE SECURE GUYS WE FUCKING DID IT WOOOOOO

A barren wasteland, and the content that IS there is clunky and tedious. I will buy next year's game and keep buying them every year until I pass away

Dropping this after 2k14 should be a crime

overhated, the graphics are kinda insanely good

So trimmed down from 2k14 it's almost comical, roster is enough to fill about a classroom, story mode was WAYYYY too long and too easy to just get OP early on, this game just felt like an anomaly. The creation suite is criminally bad also.

Pretty Graphics at the cost of game modes and the creation suite