Reviews from

in the past

so good so fun, entirely my kind of game despite having too many puzzles and maybe too long for the story that was told. either way i loved the art, the plot and the characters.

Very fun game with amazings visuals and voice acting, the story is nice even if very inspired on The Truman Show with some actually interesting twists. Also the puzzles are smart, not too easy but not too difficult, perfecly balanced. Now for the bad, I played the game in French (because I'm French of course) and the subtitles are really fucked sometimes, some dialogues just don't appear or appear one on each other, and when multiple audio are playing simultaenously it becomes hard to read. And the only second "bad" thing is that the game is rather poorly optimised, I have a good pc and sometimes the game gets really laggy for a few seconds. Otherwise amazing game !

Todo bien, todo genial. Ojalá sea el camino a seguir para los siguientes proyectos del estudio.

Very fun and enjoyable story platformer. Makes me want to play other games of its type, but I know they won't reach this games highs.

Unfortunately had to deal with a horrible game-specific bug that resulted in me having to redo a scene dozens of times.

My expectations went through waves of emotions as I saw more and more of this

when the game first was shown at Summer Game Fest I was super excited about the art and theme of the game I instantly fell in love.

Though once the game was shown as a puzzle platformer I instant wrote it off and thought nothing else of it until I played the demo

The demo sucked me right back in as it showed it such a short time the connection between our two heroes and the gameplay style of both

I think both playstyles (Trevor and Kovacs) have their ups and downs in terms of frustrating sections, but overall the story of the game easily makes up for it

I do wish the game wasn't as linear as it is because I do feel with everything the game presents it could have opened itself up to more experimentation or more of this world explored than just what is presented to you

he´s literally just some guy

saw that semi ramblomatic where yahtzee is like "go play it real quick" so i did
fucking fire

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best use of the word fuck in a video game

The gameplay is mostly pretty basic, with only a couple interesting puzzles. Art direction with its juxtaposition of 1970's and modern day is nice. Voice acting is really, really good, Yuri Lowenthal slayed.
Characters were good enough, though Angela was really annoying. The meta-commentary on how capitalism consumes counter-movements into itself is a nice twist on a Truman show plot.

If you ever wanted to play "The Truman show" or you just love that movie. This game is basically that but on a greater scale where not just one individual is on a show, but the whole of Arcadia is the show!

A very great game. Yes, it gets tedious at times and frustrating at others, maybe a bug here or there. But the overall game, story and characters are amazing. You should definitively give it a try - and don't give up if you have to play this one scene like 10 times, I promise its worth it on the long run.

Great concept with good platforming mechanics, except the 3D sections

American Arcadia is a side scroller based on a very interesting story that's best played without being spoiled.

It's rather complicated to talk about the gameplay without spoiling things, but the game includes puzzles and fairly classic side scrolling where you sometimes have to make the right choices and use the right elements in order to move forward.

Visually, the game has a fairly classic look for a game of this genre, with low-poly 3D. The scenery and characters are quite pretty, without necessarily being breathtaking. Don't be a fool. But the visuals suit the game rather well.

From a music and sound design point of view, the game is pretty good, with well-tuned music that adds to the different scenes.

Finally, from a story point of view, which I think is the most important and interesting aspect of this game, despite the fact that the story has already been told in other media, the developers have done a very good job of coming up with a coherent story with slightly endearing characters.

In conclusion, I think American Arcadia is a pretty cool game with an interesting story that's well worth the money.

Una historia llena de giritos y una ambientación chulísima para un juego estupendo que bebe mucho de otros como Limbo o Inside, pero dependiendo más de un excelente reparto para contar su historia.

Los cambios de perspectiva y de jugabilidad funcionan muy bien y, si bien algunas partes (principalmente las que son en 3D) son algo menos interesantes, lo he disfrutado un montón de principio a fin.


A story full of twists and a really cool setting for a great game that takes a lot of inspiration from others like Limbo or Inside, but relying more on a very strong cast to tell its story.

The changes in perspective and gameplay work really well and, although some parts (mostly the 3D ones) are a bit less interesting, I had a great time with it all the way through.

American Arcadia es una de las mejores aventuras que puedes vivir este 2023. Una original mezcla de plataformas en 2.5D y exploración en primera persona que te hará disfrutar muchísimo. Su historia y guion son de película, pero de las buenas, de las que te entretienen de principio a fin. En un momento te hace sentir tensión y al siguiente te saca una sonrisa. Acompañar a Trevor y Ángela en este título es muy divertido y frenético, y además, se les coge cariño muy rápido.

Out of the Blue Games ha cuidado cada detalle del juego, cuando os hablo de cuidar los detalles me refiero exactamente a que todos los apartados de American Arcadia están hechos con amor y mucho mimo. La ambientación conseguida con los gráficos low poly y el impresionante apartado sonoro son una muestra de ello. Para mi un juego imprescindible.

Leer análisis completo en Retro & Pixel Press:

What if Walt Disney turned Disneyland into the Truman Show with a smattering of The Village and the gameplay aspirations of Limbo, as well as the current-day first-person sections of Assassin's Creed: Black Flag.

Only watched gameplay of this one - but the story is incredibly compelling, the characters memorable and the twists surprising. A new spin on the Truman Show tale. And so creative! I'll be keeping an eye on what the Out Of The Blue team does next!

Plateforme à la INSIDE, énigmes rappelant un peu The Witness, et des références dans tous les sens (The Truman Show en tête)...
Belle plongée dans l'enfer du décor. L'histoire passionne, jusqu'à son dénouement enchaînant les surprises.
Six heures de jeu bien bien cool !

Great concept, great art style, great dialogues, and gameplay is fun as hell!!

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American Arcadia is a game that wears it's inspirations on it's sleeves. The comparisons to The Truman Show are inevitable and well earned. AA updates the concept of a person discovering they're living in a TV show and modernizes it in a post social media world where the greatest crime is to be boring. While there will be comparisons to 1984 and the game drops the phrase "Orwellian" I found myself constantly thinking back to Orwell's professor Adlus Huxley's "A Brave New World". American Arcadia isn't a perfect game, but it's marriage between 2D action platformer and 1st person puzzle game keeps things fresh for it's entire run time. The twists and turns serve the story well and work to deliver the societal critiques intended. Overall, American Arcadia is a game that made me think and made me really want to talk to people about it, and it delivers a story and soundtrack that more than carries its runtime.

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American Arcadia is a single-player multi-perspective puzzle platforming game that takes you through the story of Trevor Hills, an ordinary guy living his mundane life in the city of Arcadia. An extremely compelling story, the gameplay consists of 2D sidescrolling puzzle platforming and 3D puzzle sequences that for the most part works very well. A fleshed out world, interesting aesthetic, compelling narrative, and incredible voice work make this an extremely satisfying game that I think everyone should experience! There's a few moments of frustration where one might need to trial and error but for the most part, American Arcadia is a pretty easy and seamless experience.

It's a game that made me happy about completing it, there a lot of good ideas with different quality in executions, but in the end it's all worth it.

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One of the best endings I've seen in a while for a game.

Muy divertido e interesante, aunque yo hubiera acortado un poco la duración. La historia mola, pero esperaba un poquito más.

really fun and creative gameplay, and a pretty great story, but suffers from obnoxious "social media pills" and "pikachu using a human on a phone as a horse" messaging and investing really heavily on the worlds most predictable plot twist
still really good just kinda stupid sometimes

ough I liked the concept of truman show meets epcot but i had the wrong impression of the gameplay iguess.

It takes a good story to the end by enriching it with a better presentation.
The fact that it offers different POVs for a change of pace in the side-scrolling style is a good plus, and I really liked the puzzles in the game.
Let's not forget to praise the pop culture references and beautiful music.

I really like the ideas presented here. The platforming is basic, and the puzzles are basic too, but the story was handled very well, and I think it has the best ending possible, which was really what drew me in to begin with. So yeah, pick it up if you've got the time. It's pretty good.