Reviews from

in the past

This game is amazing. Good coop Mode and good loot system. Handsome jack is the best villain ever

all around the skactus plant the stalker chased the bandit

Looter Shooter masterpiece. Fantastic writing and style, great gameplay with big funny numbers.

+ Fun to play, even when solo
+ Same deal as the first Borderlands: lots of guns and lots of stuff to shoot them at

± The humor is hit-or-miss and a bit overdone

- Major balancing issues detract from the experience. Firstly, doing the side missions makes you greatly overleveled. Secondly, the enemy damage is poorly tuned: normal attacks barely hurt you, while boss or special attacks almost one-hit kill you
- The menu UI kind of sucks

Um Looter Shooter de respeito e com muita personalidade,

By the way eu conheci uma das minhas bandas favoritas por conta desse Jogo, escutem The Heavy e Short Change Hero é Fodastico.

I played enough of this game that I feel like I got my money's worth. Probably a lot more fun with friends. The gunplay is alright but samey and the writing runs the gauntlet from surprisingly fun to tone deaf and weird.

Might genuinely have the best voice acting I have ever seen in a video game

The gameplay is excellent, the worldbuilding/art style is spectacular but everything about this game is too nihilistic for me to truly enjoy it. I think there's a lot to appreciate from a technical and stylistic perspective, but personally I despise the grungy atmosphere and disgusting implications of Pandora and its denizens.

A falta de amigos pra jogar esse jogo é o grande motivo de eu nunca ter zerado ele, desde que zerei L4D2 cheguei a essa conclusão, impossível jogar um jogo desse sozinho, não é a mesma coisa, são jogos diferentes e esse jogo quando é jogado sozinho não é o mesmo jogo de jogar com amigos, nenhum jogo do gênero é a mesma coisa quando jogo Single e Multi.

One of the best shooty tooty bang bang games i've ever played.

Bought it on console when it came out -- found the writing unfunny and horribly irritating, the voice acting and visual design merely abrasive when it didn't slide all the way into being directly unpleasant, the reward mechanics unengaging, and the gunplay mildly diverting but not particularly special. Bought it on PC years later at a huge discount, and discovered to my astonishment that I liked the gunplay a little better on PC.

My favorite game of all time. This is including all of the DLCs. Amazing story, one of the best villians ever, gameplay loop is also really fun.

ok game krieg made it better(wont touch it again)

we played until we got to see the bartender's panties. that is my true ending. everything else about this game is boring as shit. an rpg fps should be way more fun than bullet sponge boss fights and pointless side quests. the panties were more than enough reward for putting up with the boredom though. i will remember forever. #cumstyle

so awesome and handsome jack is one of the greatest antagonists period.

Literally, all I need in a video game is a good loot system. This is the best loot system I have come across.

Awful early game, terrible endgame, five stars

Just a personal fav and i'm really biased

Pretty solid shooter game with good writing and a great art style.

Amazing best one by far best with friends

Silly fun with friends. Gun go pow. Barrel go boom. Claptrap go brrr.

Run around. Shoot some dudes. Have a few chuckles along the way. It certainly excels at what it is trying to do. Not much else to it than that.

Pretty solid collection of Borderlands 2 and its story and character DLCs in one package. Not included are the Headhunter packs, which are mostly non-canon side stories. For the PS3 version, the DLC all comes on one disc, which can be installed from the PS3 main menu.

- Builds on the first game, feels more up-to-date
- Tighter controls, more to do & more zany characters and locations
- All the DLC was great, no DLC as bad as the Moxxi DLC in Borderlands
- So many guns & variations, it encouraged me to test & try different types
- Has a bitter feel somewhat as I played it on PC back in the day, and lost a day or two of progress which made me very much lose interest
- Went back to it years later, started from scratch and finally completed it

A great sequel to the first Borderlands game and may even be better! The story is great and makes it hard to put the game down. DLC was more fun than Borderlands 1.