Reviews from

in the past

When you complete a game marketed mainly as a co-op game in solo, three times, DLCs included, you know that game did something right. For me, the good thing was the hilariousness.

Borderlands 2 plays as few First-person shooter did in my life, because it tried to give its world and campaign the huge plot of a modern AAA video game but while retaining all the weird self-irony of retro shooters like Quake and Doom: the bad guy is planning to use an ancient power to conquer the world and make a huge profit out of it and, to prove how evil he is, he calls you over the phone and starts calling you names. Your reward for a quest is a, predictable but underwhelming, gun? Ok, sorry, how about we make it a gun which shoots swords? Still not enough? Fine, then a gun that shoots swords exploding on impact, and then split in multiple swords that again explode on impact. Are you not entertained yet?
When I started to die because my hands were trembling too much from laughter, Borderlands 2 became a great video game.

The plot and the characters are cliché and stupid, but they make fun of their own clichés and stupidity. They make jokes on the silent protagonist trope, which is you by the way, seemingly there is not a single thing important enough that the game won’t find some way to make fun of itself, and it never ceases even in the expansions, which might have even more quality content than the main game regarding the script writing.

Whilst, regarding the gameplay, you have an endless arsenal of colourful, powerful weapons to choose from. Shoots from the distance, shoots from decent range, shoots from point-blank for maximum blood and comedic effect, just remember to shoot and everything else will take care of itself, probably by cracking a joke after the fight. Enjoy yourself as you are obliterated by super Bosses that drop the ultimate loot, invincible guns with hilariously broken effects, and have fun getting nothing useful because the drop rates are atrocious. MMO-like loot systems are fun, aren’t they?

The game gets tiring after playing the same scenarios and killing the same monsters time and time again, yet for the time it will take you to reach that stage the ride is going to be absolutely worthy the ticket price.

This game is a true Co-op Multiplayer Game! This is awesome with friends, but can also be enjoyed solo if you wish. Awesome game that i love

After doing 2 playthroughs, I can say that this is a fantastic game. Great game play, interesting story, and hilarious characters, including one of my favorite fictional villains ever. I recommend playing it

Es increíble, la historia es increíble, los personajes son buenos, el Gameplay es atrapante y las misiones son una maravilla. Y eso claro sin hablar del maravilloso villano que es Jack el Guapo.

borderlands é uma fraquia extremamente massante

A fun sequel that added to the first one in many ways and kept the series interesting.

Günümüze göre fena olmayan co-op, looter-shooter.

One of the best looter shooter games on the market, improving everything over the first game. My favorite character was Zer0.

honestly just a really fun game to play with your friends

THE looter-shooter, truly has everything from a great story to unsatisfying extra paid content. it's the best in the Borderlands series, and that is still high praise. Handsome Jack was lightning in a bottle, and the heart of this game is made of solid Eridium.

Melhor borderlands na minha opinião. Gameplay divertida e personagens carismáticos são a definição de Borderlands 2. O único defeito pra mim foi o endgame que não achei tão divertido.

An absolute classic that i played so much to the point where i never want to touch it again

Just a personal fav and i'm really biased

A falta de amigos pra jogar esse jogo é o grande motivo de eu nunca ter zerado ele, desde que zerei L4D2 cheguei a essa conclusão, impossível jogar um jogo desse sozinho, não é a mesma coisa, são jogos diferentes e esse jogo quando é jogado sozinho não é o mesmo jogo de jogar com amigos, nenhum jogo do gênero é a mesma coisa quando jogo Single e Multi.

Ai-je vraiment besoin de préciser que ce second opus est meilleur en tout point que le premier Borderlands ? J’avais des attentes énormes après avoir fini le premier épisode qui était très bon mais qui souffrait de répétitivité autant dans les décors que dans le gameplay. J’ai placé beaucoup d’espoir dans ce second opus en espérant qu’il corrige les défauts majeurs du premier

Eh bah bordel, je dois bien l’avouer: Je ne suis pas déçu, le jeu est allé au delà de mes espérances. Il a corrigé le plus grand reproche que je fais à Borderlands premier du nom, c’est à dire la diversité des zones. Fini les déserts pendant les 9/10 du jeu, place à la diversité avec des zones enneigées, des volcans, des plaines d’eridium, des montagnes verdoyantes avec des panoramas à couper le souffle et aussi quelques déserts qui rappelleront forcément les décors du premier épisode. Mais franchement, je peux pas décrire à quel point j’ai aimé la diversité dans ce jeu. Et le pire dans tout ça c’est qu’il ne se contente pas de régler les problèmes du 1er, il va plus loin. L’ajout de l’éridium en tant que monnaie secondaire est un excellent ajout permettant d’améliorer le nombre de munitions ou d’objets que l’on peut porter sur nous et je dois dire que c’est une manière intelligente de progresser et d’améliorer notre personnage.

Les compétences des différents personnages sont toujours aussi agréables à utiliser et c’est ce qui fait vraiment la force de la série des Borderlands, avec une progression très agréable où on a vraiment l’impression de devenir plus fort à chaque montée de niveau.

En ce qui concerne le scénario, il est dans la continuité du scénario du 1, car il se situe plusieurs années après l’ouverture de l’arche du premier opus, qui a chamboulé pas mal de choses sur Pandore, et nous avons l’arrivée d’un antagoniste plus que charismatique: Le Beau Jack, avec son doublage français de qualité et sa personnalité unique que l’ont entendra tout le long du jeu. Encore une fois, grosse amélioration par rapport au 1 où il n’y avait pas vraiment d’antagoniste à proprement parlé, c’était plus une sorte d’organisation contre laquelle on se battait. Mais dans celui-là c’est complètement différent, on a un réel ennemi, et le scénario est vraiment prenant de bout en bout malgré le côté très second degré du jeu.

Il y a cependant une petite chose qui me chiffonne, c’est l’optimisation sur Switch qui n’est hélas pas aussi bonne que le portage du premier opus. Certes, le jeu est bien + joli et coloré, mais lorsqu’il y a de nombreuses explosions (ce qui arrive souvent si vous possédez un fusil à pompe explosif par exemple) le jeu a des micro freezes qui ne gâche en rien l’expérience mais qui, tout de même, est assez embêtant. Le jeu est aussi bien plus difficile que le premier opus, notamment en ce qui concerne la mission principale où vous allez devoir faire beaucoup de quêtes annexes afin d’atteindre un niveau convenable pour continuer le scénario. Cela peut être très frustrant, mais heureusement les quêtes annexes sont toujours très agréables à faire.

Que faut-il donc retenir de tout ça ? Tout simplement, Borderlands 2 reprend tout ce qui a fait le charme du 1, en poussant toujours plus loin, toujours plus haut et toujours plus fort. Une DA toujours aussi bluffante, une diversité réelle que ce soit dans les décors ou les différentes façons de jouer, une fluidité très bonne malgré les freezes dans certaines situations comme mentionné plus haut. Si il y a bien un jeu que je vous recommande d’essayer, c’est bien celui-là (même si je conseillerais de faire le 1 en premier pour la continuité de l’histoire)

Tout en sachant que tout le jeu peut être fait en coop de A à Z, si vous cherchez un jeu fun en solo, et giga fun avec des amis, foncez.

Sur ce, je retourne sur le jeu pour faire ses DLC. Et dans plusieurs jours, il sera temps de finir cette trilogie Borderlands avec The Pre-Sequel, même si ça sera compliqué de faire mieux que celui-ci.

Gameplay is not aged well but the rest is awesome.

I really liked how this game has different characters with different builds. Very fun guns, very satisfying to get the loot that you want. What I don't like though is uvhm. Feels very unbalanced and it forces you to use the slag mechanic 90% of the time and it makes it so that you can't be as flexible with your loadouts

I've played through this game so many times it's hard to count. Story is always good, loot system is always great, and end game is so chaotic it's fantastic.

Amazing gameplay with lots to do for an insane amount of time, one of the best action RPGs ever.

I love this game. Aside from the very clear 2012 era juvenile humor, it holds up in every way. One of my favorite games, great looter-shooter. Please play it.

Bland. Doesn't do anything for me.

i can't give it less than 5, sorry

Almost a perfect sequel. I'm very, very late to the party with Borderlands having only bought the first game as well as The Handsome Collection a couple of years back (for a ridiculously low price), and it subsequently gathered dust on the shelf (metaphorically, nearly all digital now!). Having found the first Borderlands pretty good but very, very samey and overly long, I wasn't massively keen to start this and it became a proper 'list of shame' title.

Well I should have started it much sooner, because it's great. The unforgiving landscapes of Pandora from the first game make a return, but thankfully the scenery is much more varied, always making use of the gorgeous art style. Optimised for the new consoles, it looks stunning - hard to believe it's a 360 game..Other improvements include the NPCs, the story, the weapon variety and - most importantly - the gameplay. It's a wonderfully entertaining romp, it's funny, it's violent, it's chaotic. I got so much more from talking to other characters who play a far bigger role, and some of the side missions are just as fun as the main campaign ones.

In fact, I genuinely can't think of a single area where Borderlands 2 DOESN'T improve on the original. A few niggling issues remain - more on those in a moment - but everything I enjoyed in the first game is ramped up several notches more, it looks, sounds, feels and plays better.

But it's not without it's issues - hardly stinging criticism of a game that's more than a decade old now, that's progress. Some of the missions require a lot of backtracking back to a fast travel station in order to complete them which is a proper pain - I must have lost several hours just walking back across familiar terrain just to turn in an objective. Also, the inventory system is better than in B1, but still rather cumbersome. I'm not sure what the answer is to this, because the looting and amazing variation in weapons is such a key part of the whole series. There's just so much of it!

Also worth pointing out how amazingly good value The Handsome Collection is. As well as this, it also includes The pre-sequel game and ALL the DLC for both titles. And it cost me about £10 in a sale. It took me around 35 hours to see the credits roll, and I've not touched the DLC or the pre-sequel. Not bad for a tenner.

Important to note that I played the entirety of this in single player. In fact, I'm yet to experience anything Borderlands in multiplayer where I'm sure it's even better. But even as a single player experience, this is a quality game that was a lot of fun to play through.

On to Borderlands 3 once I've cleared a few more titles from my backlog. Maybe I'll find a friend to play that with me?

I played enough of this game that I feel like I got my money's worth. Probably a lot more fun with friends. The gunplay is alright but samey and the writing runs the gauntlet from surprisingly fun to tone deaf and weird.

Silly fun with friends. Gun go pow. Barrel go boom. Claptrap go brrr.