Reviews from

in the past

One of the best and vibrant kart racers ever. In fact, It just gets better and better the more you learn and master it. The Adventure mode is cute too and I love its goofy concept.

Then playing the time trials to get N-Trophy was a total ballache.

Then Activision at to get its grubby hands back in it and kill this game. Which includes adding insane micro-transactions and making this game exhaustingly grindy.

Lets look back at the the happy times, easy 10 for me :)

I found this new version very on point! I finished this game in 2019 and I still play it to these day. I had plenty of fun mastering my drift mechanic's for completing the 100%. In term of graphic and gameplay everything was on point in my opinion. I looked some of the speedrun that people made on youtube where's the creator comment on the video, all the team seems very passionate and proud by what they've made. Only downside is the loading situation i have to deal with on Nintendo Switch but regardless of that, I enjoyed this game pretty much! Crash racing 1 / Mariokart 0

The best racing game ever made: Nitro Fueled

Las tres estrellas que pongo… no hacen justicia al potencial que tiene
Pero una serie de malas decisiones en general, y lo mal que se ve en Switch, lastran la experiencia.

El juego en sí es bueno: muchísimos personajes, karts, circuitos. Los circuitos son muy variados y divertidos. La jugabilidad es magnífica.

Pero el juego tarda una eternidad en funcionar. Cada carrera te requiere un minuto de carga, entre unas cosas y otras. En Switch se ve borroso. Jugando en TV me acaba produciendo dolor de cabeza, así que lo juego en portátil la mayor prte del tiempo.

El multijugador da muchísimos problemas.

El modo historia está bien, aunque la segunda vuelta tras ganar al boss por vez primera te obliga a conseguir prácticamente todo, lo cual es… un pelín repetitivo. Pero bueno, los diferentes desafíos están bien, son divertidos, a veces desafiantes, y eso merece.

Una pena que no funcione bien.

Absolutely adored the original and this one is just as good if not better. The mechanics are definitely different which took some getting used to but being able to extend blue flame makes it all worth it. The visual upgrade is nice and they really nailed the feeling of going fast, I'm not sure if you actually move faster in the remake but it sure felt like it. The new graphics do reduce visual clarity on some tracks, like Hot Air Skyway having this fog that make its harder to see the upcoming track, but overall it was a pleasure to look at. Awful microtransactions aside, a great remaster.

o único jogo de kart que eu gosto, eu sofri pra aprender a usar o u-turn e vocês não fazem ideia do quanto eu coringuei pela platina desse jogo, depois disso dei descanso e dificilmente toco nele kkkkkk. ELECTRON AVENUE MELHOR PISTA.

Very fair racing game, but nothing mind-blowing as far as racing games go. Looney Tunes is still better.

I love this game. PC RELEASE WHEN?
CTR already had the best physics and singleplayer of any kart racer ever. What this remake brings to the table is that it doubles the number of great tracks, adds way more characters, allows for advanced kart customization, and even allows stat-swapping so you can use your favorite character on any track. Plus online.
Beenox is a great dev team. Activision is a bad publisher.
-the activision characters like Zam and Nina are ugly but I applaud Beenox for putting literally every Crash character into the game.
-the monetization is gross but its cosmetic only and I never had a problem unlocking everything worth getting through gameplay
-the game is far more skill-based than mariokart so online is unapologetically survival of the fastest.

Lastly I want to say that the artstyle in this is far better than Nsane trilogy and crash 4.

Really fun
But definitely has a learning curve I beat Oxide but I'm definitely still gonna play this to improve at it
The track selection is awesome The standouts are Roo's Tubes,Tiny Arena,Electron Avenue and Megamix Mania
Although I can already tell unlocking stuff is gonna be a massive grind getting the game long after the grand prix has ended

A respectable remake of a beloved childhood favourite. Pure fun without needing the bells and whistles. I would have liked a steadier influx of coins to spend in the pit stop store so I could play more of the large roster of characters.

This has to be my favorite ps4 game. The best kart racer of all time, just learn to chain drift boosts.

I have zero prior experience with Crash Bandicoot as a series, and only played this thanks to a friend's recommendation (if you're reading this, you know who you are). With that said, CTR leaves a very strong first impression. There's a bit more of a learning curve than its kart-racing contemporaries, with its boost mechanics being more complex than those of Mario Kart or Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed. It takes a bit of getting used to in terms of the timing for a boost and the angle of a turn, but man does it feel good to pull off. I love the different tracks, side modes, and unlockable characters, too. My opinions might change down the line as I get better at the game, but for now, this is an excellent racing game. Impressive for what could've just as easily been Sony's cash-in (Crash-in?) on Mario Kart 64's popularity.

The perfect kart racing game... if only they could have fixed the lengthy loading times, this would easily be a 5/5. Maybe a next-gen version would resolve the issue... They aren't atrocious, but they are long enough to detract from the overall experience and getting back on the track.

I love Mario Kart; it is my childhood kart racer... but it has to relinquish the crown to the superior racer: Crash. There is no blue shell bullshit, artificial difficulty, and "fun for all ages" Mario racing here - Crash doesn't play any games. This is your "git gud" kart racer that is purely skill based. The more time you put into it, the more you feel yourself getting better and better.

I recall mentioning to my cousin as I was playing on the Medium difficulty mode, that there would be no way I'd be able to platinum this title - Hard mode was insanity, and the time trials were even crazier... well, after a couple weeks of putting in work, I was rewarded one of my all-time favorite platinum trophies. :)

Excellent and addicting game.

the perfect remaster for any gamer who's ever said "man, i like crash team racing, but i wish i could count the individual hairs on crash bandicoot's ass!"

perfect cart racer, stupid ass micro transactions. time trials are addictive


Entretenido y oara pasar el rato pero hasta ahí


It's a really fun af great remake of a childhood classic that feels great to play IMO however Activision killed this game quick with their greed dropping support after 8 months and online was straight-up broken didn't work

They managed to do justice for a PS1 classic that I couldn't originally stand and feeling it was always a lame Mario Kart rip-off for then missing out a pretty fun game.

Instead: both the original (that aged like fine wine tbh) and this are/is (can we consider it the basically the same game with also all the nice QoLs and extras? Tysm) the best alternative of Mario Kart beside Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

Es criminal la cantidad de horas que le dediqué, llegué incluso al top 5% de sus leaderboards en sus primeras temporadas.
Tenía todo lo que esperaba de un relanzamiento de CTR: nuevos personajes, nuevas pistas (originales y las de Nitro Kart), online, personalización; lo tuvo TODO, menos un port a PC...
A pesar de su sistema de monetización horrible, no fue impedimento para disfrutarlo. La sensación de velocidad que me ofrece CTR supera por lejos a cualquiera de su género.

This was the first game I ever bought with my own money, being 17 at the time of its release and by that point also being heavily into the Crash and Spyro games. This game is one of the greatest kart racers of all time, and it is a crying shame the way Activision treated it.

Adding in microtransactions after the reviews is incredibly underhanded and rotten. They then proceeded to stop the Wumpa Cups, have Beenox create a big final update, then sent them off to the CoD mines completely after making the Pro Skater 1 + 2 remasters and Crash 4.

No PC port. No dedicated servers. Fuck you, Activision, for killing what was one of the most solid kart racers ever made just under a year of its release.

• Perfeito! Melhor jogo de corrida que eu já joguei e um dos meus jogos favoritos de todos os tempos.

• Esse jogo foi minha porta de entrada para a franquia Crash. Eu gostei tanto desse jogo que eu o platinei e ainda sim tive motivos o suficiente para jogar mais 300h dessa maravilha.

• O único defeito que esse jogo tem é o modo online que é meio bugado. De resto, não tenho do que reclamar.

This game is incredible, one of the best kart racers ever made and, in my opinion, the best game in the entire Crash Bandicoot franchise. So why only 1 star? Because Activision waiting until after all the reviews came out to flood this game with awful microtransactions is so incredibly dirty that it retroactively ruins the entire experience. Just one of the most evil companies in gaming.

I was supposed to do a "quick replay" of this so I could use it as a refresher before I come here and gush about it. I then proceeded to 101% the story, smash each Cup Race on Hard, and get the Master Wheels over a weekend. Oops.

My various musou reviews may have clued you into this fact already, but let me make it plain: I love genres that most people don't pay much mind to. Kart racers are one of them.

And CTR is the best, in my eyes. Nitro-Fueled just made it better.

The core difference is in the boosting. In most other kart racers, you drift to build up a 3-stage boost and then release to go flying forward.
CTR hands you more direct control: You drift, yes, but you boost manually. While this might seem like a straight boon, much like open-book exams, you need this control. Boosting becomes a game of timing; hitting the boost button as your brakes stir to speed up, doing this three times consecutively for a bigger boost.
Somewhat ironically, due to its ability to drift in a straight line, Speed types - the 'hardest' engine setup - are the easiest to use.

'Boost' as a state of being is also something that, at higher level play, must be maintained at all times. On some maps this is easy, as there are multiple boost pads that will immediately put you in maximum boost state and refresh that invisible timer. On some maps, ironically the 'easiest' maps, it becomes a test of pure skill more than anything.

Similarly, boosting is deeply tied into the map layout. Most maps with shortcuts have at least one that requires you to be going as fast as possible unless you'll miss it, which means this is an entire game of "The Best MK8 maps".
Likewise there's a decent amount of movement tech that allows for some not-quite-intended skips (that Beenox willfully kept in). Once you learn that releasing the accelerator and holding brake in mid-air increases your turn speed, you enter a whole new level of skill.

...Which does lead me to this game's only mechanical downside, even though this downside benefits me specifically:

CTR is a very unforgiving game. Not so much against the AI, for they'll crumple even against an Acceleration engine, but kart racers are best enjoyed socially and this one... isn't. Having access to emulators means I can now play most of my dumped Switch library with friends, but CTR is never an option because the gap between myself and everyone else is country-sized.
Items in particular aren't very well balanced, and this game lacks any great equalizers like Mario Kart does. If you gain the lead in CTR, it's often hard to actually lose it unless you really fuck up or you're playing with players of a similar skill level.
Don't get me wrong, equalizing items do exist, but they either provide a negligible bonus that won't get a last place player to the front, or they have bad tracking that's easily avoided by taking a shortcut.

Okay, that's the CTR portion of this review done. Let's talk about Nitro-Fueled.

The base unupdated NF package includes the entirety of CTR, as well as every course from Nitro Kart and all of that game's characters. Plus, kart customization is a thing and there's a whole bunch of alternate karts/tires/colour schemes available, cool.

But as you may have heard, Activision live-serviced the shit out of this game via free monthly battle passes/seasons.

And... it was good. No, really. I know saying the words "live service", "battle pass" and "good" might make you wince, but I mean it when I say this was the only game to benefit from live servicing.

The seasons were easy to max out and mercifully kept the shop from overflowing. Casual play could see the season maxed out and all the goodies earned within about a week or two, and sweats like me could get it even quicker. Completing seasons gave you a ton of free stuff, as well as wumpa coins to buy out the store eventually. The actually appealing parts of each season were in the battle pass to boot, which was oddly out of character for Activision.
Add in all the free tracks, that AMAZING update that allowed people to select engine types independent of character, brand new time trials, a new mode specifically for addicts like me, and other small but meaningful updates, it was a pretty good deal.

The new tracks were fantastic by the way. A fantastic blend of fanservice, seasonal concepts, callbacks and good map design made them all memorable, and near the end I was arguably more excited for the free tracks than anything else.
And speaking as a Crash megafan, a lot of the scrimblo character picks were deeply surprising but not unwelcome. I can't poke fun at people who wanted utterly no-name picks for Mario Kart 8's booster pass when I was out here excited to get Komodo Moe, Pasadena O'Possum and Yaya Panda of all characters.



You might've noticed a lot of past tense there, maybe not.

Either way, it's not coincidental. See, like all good things, CTRNF ended, and the state Beenox left the game in actually made me miss the live service shit.

With seasons now gone, all of their rewards have returned and are available permanent... ly in the shop. The Fortnite-esque shop with a rotation.

See, during the game's lifespan, the Fortnite shop was contentious, yes, but truthfully there wasn't much in it. Rotations were player-specific, meaning anything you bought would be knocked out of the pool. Wumpa coins came in at such a good rate that, as I alluded to up above, it was fantastically easy to buy out the shop and see it empty until the next season.

But nowadays the shop is stuffed with 8 seasons worth of stuff + the basegame items + some post-season reskins that most people have agreed were designed to be shop filler. What's worse is that despite the developers adding endlessly-resetting challenges that provide Wumpa coins, earning them isn't quite as easy anymore. Both because the seasons are over, and because playing online - which confers a massive bonus - is harder thanks to the deadened playerbase.

Now, ultimately all of this is kind of meaningless to the actual experience; no tangible content is hidden behind seasons or shops, and if you just want to play the best kart racer ever made you don't even need to glance at the store. The story, the tracks, the modes, they're all available from the getgo. This is, after all, why it's a 4.5 and not a 2.5.

Fortunately there is a Switch mod that unlocks all the shop stuff, but I know not everyone has either a hacked Switch or an emulator.

In the end, despite my woes about the current state of the game, it is still the king of kart racers to me. The game it's based on turns 25 this year and to this day it's never been dethroned.