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in the past

Played the OG as a kid and never finished it. Nostalgia got me through it this time I think.

Almost as good as the first remaster.

I always wanted to play this game when I was a kid.

It did not age well.

The story is really poor and uninteresting. It is chalk full of stereotypes and awful writing, but the sandbox gameplay has some nice elements to it. Not my thing, though I can see how someone would like it.

Ainda é a melhor paródia de invasão alienígena nos vídeo jogos, o 1o é melhor, mas esse ainda é consegue divertir.
O remake ao menos é bem melhor que o de ps2 que considero bem chato.


another excellent remake the makes me nut

Los ninjas blancos en sus secundaria son lo mejor

Played the original before (twice), nowhere near as good as the first game, mainly played this version cuz it was free. Quickly remembered I don't care for the story or anything in this at all, so have just used this as one of my Listening To Albums games. Dropping it now, cuz it's just... not fun enough to spend my time on. Gotta start chopping down my now playing list, cull that which is not sparking sufficient joy.

Tao divertido quando o original sera que vao conseguir fazer um novo depois desse totalmente do zero e ficar bom?

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Fun combat, really funny well done dialog with a decent story. Will probably re-visit occasionally to get 1000g.

More of the same, while also being bigger. Yet, somehow loses its charm and engagement. Its like a popular sitcom when it goes from 4:3 ratio to full screen, but the show got new writers and your involvement to follow up and watch another season dissipated.

A very rare case in which I found myself enjoying the remake more than the source material. The controls have been reworked to be a bit more user friendly than the remake of DAH 1 (especially holobob) and the skate mechanic works really well considering the larger scope of the maps in DAH 2. There is that modern-era lack of polish in spots (audio clips repeating when skimming through them) and I did have to reset to a checkpoint due to a bug two times, but overall I had a better time with this than the first DAH remake.

If there is one thing I'd change, it's the way the final boss is handled. Depending on how you've spent your upgrades, he can either be very easy or one of the worst bullet sponges in any action game ever. If you chose to back out and respec your upgrades, you'll have to do an ungodly long and tedious (not to mention buggy) escort mission again before taking another crack. I don't know how this managed to get by playtesting and I had to knock it down a star just for this nonsense.

They took a lot of the great elements out of this like some neat gameplay mechanics, the character designs are lesser, missions have been nerfed and cutscenes have been cut or altered which includes the ending! The bugs, glitches, and pop-ins were all just relentless throughout my playthrough and truly defeated the purpose of this remake's existence.

sometimes when you polish something it shines and sometimes when you polish something it falls apart and your wife gets mad at you because actually its SUPPOSED to be that dusty?? (this is the second one)

You play as a sex crazed sarcastic alien who’s a narcissistic asshole and it’s hilarious.

The gameplay is decent and the exploration and combat is reminiscent of games like infamous and ratchet & clank.

The setting and theme of the world is very similar to something like goat simulator, but with a bit more depth and character.

The story is fun, the dialogue is silly and the way it presents itself is very care free and easy to follow.

The boss fights are a bit tedious and two of them in specific are really bad. So bad that you have to either use glitches or have to fully upgrade a weapon, which is a pain if you can’t access the Pox Mart and have to re do the whole mission all because you needed to upgrade a gun. This in particular left a bad taste in my mouth.

It’s important to note, I’ve never played the original. So I have no idea how faithful it is. Other than that, everything I experienced felt pretty good.

I also didn’t run into any bugs, like a lot of people did.

played the 2020 version of it and liked that a lot, this didnt really carry that feeling

had weird bugs when it first came out, story a bit underwhelming, had some bad lag in some maps (especially japan)

some of the boss fights were either underwhelming and too easy to kill, or was being unfair at times, didnt feel challenging at all

Didn't enjoy it as much as the first DaH, but then again I felt the same with the originals as a kid. Story missions feel a lot more boring and there was a lot more annoying missions (looking at you escort/protect Natalya and Kojira fight)

Also I just enjoyed that the first one had a lot more Crypto & Pox back and forth and I miss Crypto 137's unbridled rage against humanity rather than 138's slightly more forgiving nature.

All that said though I do hope Path of the Furon gets a remake and who knows maybe a new story.

Refreshingly non-PC humour, some very bad voice acting (the protagonists') mixed with some very funny ones (the japanese), boring cutscenes, bad screen tearing and clipping bugs. Retains a bit of the charm of the original, but kind of meh.

Strasznie nijaka w porównaniu do jedynki. Głupie mechanizmy, fabuła totalnie nijaka.

This is like the most mid-2000's game to ever exist.

Yes I know its a remake but still

Decent game with some pretty fun mechanics. The various ways to kill all humans is pretty fun but the storyline kind of drags on. The cut-scenes (while well-acted) go on too long and leave you just wanting to go back to killing. Toward the end of the game, I found myself skipping dialogue.

Game is fun as hell, is beautiful and runs really smooth for me. The story and humor is exactly the same as the original ps2 game.

CPU consumption is EXTREME, puts my i7 core to 94 Cº 2 minutes after starting the game!! Also it crashes after... 2 hours? but the autosave is pretty good, be careful tho, your save can be corrupted!

I cannot recomend a game that can break your pc, if they patch it (i doubt it) i will recommend it. Until then, just play the ps2 game ^^

Clever trick to pull, showcasing Natalya with even bigger tits than the original game in the trailers and championing the ‘perfectly faithful remaster’ angle, only to cut an entire mission and several lines of dialogue for the ever-nebulous ‘modern audience.’ Please die and take your poorly performing, unbalanced technical mess back to the black pit you spawned from.

System: PlayStation 5
Rating: 76/100
Playtime: ~15 Hours

A game that clearly "feels" like a PlayStation 2 era game, but with the polish that makes the game look very nice as you're playing. The gameplay loop is a simple one, but for the most part feels good compared to the modern era of open world games being a huge slog to get through eventually.

The missions in this do end up feeling repetitive, but it's still a fun time to use the weapons in your arsenal. The game has a solid length, and especially if you stay with just the main missions, it doesn't ask for too much of your time. It's definitely worth a try, and it makes me wish we got a new entry in the series.

It's honestly pretty mediocre. Most missions are just reading minds and then mindlessly zapping shit, but it's got a charm to it that I like for some reason. Crypto and Pox just carry the game, I guess.

One of those sequels that takes what worked well in the original and just improves on it. The story is silly but a lot of fun and the length of the game is about run so it doesn't over stay it's welcome. Gameplay is pretty smooth as well.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for February 2024, this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before March 5th, 2024, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Updating a PS2 game for modern audiences, kind of.

Destroy All Humans 2! Reprobed is the follow-up to the Destroy All Humans Remake from Humble Choice April 2022, and it feels almost similar in quality. Take a PlayStation 2 game, update the visuals and graphics, and attempt to retain what made the original stand out such as voice acting. The experience here is good and delivers on the sequel. While it’s not a completely different experience it still delivered a game for players that wanted a second helping of this franchise.

Still, when I say modernized the game, there are limitations, the game still has the old fade out at the end of missions, some of the gameplay elements are a little static, and there’s an older feeling to the game. Now I love Playstation 2, it’s what I’m spending a lot of time playing currently, but if players don’t have a love for that era in gaming, this is going to feel quite rough. Also Destroy All Humans 2 was not as great as the original, so in that way, it’s a bit of a step down.

Pick this up if you like the original Destroy All Humans, especially the remake, and want more. I think they did a better job with the remake here, but the original sequel was a touch weaker, so it evens out. The humor also feels a little dated, not cringy necessarily, but I don’t know the last time I heard or thought about hippies from the 60s. It’s just not a reference that's common in 2024.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

its like if they made a sequel to Destroy All Humans 1 but made it bad

After playing the game as a kid. It seems somewhat outdated with average controls and repetitive gameplay. What the game lacks in finesse, it makes up with humour lost to the ages.