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in the past

looked aight. but its verry buggy and confusing to play and understand the moves (probably because of translation issues).


The art style and the combat are the main aspect of this game, and it delivers. Two distinct playable characters with their own campaign and gameplay. The translation could be improoved and some gameplay mechanics better explained.

giera taka 40/40 niekture osiagniecia gupie bylo troche ale no zycie, gra z healowaniem mniej niz 60 razy nie za fajna bo nie healowalem sie prawie wcale bo balem sie ze bede musial sie leczyc na ostatnich bosach. gra baba jest trudniejsza troche. bosy takie z pizdy wziete nic specjalnego nie maja w sobie poza tymi wielkimi na koniec chaptera a i tak maja po 3 ataki. wiekszosc przeciwnikow ma 2 ataki i w sumie dupa bo trzeba sie z nimi bic zawsze bo blokuje przejscie gra.

In den Anfangsleveln kommen gefühlt alle 2 Minuten ein Tutorialfenstern mit den selben Tipps. Das Gameplay fühlt sich für mich nicht gut genug an. Das Kämpfen fühlt sich klobig an und dodgen und parieren fühlt sich nicht befriedigend an. Möglicherweise ist alles im späteren Spielverlauf besser, aber dafür muss ich erstmal über die ersten Stunden kommen. Die verschiedenen Menüs sind für mich auch nicht übersichtlich genug. In der Zeit spiele ich lieber ein Spiel, dass mir mehr Spaß macht.

Acabou não me prendendo, o combate é legal mas a sequencia de momentos que você para a gameplay pra poder ler um pop up (o mesmo repetidas vezes) ou pra lutar com inimigos tira da diversão. O que não ajuda muito são os inimigos iguais e que quase não atacam de volta.

I really wanted to enjoy this game, but holy hell is it an unpolished, horribly designed mess. It had good ideas, but all of them get snuffed out by the horrendous enemy design and lack of polish on every aspect of the game.

Let's start with the good, or at least somewhat good: the art. The art of Eastern Exorcist is pretty great, actually. The 2D painted look works really well for the game, and the visual designs of the enemies specifically stand out as being really interesting. I wish as much detail and effort was put into the rest of the game's presentation. The game's UI and menus could use some work. I had to deal with tutorial pop ups for information the game already told me about three times too many, and the layout/information in the games' menus is needlessly overcomplicated. Also, the game's cutscenes are videos caked into the game that play at super low resolution, with a little note in the upper right hand corner telling you how to fix the video player if it breaks - needless to say, not a good look. The story is just fine, I thought that Lu's story was a bit more compelling than Xue's, but they were both pretty simple and fine enough. A lot of the game's environments are just bland and boring, at least half of them are the same dull grey and green color palette. And the game is strictly linear, which I guess isn't a fault in itself, but for a soulslike just feels off. There's a couple of opportunities to do some optional things in both stories, but they're extremely simple. To top it all off, I'm pretty sure the developers just used the default Unity font for the game's text, which does not fit AT ALL with the Eastern theming. It makes me sad because the art was this game's saving grace, but more time was needed to add in all of the extra details that make the entire experience seamless. Unfortunately, I was constantly reminded of the game's rough edges throughout the whole game.

Then we get to the combat. It's not bad, and I think it had the POTENTIAL to be super fun, but it gets ruined by a couple of things. For one, the parry is extremely inconsistent, and made fighting bosses a slog sometimes because I just could not reliably land a parry. I completed this game all the way through and got all of the achievements, so I had ample time and skill with the parry, it really was just super finnicky, which felt awful. Secondly, the game allows the player some expression by letting them choose four out of seven playstyles for their character. But, in reality, it doesn't make sense to be constantly swapping between different styles. Both characters had one style that was just clearly better than all of the others, so it's in your best interest to just use that one style the whole time, and only use your resources on that and upgrading your character. And again, the developers needlessly complicate these styles by shoving a wall of text in front of the player, so they have to decipher how to even play the game through translation errors and unknown terminology. Finally, some of the boss and enemy designs in this game, from a combat standpoint, are just some of the worst I've ever seen, plain and simple. Many times you will do something skillfully and correctly, and still get punished for it. And for some reason fire and projectiles are going to be your worst nightmare playing this game. The game lets you parry those too, but half the time it gets you killed because you automatically do your follow-up attack when you parry them, and then get hit by the rest of the projectile volley or other enemies while you're stuck in that animation.

Besides all of that, there are just a bunch of little things that add up to make the game look and feel extremely unpolished. It's not buggy, but its very amateurish, its pretty clear the studio was either rushed or inexperienced at the very least. This one really just needed a LOT more time in the oven so it could become something that would be at least decent. The art is beautiful, just sad its wasted on a pretty frustrating experience.

É um qualquer coisa muito honesto no combate. So aí também, o resto é bem qualquer coisa, mas como ele é completamente focado no combate. Me agradou

I'm torn on this. This game has countless flaws all over it. The localization work isn't the best. You can clearly see the idle animations of characters not looping properly. Some UI elements are not properly aligned. Most of the time you're listening to the same 2 songs (there are more for some bosses and areas, all of it it's good at least). There's a little too much talking for a game of this kind. Some tutorials are shown multiple times, and they're usually very simple. Menus aren't necessarily bad but they feel like a first draft. Some ideas are thrown into the mix but never expanded. The game doesn't clearly state that each character has its own, separate campaign.

So I first started playing with Xiahou Xue, the girl, not knowing this was the harder of both stories. I struggled but persevered, until I hit a spike in the difficulty in the form of the boss called Tang Ming and his stupid bombs. After that? Yeah, I kind of broke the whole meta game with an ability that I can't recall its name. Demon slayer, maybe? Haha. Anyway, after landing some hits, I was able to activate it, then it powered me up for twenty-something seconds and from that point I was able to breeze my way up 'til the end of this campaign. Like, barely needing to parry or strategize anymore, as long as I kept leveling up the ability and myself.

There are some shared elements across both campaigns. For the most part, though, they're completely unrelated, which was kind of shocking for me when I started my playthrough with Lu Yunchuan. I was expecting to play as the brother of Xiahou, and see the events play from his perspective or be an alternate take of the story. That was not at all the case, as I've stated. Yeah, I didn't pay much attention to the artwork to realize the brother and Lu look nothing alike.

When playing with Lu, I got an equivalent (or maybe even it's called the same) ability through an optional challange, however the power-up would only last 13 seconds or so. So I was never ridiculously overpowered, but almost. For this reason, I felt I struggled this campaign the most. I also think it helped me understand the game a little better.

There are some mechanics that are introduced in Lu's campaign but completely, or mostly, absent in Xiahou's, such as talking to NPCs or explosive elements throughout the levels. This obviously points that the main focus of the developers was the Lu's campaign, even naming the game after his story. It was interesting for me, however, rediscovering new intentions in a game I had finished and thought I wouldn't find anything new anymore.

This is, surprisingly, not a metroidvania. It's some sort of boss-rush beat 'em up. There is plenty of combat outside of the boss fights, anyway, and some light exploration to do. Checkpoints are generous and I only struggled in few points with them. If it isn't clear yet though, this is very much a hard game, that can be cheesed but still.

I shouldn't have enjoyed this as much as I did. Objectively, though, it's very much not great. I still loved my time with it.

Played through Xbox Game Pass for... what? A total of 28 hours and 8 minutes?! I idled a lot, but this is ridiculous. I did all of the achievements except for one, and most of the challanges available, so that may be it.

Normalmente eu não gosto de falar sobre um jogo referenciando outro. Entretanto, eu joguei no Vita um gostosíssimo hack-n-slash de plataforma chamado Muramasa: Rebirth, relançamento do Muramasa: The Demon Blade, e Eastern Exorcist é muito, mas muito similar a ele.

O jogo da Vanillaware é simplesmente estonteante de tão belo, e com seu gameplay fluido e bem executado, é uma delícia de jogar até o momento em que ele se torna....extremamente repetitivo.

O level design é repetitivo, os cenários repetitivos, os inimigos repetitivos, e o próprio gameplay se torna repetitivo, além do loop ser basicamente alimentado pela destrava constante de novas espadas (que possuem poderes especiais diferentes) e a narrativa, que acaba se tornando mais longa e espaçada por conta do gameplay.

Eastern Exorcist é assustadoramente similar a Muramasa, mas tem toda sua estética própria e o design é no fim das contas diferente o suficiente pra não ser confundido ou tachado como uma mera cópia.

Ambos os jogos exploram os folclores feudais de seus países. Muramasa no Japão, Eastern Exorcist na China. Os inimigos são compostos por demônios humanoides que se integram à narrativa fantástica que tem a estrutura de contos (inclusive a DLC do Muramasa é se pá mais gostosa de jogar que o jogo base) envolvendo humanos, demônios e entidades sobrenaturais.

Aqui no Eastern nós temos tal qual no Muramasa dois personagens com campanhas distintas, então há um incentivo extra ao replay não só na forma de New Game +, mas também em jogar a aventura do outro personagem.

Terminei a campanha da Xue, mas acabei não jogando muito a do Lu, apenas o suficiente pra saber que são diferentes, contudo o gameplay é similar de ambos, tal qual Muramasa.

Resumindo de forma geral, EE tem um design mto similar ao Demon Blade em todos os aspectos, mas supera bastante em level e battle design, perdendo apenas em apresentação visual, já que superar a Vanilla é difícil, especialmente em animação e interface.

Contudo o time caprichou na arte e fez o melhor que podia nas animações. Tem um esforço reconhecível em especial à programação e ao game feel, especialmente no tocante à movimentação e golpes, mas dá pra sentir que faltou um pouquinho a mais de polimento pra deixar a par com a indústria AAA nesse aspecto.

Chega bem perto, entretanto, especialmente quando comparado ao Muramasa e o estilo de animação da Vanillaware.

Great 2d scroller game with a lot of bosses. The story is also fine and the ennemy variety is respectable for the game length. The artstyle and soundtrack compliments the game fairly well. Overall a great game that could be a bit short for some (~4/5 hours to beat)

Combat was somewhat interesting but wasn't really enjoying it.

muitoooo bom jogo, dificil e um boss a cada segundo, pretendo fazer 100% depois, só não dou nota max pq eh muito curto e por isso nao se aprofunda muito no tema q eh mt interessante (mitologia chinesa)

Artstyle and Combat are really good but the bosses are trash

Shittiest enemy design I've ever seen (visually).

jugado del gamepass, tiene campaña tanto para el protagonista como para la protagonista, el combate es sencillo y si tenes un poco de experiencias en juegos de parrys va a ser un paseo por el parque.
recomiendo probar

A really mechanically sound game with some weird difficulty peaks and valleys. I wouldn't be surprised if the unevenness of the game in that sense was of my own doing. Art and animation is quite good, really like the set up of two playable unique stories in the same setting with shared mechanics. Boss battles are the highlight here as well, so if you don't like boss rush style games, I wouldn't recommend this.

7.65 - Tem algumas coisas para polir, como o desempenho nas cutscenes e o design de alguns menus, mas é relevável.

A história é bem legal, principalmente do personagem masculino, o plot twist do final realmente me pegou e me empolgou muito, adorei. A história da personagem feminina não é ruim, mas é mais fraquinha.

A gameplay é bemmm divertida e ágil, tem uma variedade boa de skills e acertar o timing dos chefes é desafiador mas não impossível.

Os visuais são satisfatórios, na maior parte nada de mais, porém tem alguns cenários e inimigos bem bonitos e criativos

A garota raposa é bem bonita.

2D action game with two characters who have separate stories. Combat is fast and straight-forward, and there are a lot of boss fights.

Where it Shines:
Story - 7/10
Combat - 8.5/10
Setpieces - 7/10

The Good:
Eastern Exorcist surprised me. I expected a pretty unpolished rushed game, but it's actually really well thought out and has a lot of depth. The key takeaways for me are:
- The combat system is quite complex, with lots of combos, counters, special abilities, and upgrades
- The bosses are really fun
- The story is far better than it needs to be for this type of game
- The backdrops and locales are all highly memorable with very well thought out shots and sequences.
- There's not enough games out there that branch out of the typical medieval high fantasy backdrop, so it's extremely refreshing to see chinese lore and history represented, which is far more interesting to experience and look at anyway.
- Lots of challenges and trials and other extra content.

The Bad:
It's not without it's flaws.
- The ending is very...ubrupt? You spend the whole game trying to accomplish a particular task, and then you beat the last boss and there's a very brief cutscene that basically just says "And then you did the thing you were trying to do, the end."
- The cutscenes are very bland. Think early 2000's flash animations
- In that vein, the character models also reek of that flash animation style, where it looks like their appendages are pinned to their joints and just bobbing around like a bad paper cutout art project
- the music is pretty nonexistent. This game could have had some amazing classical Chinese influences inspiring it's score, but it feels very placeholder and lazy. It's not bad, just completely unmemorable.
- the difficulty curve is sort of all over the place. Playing on story mode felt challenging even at the beginning, and I died a few times. But as you progress, it gets laughably easy. I think the game suffers from an inverse difficulty curve like Breath of the Wild did - too hard at the beginning, too easy at the end. It's probably best enjoyed on normal difficulty or higher, but be prepared for the beginning to be annoying. It does have a NG+ mode though, if you felt like replaying it and notching up the difficulty each time.

This game surprised me. It always peaked my interest, and I managed to squeeze it in this year seeing how short the playthrough time was. I'm glad I did. It's not one of my all time favourites or anything, but if you want a short, fun, combat heavy game, set in a more interesting world and with a decent story, this is definitely a great choice. I hope the studio makes more games and comes out with more polished products in the future.

Note on my ratings:

Treat my stars like Michelin Stars - just having one means the game is worth playing in some way.

1/2 ⭐: hot trash garbage, since you can't do zero stars here
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite