Reviews from

in the past

amazingly detailed presentation, from cleverly reusing assets to creatively using original ones, level design that never gets old, whether it's a gimmick or different terrain combinations that requires all of your character tools to be used effectively. with these different characters that encourage your own way of approaching the game. Each one being special in their own way. the game just screams pure fun and sense of comfort.

not only is it a good game in its own way, it also greatly enhances the flow of it's inspiration, Sonic, on a moment to moment basis. having an I-FRAMES on command move helps a lot when navigating levels at high speed, and when you don't have one, smart use of your other tools means you don't have unfortunate crashes that can cause frustration with the level.

if I could describe this game in a way that would entice anyone to give it a chance, it would be SONIC 3&K + MEGAMAN X, especially with its collision system. a pity that the storyline offered is a fucking embarrassment.

melhor que sonic pq só tem gostosa

2D Sonic but good.

All jokes aside it's a very solid fast-paced platformer. I got more used to the combat as time went on and the level design is actually amazing. I agree with the critique that boss battles feel like they encourage the trial and error strategy but it didn't get frustrating until some of the endgame bosses.

Music is solid too but the worst parts of the game are definitely the voice acting and the somewhat basic script.

I still had a fun time with it and I hope to do a Carol and Milla run eventually or play the sequel.

it was like a 2d sonic with a better controlled pace and more combat focus which actually worked much better for me than the original sonic somewhat. some of the boss fights forces you to do trial and error which is a drag. the story was silly and pretentious but some of the dialogue was enjoyable. i didn't finish the game cause i accidentally deleted my save (lol) and i don't feel like playing the whole game again.

Divertido, objetivamente mal juego, y aún así, divierte mucho más que cualquier juego de sonic de antaño

As a life-long Sonic fan, this is what Sonic wishes it could be.

I kinda liked how this game plays, but the worst thing was the cutscenes/some of the voice acting, specially the scene where Lilac's VA mic peaks LMAO. But other than that, I like all 3 playable characters, the music and the levels, sometimes the combat can be a miss but it's usually pretty fun. Must try if you are a Sonic fan.

It's an enjoyable fast-paced platformer game like Sonic. Visuals and soundtracks are compelling too. The characters would have been adorable if they were not lesbians.

Overall, a charming game to bring back memories of Sonic.

I can't play it, just like I can play classic Sonic games

However from what I can tell it seems more fun than Sonic, both in terms of story and gameplay

Don't take my word for it though, because I'm not a target for this game

Reviewing again after a fresh playthrough.

Wow, this game is pretty much as good as I remembered it. Brutal in the final stages, especially on hard mode! Final boss was also brutal as well; very fast, high risk/reward ratio, frantic, just like a final boss in a story of this caliber should be.

Say what you want about the voice acting, I think it did a great job at conveying the story's emotion. And yeah, the story, while (arguably) basic at its fundamental level, works incredibly well.

Music absolutely rocks. Incredibly inspirational work. Stellar, even.

I'll come back to this game to play Carol and Milla's parts eventually. Still can't wait to play FP2 (waiting for a good sale lol).

in a world lacking with decent 2D sonic games (discounting fan games and such) Freedom Planet comes with a twist of fresh air bringing a fun game with 3 characters to play as. the story has some dark moments that help to the character's development.

an indie masterpiece that everyone should try out :)

way more better than most sonic games

This is better than any classic 2D Sonic game because you aren't being punished for going fast every 3 seconds. Simply not taking damage upon touching an enemy and only getting hurt from actual attacks was the smartest decision they did for a fast paced 2D platformer. The bosses are a bit too difficult but visually and mechanically very impressing. Soundtrack is an absolute banger too!

Helps crave the itch I have for platformers that Dimps' version of Handheld Sonic left behind. The level design is great, fighting enemies doesn't cut down your pace and it's fun to find different areas to explore and speed through in each level. I didn't particularly care for the story though, which is something the game tried desperately to push. The story was way too cliche and goofy for it to be taken as seriously as they wanted us to

More fun than any sonic game I've played

This definitely is a game and it's kinda fun too. The mechanics can be fairly interesting and I feel it's the later stages that really start to push how creatively it can be used. With that said I think this game suffers a lot in terms of combat and unnecessary loads of enemies. Sometimes it feels like this game's main inspiration is a bad mega man x game but that isn't to say combat can't be fun. Some of the bosses I actually found fairly enjoyable...when they didn't insist on wasting time. That dragon boss is a prime example of a nothing encounter that just takes up time.I can see the appeal in the gameplay and maybe I'll like it more on a few level revisits.

I'd prefer to end there because this game's story falls into laughably bad and needlessly edgy with moments including torture and death that serve little to nothing but be there for shock value. Feels written by an edgy 14 year old and that's not great.

Freedom Planet overall, alright.

cool story, fun levels, the boss fights hurt my soul deeply

Sloppy level design in places but solid otherwise.

I've never gotten more than a few levels into this game because every stage is 10+ minutes long and I just completely run out of steam. I like the aesthetic but as far as the gameplay goes this is just a giant bowl of 2D platforming oatmeal.

Dang these are some big honkin’ levels. A chill no-thoughts Sonic clone.

A really awesome retro-type game that brings back memories of the great classic Sonic games. The only problem I have is that character backstories appear to be very hashed together quickly, but the game is really enjoyable and the story is quite interesting too...if they went into more information on it.

There are unlimited continues so even when I got frustrated, it brought me back so I can re-try those really difficult bosses. Especially the last who has 3 different phases and even though you get healed between each phase, he's still incredibly dangerous and lives up to the horror that the character is in the story.

Very cute platformer. You can play between different characters, all with unique abilities. The story isn't groundbreaking but it does its job. The collectables are also worth getting, in my opinion. If you love Sonic Advance, I'd say this plays similarly to that.

Very fun, although the story has a lot of problems and one of the playable characters is miserable to play as (I'm sorry Milla)

Real 2d platforming. Love 2d sonic and this is just more of that

With all the fuzz that this game got for supposedly being an amazing experience for Sonic fans, I admit that I was expecting much more from Freedom Planet.

The game is a decent platformer which takes some ideas from Sonic the Hedgehog while mixing it up with ideas of its own. However, in the end, it felt just too bland for me.

You play as one of three characters through long levels where you're supposed to go fast while avoiding enemies and obstacles. As in Sonic, there are also puzzles and boss battles. The boss battles felt kind of unfair, with some attacks being pretty difficult to dodge. The game is easy enough that it doesn't matter, however, since there are infinite continues and ample checkpoints.

Still, I didn't find it satisfying to go through the levels and boss fights. The level design felt bland; it's similar to Kirby where you can ignore most of the stuff and just go quickly, but it doesn't have the same level of relaxing fun as Kirby does. There were a couple parts that felt innovative, but it was unfortunately not enough. The bosses were more annoying that fun or exciting.

The music is good but the game has terrible voice acting and not even in a funny way. The story is also kind of a mess and was difficult to follow. Overall I didn't care about it.

I left the game feeling really disappointed. The only takeaway I got from it is the great soundtrack.