Reviews from

in the past

Amazing story filled with emotions but the multiplayer tried to copy Call of Duty. People stopped playing really quick after launch.

A beautifully written script bogged down by a derivative campaign (with two or three standouts) and a multiplayer facing an identity crisis that doubles down on some of Reach’s worst qualities. Still, some very fun multiplayer maps.

343 taking over was on a downhill from the start. Goofy sounding guns, goofy looking covenant, and only 2 and a half new enemies really made everyone understand Halo might never be what it used to be. Love the story between Cortana and Chief tho.

The general consensus on this game seems to be "decent campaign, crap multiplayer". Sometimes I agree, sometimes I think it's the exact opposite. The campaign goes to some interesting places, being more of a character study than a sort of special forces war story, while ironically the multiplayer takes cues from COD, eschewing the equal starts arena multiplayer for custom loadouts and superpowers. And yet, at the same time, I find the multiplayer really fun (and it's the one I'm best at, for some reason), and find the campaign to be lacking in several respects. It was a wasted opportunity to have Chief so far from home and yet the Covenant have reformed and within a couple of missions the UNSC have already found him. Some of the campaign levels are unbearably tedious, with repeated setpieces involving defending a single area until something happens, undercooked Promethean enemies and weapons, and the actual conflict of the story which is incomprehensible if your experience of the series is the previous numbered entries - a terrible sin for any piece of media to commit.

Despite all the valid criticism this received I still found this to be quite fun!

the little clicks and clanks and squeaks john makes when he walks?!?! and that ending cutscene with john and lasky is just too good. lasky i love you.

Underrated had some of the best PvP

Gracias 343i, joyita de campaña, casi perfecta

It's like Halo but with everything that made it unique ripped out. Or, almost everything. I liked how they expanded on Master Chief's and Cortana's relationship.

For a first go not terrible, I hate the artstyle and the story about the didact, while interesting, is told poorly. The story about Chief and Cortana in this game, however, is fantastic.

When I played the Halo series for the first time in 2021, I was expecting Halo 4 to be a dropoff. I was told by Halo fans that this is where the series began going downhill, but... I dunno about that. I actually enjoyed this game. Does it try too much to be like other shooters? Yes. I don't mind sprinting but it didn't need it either. This is a more story-heavy game than the previous entries, focused around Cortana primarily. And I liked it! I really don't think this game is bad at all, but it's definitely not up to par with the games that came before it.

Score: 82

Sometimes it’s fun to play the different Halo.

I wish you could be the halo reach 2 I wanted. But you kind of left no mark in my memory, I'm sorry, you deserved better.

campaign was fun along with custom infecvtion

first exposure to halo loved it as a teen much more than i think it gets credit for multiplayer was goated

While the story took interesting new directions, the game itself suffered. The formula here is a shadow of what Bungie brought to the table.

It was very funny how excited I was about the fact that Halo had sprinting lol. The game is a noticeable downgrade from Reach in almost every other way, trying fruitlessly to replicate what COD was doing and losing itself in the process.

Halo 4's campaign is quite forgettable IMO, as in, I've played it twice and I can't tell you a single thing that happened. I love Master Chief, but it feels like 343 has had no idea what to do with his character after 3. Bungie had basically given him his fond farewell and left it a little ambiguous, so to bring him back just cause he's the marketable face of the franchise and do nothing with him besides ruin his mystique is a bold choice to say the least lol.

I remember multiplayer being a good time (hence the above average grade), basically what Reach was doing but not as interesting.

If Halo 5 didn't exist this is probably the worst one, but I abandoned that one so this remains at the bottom of my personal ranking for now.

Enjoyable gameplay, and insane graphics considering the release date. But I can't shake the feeling of how wrong it felt getting a fourth entry when the story was meant to be concluded with the ending of 3.

Jeu fini en solo, et un peu de jeu multi et coop en multi. Très sympa

Şu oyunu nasıl beğenmiyorsunuz anlayamıyorum gerçekten.
Çok eğlendim. ODST sonrası ilaç gibi geldi.

esse jogo foi a decepção do pedro de 2012. Nada poderia ter doído mais

Following up one of the best trilogy in gaming history, this game undelivered. With a story that feels very disconnected with the original games, mediocre game play and new enemies, a good multiplayer and half baked extra content.

The epitome of mid.

"Halo 4" has all the pieces that it needs to work, and for the most part, it does. But it is just missing that "Halo" shine, the thing that really made "Halo: stand out from all the other shooters out there.

Playing it this time around, I noticed how weird level transitions were and how often the game resorted to teleporting Chief mid-level. All the previous games were great at making a singular level feel really lived in, like you were adventuring across this whole area, and it would only resort to teleportation once the level was over. Just something I noticed this time around.

"Halo 4" is my least favorite game on the MCC, but my cute girlfriend has fun playing it with me, so I can't complain at all.

While I can tell things are different compared to Bungie's stuff, and there are a lot of things that can be improved upon (Better enemy balance, a better difficulty balance, some buffs to some weapons), I still got a lot of enjoyment out of Halo 4 and enjoyed 343's attempts at changing the Halo formula.

Mid a mas no poder, mal multijugador, mas feo que cualquier otro Halo, la campaña es mala, no te molestes