Reviews from

in the past

I loved this game back then, played it last year and the nostalgia took over.

A timeless masterpiece. It might be a children's game but it is unnesessarily high quality, dense with content, and fun.

Iconic the levels actually go hard but some are rlly bad

Many memories were formed from this game

joguei muito lego star wars com meu irmão quando eu era mais nova. tempo bom demais. só de ver o cover me bate uma nostalgiazinha

O mais criativo para mim. Mesmo a história sendo todo picotada, adoro jogar de Jedi.

Best LEGO game by far

got this for like a dollar so its a banger

I have to start by saying that I know the DS version might be the worst game to experience this game but I had nothing else at the time so it worked for me. I have many fond memories of playing it on my maroon DSi XL.

Irons out most bugs and general errors in the previous games, still is annoying to 100%

One of my most beloved childhood video games. This is a rather basic concept with puzzles that are in no way challenging and combat that is simply a hack-n-slash. It shouldn't be as good as it is yet it is quite charming and engaging. It is the perfect game for mindless fun with lots of content. The vehicle levels need to go though...

Great charm in its cutscenes and fun and concise levels

So far I can get behind the hype for it, but outside of nostalgia I'm sure a lot of people would agree it's not the greatest. Some levels are just outright annoying to play through, and some of the movement feels stiff, but overall it's still a fun time.

It was fun to 100% although it can get repetitive and the flying levels suck.

A childhood game that will forever stay in good memory.

This Game is absolutely epic, insane and Im way too nostalgic about this.

Great lego game. Shows that being linear and simple does not make a game bad. The pod racing level always got me as a kid.

i think the way this game is structured is a stroke of genius. i’m not sure if all lego games are similar given this was the only one i played as a kid but i think its brilliant. it’s so simple yet intuitive while still maintaining a sense of wonder going through every new door. not to mention the world and level design is just super solid. it’s goofy and charming and there’s metric ass ton of content (i never did get that millionth coin in lego city) and none of it felt like busy work, it was just fun :,)
this allowed me a unique way to escape into the world i grew up obsessed with and it’s still great today.

Nunca assisti Star Wars, mas esse jogo é tão bom que conseguiu virar o meu favorito. Ápice dos jogos Lego

The bulk of this game is really fun, if simple, but has a lot of fun ways to casually maximize gameplay depending on the order you do things or what basic exploits you use. Baby's first speed run game! But on the other hand there's a lot of more tedious gameplay in some of the later levels and the final requirements for 100% are just straight up not fun. on this most recent replay (and possibly the only time I've ever fully 100%ed?) I did most of the game in the span of a couple weeks of casual play back in November/December but Only finished the last Super Story and Blue Cannister Challenges in JUNE. In spite of all that I've replayed the base game of this countless times which counts for something. It's fun, but not like, amazing amazing.

This game is one of those games that's buggy but like in the good way

Real talk why did Episode 3 Anakin look like that