Reviews from

in the past

o dash funciona🙏🙏

Esse jogo continua a me brilhar os olhos depois de tanto tempo, e como fosse um vinho quanto mais antigo fica melhor. em termos de jogabilidade é a mesma coisa que o MMX Original porem melhorado as musicas então nem se fala, quanto a difilcudade tive algumas difilculdades por estar meio enferrujado com jogos plataformer porem nada impossivel (so tive que usar save states no sigma e zero e usei o shoryuken tambem) por tanto é isso, eu tenho um carinho muitro grande por esse jogo e ele sempre vai ter um lugarzinho especial no meu coração

This game continues to shine in my eyes after so long, and like wine, the older it gets the better. In terms of gameplay, it's the same thing as MMX Original, but the music has been improved, so that's not even worth mentioning. In terms of difficulty, I had some difficulties because I was a bit rusty with platformer games, but nothing was impossible (I just had to use save states on Sigma and Zero and I used shoryuken too) so that's it, I have a huge affection for this game and it will always have a special place in my heart

Perfeito igual o primeiro, só é um pouco mais fácil.

This game feels like a worst paced version of Mega Man 3, made worst by the X series structure, and admittedly how they handle the X hunters.

In terms of the things I care about a notable bit in these games, I think the mavericks themselves and their weapons are a bit less good than X1's, but I still like them overall I guess. The 2nd Armor is a bit better than the First Armor, but I kind of miss it's buster. Just give it this one's shoe functionality and I'd be happy. It's other effects like map searching or a screen wipe are a bit too situational for me to care about.

I think overall the stages are fine in the main section of the game, the only one I think that sucks for sure is Flame Stag's stage for the volcano section at the beginning of the level because it's too fast at times, and if it touches you, it's really hard to get away. It's honestly better to get insta-killed by it, but it doesn't even do that, it just takes 1/3 of the bar I think per hit. Otherwise the stage is fine, but that section especially sucks. I do like some of them tho, like Bubble Crab's is a race to the finish with a big robot fish, Overdrive Ostrich introduces the ride chasers and they're fun, minus the noise they make (they hurt my ears), and Morph Moth is delightfully unsettling.

I think the main game is fine, but I think the X Hunter Base levels, essentially Wily Castle stages, just suck 1 after another. Either because gimmicks in the stage themselves are just not fun like in Stage 1 with more climbing segments or in Stage 3 with it's jet platform you have to guide by jumping to switch it's direction, and it's just too finicky, or the bosses just aren't fun.

Violen is the same as his normal fight and it's annoying in both because of his stupid wrecking ball, Serges gets a different fight, and it's worse than his first fight. First one was just annoying because he was hard to hit, the second one is just bad because it takes that issue, and makes it a ton worse. And I'm not really that big of a fan of the Sigma fights... well more specifically the Sigma Virus phase, but it's just hard to keep up with how much the fight goes on rather than it just being outright bad. I think the only fight that I kind of like is Agile's fight. I like his first fight, and this second one is cool too, but more because it's a fun gimmick that can become a bit of a mess more than it being a hard but fun fight, especially going buster only in the latter.

I should probably mention why I think the game has worst pacing row quick, both for this review and to clarify some thoughts on MM3. I think MM3 is overall fine just considering the main game and the wily castle, but the Doc Robot stages reusing old stages to have rematch against the last game's bosses with a completely different set of weakness weapons was more a slog than actually fun. It just took a stab to the pacing, and made the game feel longer than it should be.

I think why this game's a bit worse about it is partly because of what it is compared to 3. MM3 is a relatively simple platformer with a random low point in the middle. This game intends to be more focused on collecting things throughout stages and completing a lot of it's hidden challenges if you want to get X to standing a chance more than just obtaining the weapons. From armor pieces to heart and e-tanks, to even finding some secret bosses. It's certainly not as straightforward I suppose.

I also think part of it just comes from how I like to play X games, I like to get everything I can in it so not only is there nothing left to scour the levels for once i'm done with them and I get a sense of completion out of the task, but I'm more ready for the challenges later to come. Because of the nature of this game's upgrades, it necessitates revisiting and exploring levels, similar to what MM7 and MM8 encouraged through hidden secrets in levels or through bolts. I think with that in mind, I like X1 because there isn't really much else to worry about in the main stages, and because of that, when I finish levels and I got the right stuff, it's pretty simple to head back and collect what I need with no skin off my back. It's a pretty leniant collection loop.

Doing this for X2 was a bit more of a hassle, partly on me, but also I think on the game. On me, well this is my first playthrough, of course it's gonna take a bit more time to figure out how the game works or where it hides stuff, and especially in nailing down a route, I don't really have it well planned out. But on the game itself, I think finding a good route is made a little inconvient based on the stipulations. There's plenty of collectibles that either require the airdash from the legs part, or a certain weapon like the speed burner with it's charged variation you only get from the buster upgrade. There's quite a few collectibles that are hidden with extra stipulations rather than just being in tricky spots, and considering the weakness order, it's a bit inconvient to play it like a standard mega man game in that regard.

My example is that I started with Wire Sponge, but I should've probably started with Overdrive Ostrich so I could have gotten the Leg parts so I could get some other stuff and generally improve my movement, but no I can't do that, I need wheel gator's weapon to even get it. In the weakness chain, overdrive ostrich would beat out wire sponge who would then beat out wheel gator, then I'd go back and get the upgrade. Until I do that, a lot of the games collectibles are locked off from me unless i'm super technical about my movement, which i'm not. But I didn't do that, I went Wire Sponge, Wheel Gator, then Overdrive Ostrich and went ahead and fought him with the buster only. Part of the blame is one me for the order, but no matter what, this was the one MM game i've played that's gotten me to break the weakness weapon chain, and not in a way I particularly like.

What complicates this a bit more is if you want to try and just complete the stages weakness to weakness while also trying to fight all the X-Hunter fights. Ignoring that some of them are just a pain in the ass to get to because they are just straight up hidden in the stages which makes sense as optional fights. If you're going for them, you gotta hope that they actually land on one of the 6 remaining stages after you unlock them. Either you try and knock them out early by going off route, hope they're there, or just keep leaving and revisiting levels to reset where they spawn at, especially if you want to face off against one in particular. That last one is just if you don't feel like fighting someone like serges or something. I get that tbf.

Y'know, i'm thinking on it now, and honestly while I do like fighting optional bosses because a secret fights are cool, considering I just don't like 2 out of the three fights, and I end up having to rematch them all anyways, I think it makes things worse in hindsight. I did a lot of work just to not end up fighting Zero at the end. Now, storywise, I think it makes more sense that X would want to save Zero and would end up going out of his way to get his parts back, it makes sense to the characters and the player, especially after X1, but also, I missed a really cool fight with Zero. It's not like I can easily go back either without doing a whole second playthrough, so I just didn't get to fight him. I mean granted, I already think the sigma fights after it are enough trouble normally, so having a tough fight prior be gone is probably easier at the end of the day, and it is cool to have him cut down a copy so effortlessly as he makes a flashy return, but I dunno man, I think the X-Hunters are just kind of busy work...

Trying to account for them in main stages and then deal with them in the latter half of the game just isn't that fun, and combine that with me thinking the collection order is a bit more tedious than normal, and me thinking the stages and bosses aren't that cool... yeah this game feels like a drag more times than not. Overall, not one of my favorites. Not very well paced, not as interesting as X1 in bosses or weapons, and the endgame just kind of tanks in quality. Fucked up... That being said, here's my boss ranking.

8. Wheel Gator
7. Morph Moth
6. Magna Centipede
5. Flame Stag
4. Crystal Snail
3. Wire Sponge
2. Bubble Crab
1. Overdrive Ostrich

Sigma is, at the very least, the worst thing to happen to the collective Mega Man franchise. Just as he brought down the previous game, whatever little inclusion he had into X2 felt like an anchor weighing down this otherwise fantastic sequel.

I feel like this game added more frustrating elements than the original, but the sense of forward momentum and action that X2 delivers on mostly makes up for it. I think the music's better, and while the game doesn't look much better than the original, there wasn't much that needed to be improved upon. The transparency layered effects are more graphically impressive than the wireframe 3D elements. It doesn't matter how many graphical enhancement chips you include onto a cartridge, Sigma is still going to be active detriment to the experience. I hope that moving forward, he's replaced with anything else. Or nothing. If I had to choose between jumping down the pit to fight Sigma as the final boss or fight a stationary supercomputer, I'm choosing the later every day of the week.

Also they should make a Mega Man game staring Zero. Wouldn't that be neat?

Its pretty good all around.
I don't mind its weaker than the first one cause well, following up that game is quite the ordeal.
Level design is more hit or miss, and maverick roster is kinda forgettable, but I can replay this.

it really disappoints me how every x game after the first is just worse...level design, boss designs and especially the music are all a step down. the only real improvement i can give is this being one of the more fun 100%s to do with how quick and easy it is

X1 pero peor y con mucho backtracking

Não foi tão inovador quanto o primeiro, tem OST's boas, algumas boss battles boas, menos as do Maverick que algumas são só mais difíceis que o chefe final. A última fase com certeza precisava de um checkpoint depois do primeiro chefe porque ele tem um moveset fácil e é mais um obstáculo pra o verdadeiro chefe que tem duas fases.

Mega Man X dejó una impresión tan fuerte en mí que sentí la imperiosa necesidad de empezar la secuela nada más terminar. Necesitaba más de lo mismo y Mega Man X2 es más de lo mismo pero casi mejor.

Los niveles son más memorables (la secuencia de moto en Overdrive Ostrich, las cajas mortales de Magna Centipede, la lava ascendiente en Flame Stag...), los jefes tienden a ser más interesantes (en virtud de ser menos débiles a su debilidad y que el X Buster se siente más poderoso) y hay un cambio en las capacidades de las armas que desbloqueas (que enfatizan el combate en X y la exploración en X2) que creo que favorece al juego en su totalidad. Los jefes finales son al mismo tiempo más exigentes y menos injustos que en el original.

Por otro lado, el orden en que derrotes a los jefes no cambian los niveles como lo hacía en X, los jefes opcionales se sienten mal integrados y la estructura en la que ocurren los rematches contra los Mavericks en el nivel final me gustó menos que en el original.

Teniendo en cuenta todo esto, creo que prefiero Mega Man X2 a X. Puede que tenga que ver con que empiezas con el dash desbloqueado y que lo reasigne al botón L antes de empezar la partida, pero creo que X2 es una experiencia más depurada que utiliza mejor sus partes. Una vez más, no puedo sino recomendarlo a todo el mundo.

An improvement over X1 in a lot of ways, but still limited by several design decisions

a definite step down, but still great

It's a solid follow up, but it's not as good as the first.

New movement options are great and super fun! New mavericks are cool and there are a few songs that are really great. Overall the soundtrack is weaker compared to the first though.

The x hunters are interesting, but I don't like having to plan my routes around them. It makes the game less replayable for me since I always go for 100%.

It's hard to top a masterpiece like Mega Man X, which is why I can't blame them for failing. In all seriousness, it may be a step down, but I still like it.

Gotta be honest though, someone needed to step in and take away the overdriven guitar sample from the composers, cuz goddamn do they use it way too much in this game's soundtrack.

Globalement le 1 en mois bien, et probablement les pires boss tout jeux Mega Man confondus.

Um dos melhores da franquia X, me lembro exatamente do momento em que eu estava em um servidor do discord aleatório em 2019 e vi um cara fazendo 100% de todos os jogos da franquia do atirador azul robótico, e depois de jogar um pouco de todos os jogos, decidi que esse seria o que eu aprenderia cada frame, conheço cada parte desse jogo como a palma da minha mão e não me arrependo do tempo que eu perdi jogando, é impossível jogar apenas uma vez.

The price of peace is high, X thinks to himself. Who or what must be sacrificed for it to become reality?

Mm… I really didn’t enjoy this much at all. It feels great, as is generally the case with Mega Man games, but it’s a shallow husk of Mega Man X. Underwhelming weapons, irritating music, and the weakest collection of bosses that I’ve encountered in this series thus far ensure that this one will be easily forgotten. It’s also laughably easy other than the horribly designed (optional) platforming challenges. Mega Man X2 is a cover band.

Pra mim que já achava o Mega Man X perfeito, o X2 é uma melhoria absurda para a franquia, além da trilha sonora perfeita, o jogo traz novas mecânicas que são muito bem aproveitadas.

"O preço da paz é alto, pensa X consigo mesmo..."

Ótimo jogo porém eu ainda prefiro o X1, mas eu entenderia perfeitamente se alguém prefere mais esse do que o primeiro

More of the same but in everything just slightly less good.

I would say I liked this less than X, I find the mavericks weaker, not as iconic as X, some of the upgrades are intrusive, and overall easier than X, which is not precisely a bad thing.

Pretty much just more of the same but less memorable of an experience overall. If you liked the first one, you'll like this one.

Mega Man X2 é um caso meio complicado pra mim... Ele tem uma ótima trilha sonora, uma gameplay superior ao X1, tem o Buster da second armor que é um dos meus favoritos na franquia, ele tem fases bem divertidas, e o mais importante, ele não tem o dash cagado do X1. Porem, em contrapartida a qualidade dos Bosses do X2 são como uma montanha russa, alguns estão entre os meus favoritos da saga, e outros eu simplesmente detesto. O X2 no geral é uma ótima continuação, eu gosto bastante dele, é um bom jogo! Mas diria que tem melhores na franquia.....