Reviews from

in the past

Esta bien, pero AM2R existe...

Juego frustante como el solo, es mas facil perderse que en el anterior ya que todos los colores son iguales y esas cosas. Pense que iba a ser un juego corto al ser de gameboy pero que sorpresa con todo lo que me demore, aun usando guia y todo me las arregle pa perderme. Aun asi es una mejora respecto al anterior al tener la recarga de energia y misiles mas facil, ademas de poder disparar agachado y hacia abajo. Los ultimos bichos bien dificiles y me gusto mucho la parte final.

Un metroid a dir poco EPICO, non freca

I haven't played many original gameboy games as they screen/lack-of-light turned me off of the system as a kid. Of the games I've played, this is likely the best. How they were able to make a compelling Metroid game with such limitations and able to produce the oppressive atmosphere that the series is known for is quite the achievement.

That being said, the game is pretty darn difficult. Getting lost in the mazes and having to farm for health / missiles if you're too far from a refill spot are a real pain, especially towards the end.

The last boss fight is absolutely brutal, too! Definitely the worst Metroid game I've played, but boy am I glad that I played it. Solid GB experience.

It' okay, but the lack of map, makes it tedious

How did people beat this without a guide wtf

Honestly not as bad as I thought it would be. Pretty cool.

Honestly had a lot more fun with this one than I was expecting. Basically having the entire game be a hunt even with a tracker at the bottom was a neat idea. However, the game has a lot of jank and those old metroidvania flaws. Some of the later forms of Metroids are just annoying and the final boss is a joke once you figure out a secret to it. Really excited for when I get to the remake and see how they (hopefully) fixed my issues with the original.
Final score: 5/10

While more polished in some areas and telling a much more moving story I honestly preferred the original Metroid somehow.

The first Metroid game for NES is a classic; this game took the formula and improved on it despite being on a portable console. The new abilities are fun, the graphics and music are good for a Game Boy, and overall this is worth playing if you're a fan of the first game.

Big improvement on the first game. The power-ups were so much more fun and actually felt like getting stronger. The quest to destroy all the Metroids was a fun way to change the structure of the game. I used maps online for most of my playtime which obviously changes the way I played the game, but I felt it necessary to improve my experience. The refill points for pickups were so much better than having to grind for health and missiles. Wasn't expecting to enjoy the game as much as I did.

This is the true backrooms experience

I've been trying to play every Metroid game in order of release because the only one I ever beat was, ironically, this game's remake, Samus Returns, and I'll replay that and review it eventually, but because I had already played that game and my friends wanted me to play Super, I was advised to skip this one here, and I did, I played Super first, really enjoyed it, but then I decided to go back to this anyway, I just felt wrong skipping it, and I'm so glad I did.

Metroid II is very different from the rest I've played, including it's own remake, you're not trying to escape the planet, you're there with a purpose, kill every Metroid, it's pretty fucked up and the game is clearly trying to tell you (especially at the end) that maybe what you're doing here is at least morally dubious, and I absolutely love that. Is the gameplay a little rough? yeah, for sure, but outside of that I think pretty much every technical "limitation" of the gameboy ends up working in it's favor. The screen being so small makes the game feel really claustrophobic the whole way through, the music could barely even be considered music sometimes, it's mostly composed of... weird, creepy sounds, the atmosphere is honestly as good as it got in Super, maybe even better at points. The reason it's not equally rated however, is the bosses, there's 40 Metroids to defeat, and they're all pretty uninspired fights, most of them die in 5 missiles, non of them have any interesting patterns to learn, and I understand that this is also probably due to the gameboy's limitations but I can't justify it in this case because it's such a huge part of the game.

Overall, I highly recommend everyone reading to at least give this game a chance, especially if you skipped it for how it looks or for it having so many remakes out there, this is a completely unique experience that I think every Metroid fan would appreciate.

Mejor que el primero, pero se nota que la saga no alcanzó su verdadero potencial hasta que agregaron los mapas.

Sûrement le pire jeu de la licence.

Excellent jeu quand t'as pas une bitch qui vient bourdonner dans ton oreille /hj

It was ok. The biggest flaw is the lack of a map. An in-game map would make this game so much better.
For a gameboy title, it's very impressive. It controls well enough, the level design is pretty good, enemies are just okay. Music is atmospheric when it's there. Good for the hardware.
I played the colorization which looks really good.
I definitely recommend playing this one with a map. I just can't stand wondering around not knowing where to go.
Camera can be a bit too close, but it seems like the game usually takes it into account, you're not really making blind jumps.

Didn’t entirely plan on finishing this one and not sure I ever will, but I at least wanted to see the source material for the 3DS remake. Honestly holds up better than I thought it would but really suffers from a lack of an in game map even more than the first Metroid does.

Great game for an original Gameboy game and a huge improvement from the first game. The controls are a lot better, the map is designed much better, and the enemy placement also isn't insane like the first game. There are still some problems, however. The boss fights are a little repetitive and annoying, there's not much variety in scenery due to the limitations of the Gameboy's color palette, and having no health/missile refills in the last area with the omega metroids is pretty stupid. But otherwise, I very much enjoyed it. The way you kill the final boss is pretty cool as well and I love the ending with the cute baby metroid.

I sure love fighting the same boss over and over

It's about what I expected, unplayable without following a map but I have a weird soft spot for these old cryptic games so I had fun playing this.

Surprisingly for a game boy game this plays very well. Still incredibly difficult but this game rules. I think I still appreciate the original more, this one has you facing off with different forms of metroids as your only enemy whereas the original had more boss diversity.

i used a guide. better than the remake

I like it better than the first game for what that's worth.

Pretty solid by early GameBoy standards, though it takes a while to really hook the player and not having a map can make the pacing a real drag.

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ok so the only improvement is that samus controls SLIGHTLY better here.

the rest feels like a step back sadly. atsmisphere not as strong as the first one (only so much the music can do. its all GREEN). if i didnt have a guide i would have been so lost lol, the idea of exploring to find metroids to kill is fine, but it doesnt really work when theres such a lack of variance in areas.

the small moment with the baby metroid at the end was really neat tho