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in the past

Very good sequel, just doesn't have as many memorable levels as the first game.

I like a lot in this game, as a 90s kid. The way the world and premise are thought up and some of the concepts are super cool, cheeky and cute.
But the level design itself is more annoying than challenging, it's not a real videogame to be honest. Style over content, the classic problem. The writing is all over the place, quite unfunny and lazy jokes most of the time, framed by a weird eastern block back story. Too many random characters we jump around from, the way they look is a matter of taste I guess (great differences between pleasing design and quality imo, Lily's dad looks just bad) and lets not forget the badly set up menus.
The music they made for this game is great. The "panic attacks" and new enemies are fun ideas, the whole psychodelic 60s areas look stunning. Many incredible people worked hard and long on so much great art and sceneries, that is obvious. A game definitely to be looked at.

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Never been more conflicted about a game tbh, it's got so much style, controls feels really responsive, graphics look fantastic. I absolutely adore getting to see more of the world in action and to see what the Psychonauts like Milla and Sasha look like in action. The dialogue and voice acting were even better here, and the characters were so interactive in the overworld and a joy to speak with.

I did really enjoy my time with it, but I can't help but have some major reservations about this one.

It feels a little too style over substance for me in some ways. I didn't find the level theming and writing as great in this one as I did in P1. It felt a little too preachy to me at some points and each level felt a little more unsubtle than the ones in Psychonauts 1. Yes, trauma and mental illness were still a big focus of the best levels in Psychonauts 1, but I just think the way in which these topics were approached felt a lot less organic than it did in PS1.

I didn't like the overarching story about the Grulovia war all that much and how all the character's trauma connects to that. It got really old both theming and writing wise to basically talk about a bunch of old hippies who have more or less of the same background causing their mental troubles. It just kind of felt like each level was deliberately designed with the intention of "this is a metaphor for this specific illness or concept" instead of how that flowed so naturally from the writing in the first title. I don't even mean for this to come across as that I don't like a positive message on mental illness or trauma, I just really preferred the way this was approached in the first title.

I much prefer the last half of the first game where there's overarching themes (mainly parent and child relations), but each person felt like their own individual. The writing in the first game is truly one of my favourite game stories. You really felt the individuality of each patient or member of the team and I just really missed that here. None of the Psychic 6 or the other characters you meet felt nearly as organic as Boyd, Fred, Gloria, or even Sasha and Milla.

Levels are good, but nothing of the height of Waterloo World, Milkman Conspiracy, etc. Gameplay is a major upgrade to me, but not a big enough improvement to justify the decline in writing IMO. They're a little too linear and I thought the game was really missing the exploration and point and click adventure elements of the first title. I really felt so many aspects were really under-utilized and were missed opportunities. Stuff like the mental connections changing the world in Hollis' level would have been nice to have fleshed out more.

This did get a little rambley I know, I just felt something was missing from this title despite it being an upgrade from its predecessor! I did genuinely enjoy playing it, I just can't fathom loving it as much as the second game.

Outstanding story and characters with well-made platforming areas, I had a lot of fun with this one.

i didnt play the first one but i really like this game

I haven’t finished, but I love it.

A bit of jank and at times questionable platforming, but it's a worthy sequel even if it lacks some of the atmosphere of its prequel.

I think I love all there is about psychonauts... except the actual game? It had the same feeling with the first one, and it´s sad I cannot enjoy the genre to it´s fullest. Also I feel the game talks about a lot of unexplored topics in an unique way of doing it, but it only scratches the surface of them? IDK the game is cool as fuck but madfgnfjbkslfghnsfmflskjgn

same charm as the original while improving gameplay exponentially

Probably this best 3D platformers ever made, and one of the best examples of gameplay and story integration.

And I say this as someone who doesn't even like the first game.

figo mi è piaciuto molto giosu

i watched the original psychonauts, so i can't compare the two properly. the aesthetic of psychonauts is absolutely insane in the best way, with unique looking characters and quirky interactions. i had loads of fun playing this, and i love the accessiblity included for players who might have a harder time. because of those options, this is a game i recommend to anyone who wants to play it.

El hecho de que esté muchísimo más depurado que el primero hace que se aprecie mejor todo lo demás: el arte es una pasada y no tiene ni un mal chiste.

Lo que si tiene es un par de bugs algo molestos, pero se le perdona

Great sequel to a fine game. Worth playing, one of the best platformers on the market!

It’s much more funny and charming than anything else (not the best platformer around), but it plays just fine tbh. Granted, it’s a PS2 game sequel, but I really enjoyed playing something so PS2-like in current gen, it maintains the essence perfectly. Gotta say, some may like the more straight forward and more “humble” setting of the original, but this sequel does a great job of taking all the juice out of what the first one suggested and transforms it into an epic adventure. Story wise, mind you, definitely not gameplay wise.

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Despite having the modern day tech which allows it to pull off many of its trippy level design and visual feats, I felt like this game fails to reach the thematic heights of the first game. The technical improvements are very impressive though. Movement is a lot smoother and makes the game a lot less janky when compared to the first. Having the levitation ball from the beginning was a great choice since it is so fun to move around on it, and also allows the developer to design the whole game around having it. Psychonauts 2 is also able to do a lot of really weird things with its level design. Warped gravity, non-Euclidean passages, and unique shaders are all very typical throughout the game and add a lot to the overall experience. The problems present in this game ultimately come down to the core design and themes for the levels. Compared to the first game, the levels hardly feel memorable. In the first game, each level looks unique and is centered around a set of specific and interesting puzzles. In this game a lot of the levels end up playing very similarly and didn't present themselves in ways that were as engaging for me. The standout levels were ones that did lean into a unique style and set of gameplay mechanics like the gameshow level as well as the band level. Overall though, this is still a pretty fun game, but when compared to the first it does feel like a bit of a let down for me.

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I AM A PSYCHO!!!!!!!


Qué buen sabor de boca me ha dejado este juego. Se nota muchísimo el salto que hay del 1 al 2 en cuanto a gráficos y la verdad es que aunque el primero me gustase la estética, se agradece mucho como se ve el segundo.

Sigue de lleno donde lo dejaron en el final del primero y me encanta la de historia que tiene esta entrega, han conectado todo lo que fueron creando en el primero para darte aquí una explosión de información abrumadora y ME FLIPA.

Visualmente es una barbaridad, lleno de vida y con ese toque de Tim Burton que tenía el primero pero con una pincelada de psicodelia. Los personajes me alucinan, Raz es perfecto y Ford Cruller es el mejor.

Es una buena entrega por la que empezar ya que te hacen un buen resumen al principio del Psychonauts 1, así que lo recomiendo MUCHÍSIMO.

Espero que la saga siga y tengamos una tercera entrega. Pero la verdad es que ha tenido un buen cierre.

Very fun game just could never finish it

Es tan jodidamente bueno incluso siendo tan distinto del primero

Absolutely loved this game from start to finish. The art style is beautiful, the characters are funny and charming as all hell, and the gameplay is simply perfection. There was a huge smile on my face playing this game through

a really well made platform, lot of charms, and musical pieces