Reviews from

in the past

This is one of the worst Spider-Man games I've ever played. It's a very generic 2-D sidescroller with bad, slippery controls and uninspired level design.

Controlling Spider-Man is not fun at all and it was a chore throughout the entire play through. I will give this game a couple props tho. I really like the sound it makes when you hit things and I like the writing as well.

The game is full of dialogue trees and they're usually funny with either Spider-Man's quips or him being a straight up dick to everyone.

Other than those 2 things, this game is not worth playing or very fun at all

Es increible lo distino que es al de ps3, ta bueno.

Um jogo em que eu não botava fé; os gráficos desse jogo são bem ok, a história também e o combate é aceitável. Esse estilo de jogo de plataforma que me deixou um pouco encomodado, mas dá para se jogar tranquilamente.

Revisitar esse Jogo depois de adulto foi uma das maiores desilusões da minha vida. Obviamente eu fui tapeado por esse Game na infância, assim como 90% de quem o jogou deve ter sido também, comprei para PS2 achando que seria igual a versão de PS3 e quebrei a cara quando cheguei em casa, mesmo decepcionado eu dei uma chance e acabei gostando, se bobear zerei ele mais de uma vez na época, inclusive anos depois eu joguei a versão de PS3 e achei ela bem meh, o que fez com que eu idealizasse essa versão e por muito tempo a considerasse superior... Não podia estar mais errado.

Played the PSP version, controls were wonky and 60% of the attacks weren't registered, but it looks good graphically

Tentou surfar no outro jogo mas é estragado demais não vale a pena ser jogado.

When I was a child I thought "Wow! This game is fun on PSP! Surely, there is no way that there could be a better option!.. Wait, how do I break this floor again?(The UI was in English and I didn't know the language at all as a kid)"

So... yeah, replaying this game is kinda hurtful. And no, it's not about knowing that there is a PC/PS3 option that considered one of the best versions and one of the original Spider-Man stories(at that time). Nope, the problem is that I was just dead BORED while I played that game.

Sure, to point out good sides at least, it has good fighting animations on Spider-Man and sound effects felt really satisfying when you destroyed the enemy. Overall game-design isn't bad and you can't get lost if you follow the story accordingly. Graphics look good, ESPECIALLY if you have the original PSP(mine, unfortunately, got bricked).
They also somehow managed to put the music from the PS3 version and have some original voice lines from the same VAs(though there aren't many voiced and most of them are just one-liners)
Some new characters are introduced in the game, such as... Shocker, Kraven... uh... Symbiote Jessica Drew and Luke Cage... and Jackal(why)... I think that's it...

Yeah uh, the presentation isn't that exciting and, to be honest, almost every boss fight sucked. They were either time-consuming or just easy. But I mean whatever, it didn't make me rage like it was in Ultimate Spider-Man(PS2), so I'll give it a pass.
Another thing that was time-consuming were side-quests. I don't even want to explain, it's just THAT boring.

So yeah, these are really, REALLY awful minuses to the game and the person itself who wants to play this game has to be dedicated to finish it. It's not hard or anything, it's just a boring downgraded experince and I think this game perfectly suits for being a time-killer on PSP. Like it's supposed to, I guess.
People really hate this game, but, if we exclude the original version from our sight... it's not that bad actually. For killing time, at the very least.

Do fundo da minha alma... Eu odeio muito esse jogo.

Imagine the disappointment when I discovered this wasn't the real thing

This is so laughably bad I almost can't believe it's a game from 2008. I played the PSP version and I'm pretty sure it's the same as the ps2 version. This game's combat sucks, the movement sucks, the unlocking sucks, the voice for Venom especially, but most of the cast sucks. This game is a fucking joke.

2 out of 10 because it wasn't buggy.

Un quiero y no puedo constante que no acaba ofreciendo nada interesante

jogo completamente diferente da versão de Xbox 360 e afins... não recomendo muito o game se você espera algo demais.

It was meh when I played it. Will probably never touch it again.

Fun lil side scroller, interesting lines galore and has more quips and a lighter tone than the proper version, how come they never tried to port the real game to the PS2 tho? I'm sure it could handle it if Wii could...Oh well, I played on the PSP anyway

Por que caralhos, um dos poderes faz com que um velho careca desgraçado apareça na minha tela?

i think this game might have ruined my childhood.

PS1'den PS5'e kadar çıkan tüm Spider-Man oyunlarını ve versiyonlarını oynama serüvenimde yarım saat sonra katlanamayıp bıraktığım tek oyun bu oldu. PS3/Xbox 360/PC versiyonu varken bu versiyona hiç bulaşmayın.

I mean... I guess I've played worse...

No lo recordaba tan malo cuando lo jugué de pequeño.. decepción