Reviews from

in the past

I really want to love Steins;Gate 0 as much as I love the original Steins;Gate, but I don't. That doesn't make it anywhere near "bad", but it's important to keep expectations in check.

S;G 0 appropriately justifies its place in the Steins;Gate lore. Technically it is a sequel to S;G, but without spoiling too much, I would more likely put it in a "mid-quel" position. Thankfully, there are very few retcons (as is what sometimes happens with this kind of sci-fi) and the plot is generally kept nice and tidy with no egregious holes.

The visuals really let S;G 0 down though. Not being familiar with S;G 0's development, I can only conclude that it had an incredibly low budget. The original S;G had a style that was quite visually distinctive. The character designs in S;G 0 follow a similar style, but they are different enough that if you put both of them next to each other, it would be jarring.

Unfortunately, that happens quite frequently thanks to a generous re-use of the original's assets. Not only will you have scenes with one style come right before or after scenes with the other style, there are some scenes where one character is a sprite from the original and the other is a new sprite in the same frame. It really hurts the immersion.

I know this is sounding like a "negative", but I really do still like S;G 0 a lot. But after reading through both of them, I honestly think that watching both anime series is a better way to go, mainly because it keeps things consistent throughout the experience.

I hope that we eventually get a "Steins;Gate 0 Elite", because if we do, I would probably say that both "Elites" would be the definitive way to experience the stories.

I give it four stars, or a "B". The original Steins;Gate is one of my favorite stories in any video game and this is, at least, more Steins;Gate. I read through every ending in approximately 35 hours.

okabe PTSD made this a better experience than the original. I think this game is absolutely perfect on the left side of the zero, but after promised rinascimento everything falls apart.

hmmm. very odd game. to be fair, how do you follow a game like s;g up? they did a good job, but there are TONS of pacing issues and the overall plot isn't nearly as gripping as the original. it definitely feels like it leans too much on its predecessor, and if it had to tell a story without relying on it being related to one of the greatest vns of all time, very little people would care that much. i want to lick mahos stinky mahos.

steins gate series doesnt miss

it's not the better game of the two, but it's an entire game dedicated to show how a big event in the plot of the first game occured (literally only takes place for like 5 minutes or something), but seeing it is also a great way to fully conclude the story we were given.

a lot of this story is darker than the first game (somehow?) and lots of the involved plot seems like filler just to get to the end of the game, where we see what we really needed to see. but it's fun the entire time throughout.

i luv the music and the cast, the pacing was decent and seeing okabe come back to his senses was so cheesy and fun.

i just think kagari shiina was a super irrelevant and weird character to bring into the story though.

this game has some severe issues with structure that really bogs it down from being genuinely good. The premise is insanely good but it unfortunately fails to live up to what was put forth by the source material (A set of novels and Drama CDs). However, important characters such as Mayuri and Daru have a lot more to actually do in this game (Daru isn't just a joke, Mayuri isn't just a plot device, hell even Amadeus doesn't spout generic tsun lines), and as a result are significantly better than they are in base S;G, as well as the inclusion of Maho (Maho is good).
If you're going out of your way to finish this game, please watch the anime after.

A good companion piece to the first Steins;Gate. Doesn't quite reach the heights of its predecessor though.

And again, I'd still point people to the anime adaptation over the VN..

So I beat steins gate 0 and its uh pretty good? If you ask me it is not even close to the quality of steins gate its more a fairly mixed experience with a very very good ending to me. Im usually not good with making concise thoughts but its even harder with games Im more mixed on but I will try. When it comes to this game its not that any ideas presented are really bad its just that in its more nonlinear style in comparison to the first game its alot messier. The premise is absolutely excellent but it feels like when it comes to expanding the world it kinda branched away from the things I really liked about the first game with its more linear narrative. It's not like its written bad either really its just that to me. it rarely reaches the emotional connection the first could do excellently. I can understand why people say this game is more depressing than og but I honestly didn't really feel the same way just do to the more unfocused nature of it making it harder to grab me. The new characters are like fine. The best one is Maho who is probably the most complex new addition and I liked her her complex about how she felt about kurisu was very interesting even if the mozarts stuff was kinda heavy handed for me.The others on the other hand are just um fine I guess? Kagari is a thing that exists and shes like fine? Honestly wish I could have more of an opinion bit she just really isn't much to talk about for me she avoided being irritating to me but shes like eh. Some of the other new ones had a really obvious twist attached and I wouldn't call it especially interesting either. The stuff with fubuki was actually very interesting and I wish we got to see more of her side of that. But when it comes to the returning cast that stuff is actually creme le croupe. Daru in the first game was pretty whatever BUT HERE GOAT hes so goat in this one. The suzuha stuff is also really good its tied in with daru. There with like specifically two scenes that got me really good and that is one scene with with kirusu (Real one) and a scene with Mayuri it really showed the quality of the character writing for those characters it was just so amazingly written and it was just so fucking good. Its just its hard to explain but those scenes were so masterfully done with how its shows the conflict within a character but also the resolve JUST FUCKING AH SO GOOD I CANT EXPLAIN THE EMOTIONS IT MADE ME FEEL. Now when it comes to the man the the myth the depressed one himself he was also very good his emotional state is very realistic and very interesting his character culmination also makes for one of the hypest endings ever in ever. So like tldr Steins gate 0 is a game I wish I liked more its still fairly good but I feel like it had the potential to live up to the first one and sometimes it does but due to its nonlinear approach and more complicated nature I feel like I just doesn't live up to the first one. Its ending is absolutely incredible tho and ties into the first game perfectly. I feel like if this game trimmed down itself more letting more focus be put on the characters and alot less of the government fight for time travel stuff it would be better offIts ending is absolutely incredible tho and ties into the first game perfectly. I feel like if this game trimmed down itself more letting more focus be put on the characters and alot less of the government fight for time travel stuff it would be better off

odiado cuando fue anunciado ya que los que leyeron el original pensaban que era innecesario ya que el primero tenía un final cerrado, luego de haber salido la opinión se dividió entre los que lo consideraban innecesario y los que lo consideraban innecesario pero que al final era una buena obra. entre esos 2 grupos donde estoy yo?

los que me conozcan sabrán que mi pasatiempo principal y al que más horas le dedico es a leer visual novels y uno pensaría que yo leí el original cuando salio no? eh bueno... no... lo leí mucho, pero que muchos años después por lo que no fui partícipe de su época donde todo el mundo hablaba de él. con 0 paso más o menos lo mismo, lo leí 5 años después de su salida y lo hice a las pocas semana después de haber leído el original, así que nunca tuve ese sentimiento de que era algo innecesario ya que para mí simplemente era una secuela.

aun así entiendo por qué la gente lo considera innecesario, opino lo mismo, el original tuvo un final cerrado y no era necesario crear esto, pero... a la misma vez 0 me parece una muy buena obra y que incluso me llego a gustar más que el original. recuerdo que el día en que empecé a leerlo le dedique 10 horas seguidas y se me paso volando. claro, eso no quita lo que dije de que se siente innecesario y que cosas que aquí se inventaron sobraban, pero sí lo analizó como una visual novel independiente, entonces sí, me parece una excelente obra y un must read si leisste Steins;Gate.

Pretty forgettable story but seeing PTSD Okabe was interesting.

snoozefest. i tried to read through it but i just thought it was kind of boring, i felt satisfied enough with steins gate, and reading through 0 just didn't leave any impact on me

5 things i love about Steins;Gate 0
1.Hououin Kyouma
2.Japanese shaman girls
4.All Leskinen moments
5.The Ending

Um dos motivos para eu aprender inglês foi esse jogo. Após muito tempo de estudo, finalmente consegui jogar (muitos anos atrás).
Enfim, o jogo é bom mesmo!

cant really call this one a game but still good

Great followup to Steins;Gate. I don't think it's quite as good as the original, but is still fantastic and should be experienced if you enjoyed the first one. It really feels like it completes the whole story and experience.

Has so many plot-holes and underdeveloped plot points.
The anime adaptation is much better.

This one is a bit more complicated because I would argue the highs are the highest between both VNs. But there are some moments in the story that aren't that great, whereas the first entry was consistent the entire way through. I still loved S;G 0, had me hooked just as much as the first game.

Very good sequel with some great emotional moments, but the story is too convoluted. Original Steins;Gate "simple & straightforward" plot is what made it a masterpiece.

How was this just as good as the OG?

everynyan should read steins gate and steins gate 0...

Confusing structure, packed to the brim with useless fluff, and confusingly bad usage of the source's mechanics make this an unpleasant read at best. Maho is cool though

A darker followup to Steins;gate that I think I liked a smidge less than the first game, but not by much cuz it's still excellent. Worthy sequel / side story that expands a lot on the dark realities hinted at in the original game and tells a fresh story with the great cast of characters + some new folks like Maho that feel like they always belonged there. Love it a lot.

TBH I've been thinking about playing this game for almost 3 years since I finished all the anime episodes and S;G Elite. I can't believe that I can finish it in only a week and having so much fun/stress when immersing in the spectacular story telling.