Reviews from

in the past

Well... while Tacoma lacks in some aspects, it surprisingly exceeds in others.

The setting is space-faring late 21st century, exploring an empty moon orbit station as a contractor. Main source of info is the environment and Augmented Reality recordings, most of the information is given through the AR logs while some unspoken details - although not hidden - can be found through notes and other items.

Honestly the writing isn't bad but it's not much to speak of as well, it takes a stage painting a world of post late capitalism. Currency has fallen, everyone's hurting for money, the corps are trying to screw over people and bust unions.
Nice themes, but the details aren't grounded. All our conceptions of modern geopolitics are irrelevant, not one country we know have been spared from being broken down into stupidly named unions, Confederates, etc... Those bodies are irrelevant other than character ID issuers, but it breaks the suspension of disbelief. Characters are somewhat archetypical with their lame quirks, I felt more attached and interested in the onboard AI more than any of them because ODIN - The AI - has the best writing and depth.

The soundtrack rarely shows, other than an obnoxious diegetic band one character really loves. Visuals are alright for the setting, usual sleek space design language.

Tacoma's best performance is in indirect storytelling, rummaging through the rooms and offices conveys more depth about characters and the world, both aren't that deep but the execution was nice.

It isn't a bad game or even boring if I'm being honest, but I've personally grown tired with this style of narrative and loop. For someone else, this could be a great experience, so hop on if you're still interested in trying it.

Tacoma is a wonderful little game from the devs of Gone Home where you explore a space station & uncover the stories of the previous crew in holographic recordings. Each recording depicting ensemble or concurrent solo scenes, a rewind mechanic to watch it all, the color coded silhouettes & plenty of environmental storytelling elements all develop the characters in such a minimalistic but deeply engaging style to create a lovely story. Also, a small detail I loved: whenever the protagonist needs to write something or initiate a command on the holographic operating system, they use sign language instead of a floating keyboard and it looks incredible.

Ça se savoure comme une bonne nouvelle de SF, un petit apéritif parfait pour passer une soirée entre deux AAA à 50+ heures de jeu.

It was short and sweet. Would have liked some more interactable objects like the pool table. Enjoyed the story even though it wasn't particulary exciting

Imported from my Backloggery:

I enjoyed what I played of Tacoma for the most part, the narrative was interesting for the most part, and some the implications that existed in the story were interesting, and quite dark. The theme and story they were telling was singular, but Tacoma lacked one huge part of the experience, which was involvement. You don't affect anything, you are a passive observer, which deflated a lot of it for me. Most of the narrative was told to you, which bothered me. I also lost my save.

Прикольно. Центральная механика забавная, жаль что не сильно раскрывается, а история предсказуемая. Редкая тру-сайфайная атмосфера, один раз можно и пройти

Tacoma is a very weird but unique type of video game, there really isn't any gameplay but the story and narrative can make up for that. The set up for the game is sort of confusing but also pretty cool, I like the set up as a whole and I think it works well. I also actually like some of the characters, you get to know these holograms pretty well and most of them are pretty unique, my favorite was the dad who was asian. Overall the game isn't really super memorable but the story was good and even tho the ending was pretty bad I still had a decent time. 5/10

Reviewing every game i've fully completed #74

Videogames have taught me that every job on a spaceship no matter how relatively mundane is almost certainly going to end in your doom.

If you do not enjoy dialogue heavy exposition and sedate storytelling this game will not offer you much sustenance. Fortunately, I do.

It’s well trodden territory but the plot and atmosphere are executed well, it simply lacked some of the sharper writing of the developer’s previous outing ‘Gone Home’.

Kinda like Obra Dinn but in the 2001: Space Odyssey spaceship

Una aventura narrativa muy chula, pese a un final un pelín demasiado apresurado.

Me gusta mucho este género (que me niego a llamar walking simulator porque ese término representa todo lo que está mal con nuestra forma de entender el medio) para lo poco que lo juego. La manera en la que aprendemos a conocer a gente a través de los espacios que habitan y lo que dejan detrás de ellos es algo realmente único y especial.

Tacoma además despierta mi vena de gustillo por la ciencia ficción de anticipación con buen worldbuilding y una interfaz diegética que usa con mucho gusto para narrar su historia. Una historia que me ha atrapado y me ha hecho preocuparme mucho por los habitantes de esta estación espacial, además de tener un toque de anticapitalismo muy agradecido en estos tiempos del Mustio destruyendo Twitter día tras día con su incompetencia. Como digo, es una pena que el final sea tan accelerado que te quedes con ganas de tener un cierre más satisfactorio para todos los personajes, pero ha sido una experiencia que he disfrutado mucho aún así.

Tacoma (2017): Entiendo que hacer walking simulator es difícil, pero si toda la interacción consiste en leer post-its y algún vídeo en forma de RA, sin que tus actos cambien nada y que tu paso por el escenario sea irrelevante, no es un juego, es un museo interactivo. La historia tiene algún toque interesante, pero poco (4,50)

Full disclaimer, I am a total sucker for these types of games. I love the low-key investigatory quality in rooting around the remnants of people's lives. Tacoma pretty much nails this aspect, and even employs some narrative tricks in the form of the AR recordings. Plus, I just enjoy it for presenting a future that is simultaneously ominous and... well, encouraging? Great writing, all around.

Neat concept for a walking sim. I think there's a part of my brain that itches for mechanics in a space setting vs a more mundane one like Gone Home.

Tacoma has a nice story and pretty immersive storytelling, cool and likeable characters, neat graphics, and a short runtime. This game is very tight in everything it does: it's not the best game ever but it's a great experience to complete in under two hours.

Also, Sareh Hasmadi? A heroin. The ending? Well it made me smile and I love ODIN. That's all.

O conceito é bem interessante, mas achei que não conseguiu entregar muito bem. Não me conectei com os personagens, demorei demais pra engajar na história e... acho que essa era a ideia principal...

Starts off really strong and just kinda ends. Felt like it was missing a second act.

Court, sympa. Pas grand chose à dire c'est un bon petit jeu à faire

It was a cool little game that gave me a smile at the end and made me think this was actually alright

If you have played a space mystery game
You already played this
I find this to be one of the games in poor narrative storytelling genre.
I don't think it's clever it's been a clone over and over (see Fort Solis)
I love great narrative storytelling games this is the type of storytelling we see way too often with just higher production values.

first played in 2018 and again in 2024.. really liked it the second time. Was a very unity gaming experience but good still. A lot of simple and satisfying environmental storytelling. Though i felt some characters were barely sketched, like Clive. What was his deal? And andrew, he was under a lot of pressure, plus no one on the crew liked him except for sareh, but that went nowhere. Like there just wasnt enough here idfk.

tacoma is an awesome puzzle game with a very futuristic feel and is satisfying trying to get all the achievements

Went into this thinking it was a horror game, turned out to be a story game, very enjoyable story with great characters

Mucho texto para un juego que no tiene nada especial

I felt like I was a detective. Lots of walking and reading but it was a pleasant experience.

Visually decent and voice acting feels somewhat realistic, the writing just felt a bit boring.

Gone Home: Now with Gameplay!

Seriously though, I enjoyed Gone Home, but I enjoyed Tacoma more.

Short and sweet!

The narrative is the main focus and is done in a really engaging way. The game is short and concise, perfect for an evening spent with a hot drink and to just immerse yourself in this game for a few hours.

Much like "Gone Home" there's a lot to explore and world and character building to be gained from interacting with items.

If this studio ever does another game, I will definitely play it.

What a nice, tight, exploration story.

The story didn't really interest me. It has a cool and unique way of telling it though which I appreciated.

Decent walking/floating sim the presentation is nice and the story is interesting but I think the way it is told makes it a bit tedious to consume moving from room to room listening to not that interesting dialogue to piece out a narrative its something that can work and to an extent it does here but I wasn't super gripped by it