Reviews from

in the past

Great - nice evolution of the Gone Home gameplay concept - a little less puzzling but the increased complexity of the story and the huge amount of worldbuilding and character detail more than makes up for it.

Absolutely adored this. Couldn’t believe I enjoyed even more than Gone Home.

This game rocks. It's about workers who find love and beauty under oppressive conditions. Its writing is incredibly natural, and because of the game's pace and your objective distance from the characters, you're allowed to absorb its ideas and feelings in a way that feels true and meaningful. It's also visually and sonically immersive, which helps. If you get into games like Life is Strange, What Remains of Edith Finch, or SOMA, you'll probably get a lot out of this one.

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A nice short narrative game.
Similarily as in Gone Home, the story starts as really intresting. I had fun watching the AR scenes and getting each characters side of the story. There’s also a lot of items to pickup and look at to get more of the story. I will say that even though I liked some of the characters, they all felt one-note and kinda tokenized for representation.
Another similarity to Gone Home is that the story’s tension builds really well right until the end when it’s suddenly revealed that everyone is OK. I was braicing to find everyone dead, it felt like the logical conclusion, so the actual ending felt like a let down.

Oh, one thing I liked as a Finnish person was that you can find a can of Ananas Lonkero.

Engaging story from start to finish. Left me wanting more info by the end, which is always a double edged sword of being a great sign while also carrying with it a tinge of dissatisfaction. Movement is fairly swift, but transitioning between areas is a bit slow(in fairness, this was more of a problem because I had to backtrack a bit to pick up some trophies I missed so it's not great criticism).
This is one of those games that really pushes the line of what a game is, but it's fantastic environmental storytelling is enough to justify it.

I do like this game in general. I didn't finish it because of a game-breaking bug, that would have only been fixed by starting an entire new playthrough (details in the community discussion tab), which was a major downside. Otherwise, I thought the idea was cool, of the multiple branching storylines happening through different people all at the same time in the same place. I also liked the setting. Unfortunately, I just don't think it was executed particularly well. Not only are the multiple different storylines and character ambitions a little bit too much to process at the speed and sheer number at which they are thrown at you, but the game is quite boring for a majority of your time playing, just watching characters have conversations, then moving across the room, reloading time, and listening to another two characters have a conversation. I do like walking simulators, i love firewatch and what remains of edith finch, but I had a hard time getting into tacoma. If the idea still sounds interesting to you, i would definitely recommend and pray that you do not run into any bugs. Just not really a game for me, necessarily.

Tacoma is a great little game which tells its brilliant story in a really unique way. Despite never meeting them, the characters aboard the Tacoma are full of charm, and you get attached to them rather quickly, especially given how you learn a lot about them not just through AR recordings but by examining the spaces they inhabit throughout the ship - the environmental storytelling is really superb. The humour and easter eggs found throughout the game also elevate this; one book references the fact that Elon Musk became president and incorporated Tesla with Google, truly the darkest of all futures...

Regardless, I love how the plot unfolded and how you learn about what really happened aboard the Tacoma. The conflicts between the Venturis Corporation and the workers' union and socialist movements are really compelling, but I do wish they could have been explored more. The game's ultimate narrative payoff was satisfying, and I don't think it could have really been done better without increasing the length of the game. Overall I really do recommend it! And if you're looking for something similar I recommend checking out event[0].

Tacoma pra min significou um jogo muito bom com seus objetivos narrativos, porém desagarda demais com sua gameplay de acompanhar acontecimentos por vídeo/holograma.

Se ele fosse aos moldes do Gone Home teria sido muito maior, jogo

Playing this game made me realize how dull of a player I am. Why am I reading the nutritional information off the back of this ramen pack

Let's be honest. I did it for the platinum.

Awesome narrative game with a very believable sci-fi atmosphere. The characters are very well defined (and voiced!) and the game is an interesting narrative puzzle in itself. I loved it!

That was 3 hours well wasted fun little story very engaging

This was really special for the very well done personal stories and small moments brought to life. With just simple outlines and shapes of people it's more expressive and personal feeling than other games that try to immerse and connect you to people and places (the quality of the voice acting is great too.) Could it have gone deeper and further 100% but what's here is really quite charming in its simplicity, and I got a better sense of every person on this space station than a LOT of other games. I was rooting for everyone pretty much the entire time. Mileage on this will vary depending on how much you explore, read, and understand events through these actions. I should've jumped into Tacoma space station years ago but I'm glad I finally took the time to go on this little journey. Happy for you ODIN.

Elon Musk and Space X in 60 years

Incredible game, such an interesting story, characters were amazingly written and acted, finding out everything you could about a scene felt amazing, the ending cutscene was a bit underwelming but overall still, this is one great game

Tacoma is a tight, little sci-fi thriller set in a corporate-owned vision of the future that is depressingly possible that unfolds at your own pace as you detective your way through a recently emptied space station. Surprisingly, it's not all pessimistic. Through the dioramic scenes you discover through your sleuthing, there is a lot of love of warmth to find. At first, I was a bit cynical towards Tacoma's AR recordings. I thought I could've just experienced this story in real time. It didn't take long for me to appreciate the freedom of being able to luxuriate to my heart's content in these scenes, being able to replay a scene from whatever angle you desire and focus on whatever character you feel. The impression of these characters you're able to gleam purely from voice acting and colored low-poly skeletons is surprising detailed. Essentially having the selected scenes available from every angle allows superflurous details that almost certainly would've been cut from a film or cutscene to be viewable. You can have as deep or as shallow of a narrative experience that you want. Without spoiling anything, the story is good! Tacoma's sense of pacing and intrique are excellent and kept me engaged until the end.

Extremely cool narrative detective puzzle game. The world building is phenomenal and the game does detective-puzzle-play better than a lot of others I've tried.

A nice, short narrative game. You go from room to room watching recordings of the space station's crew's, while you also download the AI of the station, as that was the job you were hired to do. The recordings were nice, but there weren't really anything else to do, just walk, listen, walk, listen. Which is fine, but for me the story wasn't all that interesting, until the end. The end was really good, with a good twist. And with how short the game was, the previous boring story didn't seem that long in contrast. So it was fine.

"Although Tacoma's main game mechanics may not be unique, they are expertly used. Not only do they successfully achieve a satisfying gameplay loop, they also tell a wonderful story. In terms of narrative I definitely came in with certain expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised when things didn't go as I thought. And throughout all this, you get to explore the interesting station of Tacoma, while getting to know the cast of complex and human characters. The whole experience, while short, is very worthwhile and I recommend it to anyone looking to spend 2 or 3 hours in space."

Cool little narrative game in space, which is very focused on the stories of the crew. Less philosophical than games like SOMA but definitely worth a look if you like games like Gone Home. Overall, however, not much stuck with me.

Very short adventure game
Even if you try to see everything and get every trophy this game lasts less than an hour
The story; writing and voice acting was alright. I did like the way you interact with it and uncover what happened piece by piece
The worst part of the game though is the performance. I guess it's a ps4 thing but this game crashed several times while on the elevators. There's only 3 zones in the game apart from the hub where you access them, and to get to those zones it feels like 50% chance the game just dies. At least the auto saves are frequent.

I get why some people can’t get into ‘em, but good walking sims are such comfort food to me. Tacoma is such a good example of what these gameplay-light, narrative focused games can bring to the table. This story doesn’t land the same in a non-interactive medium. The mechanics behind the AR logs allowing you to blow up and dissect these conversations is so unique.

An adventure title where you have to figure out what happened to the fellow astronauts on the Tacoma space station by using AR tech and various angles in each room to get a full understanding of the scene before you. It was a fun title to play and worth an afternoon exploring.

Eu adoro história super elaboradas, bem escritas, cheias de surpresa.

Mas eu acho incrível como Tacoma pega uma história que sozinha seria a coisa mais sem graça do mundo e torna ela super interessante apenas pela forma que é contada.

Nada tira da minha cabeça que videogame é a melhor forma de narrativa e esse jogo só contribui pra isso.

Tacoma tells its story confidently and both builds on and strays away from what Gone Home accomplished. investigating the environment with the rewindable immersive theater mechanic was captivating. the plot has quite a few interesting moral dilemmas too.

The gold standard for narrative adventure games, Tacoma's unique gameplay turns its story into a narrative puzzle. Add stellar character writing, fantastic vocal performances, and a healthy dose of anti-corporate sentiment, and you have an all-timer.

Tacoma is an narrative adventure walking simulator game set aboard a high-tech space station stationed new Luna, our moon, in the year 2088. You enter the station as Amitjyoti "Amy" Ferrier and your mission is to uncover the mystery of Tacoma Station, as well as getting the AI Core safe from the station. You’ll explore every detail of how the station’s crew lived and worked, finding the clues that add up to a gripping story of trust, fear, and resolve in the face of disaster.

The mechanics of the AI Recorded memories where you would follow different characters around during various scenes was interesting and quite enjoyable. I was really interested in learning about each character, and the fact that the memories often divided between rooms and characters added replay value for each memory.

Sadly I found myself wondering what the relevance of some of the "desktop" files were, as the world-building that was often delivered through various news articles felt like a lot of reading for very little relevance. They didn't really give me more information or insight into what the characters were going through, but there were enough interesting conversations between characters to learn something about them.

One of my gripes with this game was that I would have wished for the characters to be shown as more personalized designs, rather than just the basic mannequin holograms with different colors. It would have given more personality for each character, and learning about them would have been more enjoyable.

Tacoma was also quite short, maybe even too short for it's own good. The story is intriguing and gripping you at every turn, but sadly, there is just too little in a short amount of time. I feel like the game would have been better with more optional memories, more info on who the characters were, more dialogue about the happenings on the station and the reason why it was now abandoned.

Tacoma is all about its characters and the overall story, and because those aspects of it were well balanced, I would absolutely recommend it. I find the full price of it a little hefty for how short it is, but the game is a quality product, there is no mistake of that. If you enjoy walking simulators, especially ones that provide good, and immersive story experiences, then you’ll likely enjoy Tacoma.