Reviews from

in the past

I'm such a sucker for atompunk/soviet retro-futurism/vintage control panel aesthetics, this games has some really insane visuals, the landscapes look gorgeous

The obvious comparison for the story progression is space Firewatch, it's quite solid tbh

solid story/walking sim game, but i can't say it's worth 30$...

Beautiful, just one of the best walking sim/narrative game I've played in recent years

pros: Very nice presentation, very good voice-acting, interesting plot (getting weaker, the closer to the end it gets),
cons: very slow pace, because of very low walking speed (and limited run), even in vechicle moving is slow, exploration is not very rewarded, so better stay on track and push forward straight to the goal

I installed this game thinking it is going to be yet another somewhat interesting 5-hour story adventure with lots of boring traversal and shoddy VA. I was completely wrong…

+ The visuals are insane. It’s just my luck I began this after finishing Robocop, another UE5 title, but where Robocop presented the hyperrealistic gritty visual pallette, here I was met with a dreamy 80s pulp scifi pallete, with exaggerated details, warm coloring and retropunk machines - none of which felt out of place or too intense. The balance between fantasyland and reality was perfectly kept.

+ The devs have absolute control over the design of the game - from the UI, to the fonts, to other elements of the game - everything blends nearly perfectly and feels very cohesive.

+ The story was surprisingly great. From the very beginning until the last moment, constant tension and mystery is sustained, each story bit never lasts too long for you to get boring, there is a surprisingly large area to explore, but everything is self-contained so you’re never asked to backtrack. The endings were satisfying and tie perfectly to the book. So much that they make the book worth reading rather than replacing it. Treat it as a great companion story to the book!

The Invincible is a passable walking simulator that has a decent story at its core, but doesn't trust you enough to really examine it. It's gorgeous deserts are breathtaking at first, but by the time the credits rolled I was more than happy to leave the surface of Regis III behind. If you are looking for a chill "press the stick forward and listen" game this could be a fun time, especially for sci-fi fans. But for most, this simply isn't worth the asking price or your time, in a year when narrative games are at an all-time high.

Full review on

If you don't mind slow paced walking sims and you also like hard SF, philosophical themes, and atompunk (retrofuture) aesthetics then you will most probably love this game (liking The Firewatch won't hurt either).

Great graphics, moody music and gripping storyline based on "The Invincible" by famous Polish writer Stanisław Lem. Note: This not an adaptation of the book's plot - it's a separate story that takes time in the same timeline and location (planet Regis III). I'd recommend playing the game first and reading the book (or comic book) later.

The Invincible is around 7-10h in length and there are multiple endings based on your choices.
A VR version is planned.

Firewatch in space is a good short explainer.
Has the same problems and the same benefits.
I had fun with it, and it made me want to read the book, which is something!

The Invincible is a walking sim teeming with potential, which unfortunately did not reach the heights it should have.

If there's one thing the team at Starward has nailed here, it's the atmosphere and its landscapes. The barren, sandy vistas of Regis III are a sight to behold, even if they barely evolve throughout the game's runtime. The tech, costume design and architecture also deserve a special mention as being delightfully retro, while still retaining practicality and relative realism.

The biggest problem with Invincible is the story, and specifically the climax. Its first half sets up a lot of interesting mysteries and invites speculation, which completely falls apart by the explanations given in the second half, which, while logical, I found pretty uninteresting. The ending itself has a pretty clear message, but is once again, completely unremarkable. It's a story that is philosophically charged, bringing out the age-old man vs machine question and not doing much to help recontextualize it, which easily eliminates any philosophical interest it may have had.

More than anything, The Invincible made me want to pick up Lem's book and discover what the original story is, because, despite everything, the world showcased in the game is genuinely noteworthy among sci-fi. It's a fascinating case of a game I really, really wanted to love, but one that was too messy in its execution to allow me to fully enjoy it.


I'm a sucker for a walking simulator where a male and female talk on a walkie. AKA - I love Firewatch.

It's reductive to say that Invincible is the same, but they do share a lot of traits. What it lacks in charm and originality, it makes up for in deep good sci-fi and little nuggets of horror. Unfortunately, I am still going to compare it to Firewatch in my head as the leader in this genera of game - and it falls a bit short of that very high bar.

played it back in 2023
Loved the story, but my god walking in this game so janky

if you haven't read the original book, play it.
if you have, play it either way

it tells the same exact story from the book, but from a different point of view which I think is even better, which is why, if you know nothing about Regis III, I recommend it over the original.

also worthy of note is that the game is absolutely beautiful. even the most "simple" desert-like landscapes are breathtaking. not to say the most... "complex" ones.

the only thing i feel can make other people not like this as much is the gameplay, which is a bit slow. Not that i cared, i love this sort of slow, immersive and atmospheric games and always have, but I could understand if some people didn't like it. At the end of the day, it's a walking simulator with a few fun mechanics every once in a while.

I must admit, I haven't been super interested to these story-driven "walking sim" games in the past few years. But this game just absolutely grabbed me. I was particularly intrigued by the so-called Atompunk aesthetics and the quality of writing shown by the trailers. Now, I'm glad to say that I'm very satisfied with it, as somebody who is not familiar at all with the source material.

For the most part, the game is very technically sound, which a lot of walking sims don't get to say. The art direction is just mesmerizing sometimes, lots of beautiful natural sceneries and retro-futuristic structures to take in (or to take pictures of. Pretty good photo mode!). The lighting in many of the environments are just spot on. The music/soundtrack doesn't stand out as much but it does its job of helping to set individual moods.

Gameplay is obviously basic, mostly involving simple exploration actions and dialogue choices. But it never got in the way, and there's barely any frustrating/uneccessary gameplay sections that usually would sour the experience on these kind of games. The minimalist UI and restrained handholding techniques achieved a good balance of giving you pointers for progression, but still maintain a high sense of immersion. I also liked the weighty-ness of the movement, it translates the feeling of being in a space suit well enough.

The story is definitely the best part. Its themes of facing insurmountable odds works out great, as the main two characters are constantly in a race to save as much of themselves (and others) as they can. The writing is solid, and the voice acting is great (especially for the main character, really loved her as a character overall). The pacing is pretty much spotless, I was scared of feeling too bored (I forgive it a bit, because you know, it's normal to feel at least a tiny bit bored exploring an empty planet by yourself) but it never got close to that point. Every new bit of story felt exciting, which are again helped by the writing and VO. Looking at the hidden trophies, there seems to be a decent amount of story branching as well. The ending I got is absolutely trippy, in a good way.

And that's it! This is a polished, well made story experience that successfully presents the most interesting parts of itself in a elegant manner. I know nothing about the novel, but this makes me want to read it, which I count as a success for the game.

The core element of Lem’s 1964 novel they’ve captured is the planet of Regis III, with its pastel pink dunes and liquid rock formations, an intoxicating, vivid landscape. The plot is tangential to the novel, and part of the mystery is how it fits in with Lem’s tale of advanced military tech facing up against an inexplicable alien force.

But unfortunately (about 7 years out from Firewatch and 6 from SOMA), they really aren’t doing enough here to distinguish this from numerous hollow walking sims, despite the painterly landscapes and luxurious retro-futuristic tech. There’s little negative space to soak in the planet's surface, only constant muttering to yourself or your weirdly annoyed boss off-planet. Overlapping dialogue and abrupt popups disrupt gameplay constantly, and no amount of contextual animations can feel like meaningful interactions.

Puzzles are almost an afterthought and at most you will contend with occasional navigation challenges through samey looking caves. Outer Wilds and Subnautica have demonstrated how alien archeology and space exploration can be distilled into tense & dynamic gameplay, and in comparison this feels a little archaic. I look forward to more attempts at Lem’s work (possibly a psychological horror take on Solaris!?) and recommend experiencing this for the artwork alone (& a climax featuring the largest rocket of all time 0::).

Bom, hoje vamos falar de um jogo que joguei recentemente, que é o The Invincible. Esse game chamou muito minha atenção há um tempo atrás, e finalmente joguei para tirar algumas conclusões sobre o mesmo.

História: A trama do jogo é inspirada no romance de Stanislaw Lem, um autor polonês de ficção científica. Você joga como Yasna, uma cientista que acorda sozinha em um planeta alienígena chamado Regis III, depois de perder a memória de um acidente. Você tem que encontrar seus colegas desaparecidos e descobrir os segredos do planeta, que parece ter uma vida própria. A história é cheia de mistério, suspense e filosofia, e tem vários finais possíveis, dependendo das suas escolhas.

A trama do jogo desperta meu interesse, e é digna de nota que ela conta com legendas em português. O que me agrada especialmente é o toque científico que permeia o enredo, evidenciado pelas diálogos e anotações tanto da protagonista quanto de outros personagens. No entanto, é importante salientar que este não é um jogo de mundo aberto. Apesar da presença de algumas escolhas que influenciam a narrativa e o desfecho do jogo, a experiência é notavelmente linear. Após tomar uma decisão, o caminho a ser percorrido é claro, e a exploração não é verdadeiramente gratificante. Embora seja possível encontrar itens extras, como anotações, esses elementos não contribuem diretamente para o enredo principal do jogo; são mais como artigos científicos escritos por algum estudioso por exemplo.

Um ponto que me chamou bastante atenção também foi como esse jogo pode se tornar confuso durante a jogatina, principalmente quando falamos de atenção ao game. Este é aquele tipo de jogo onde cada detalhe importa, e se você não estiver atento, certamente perderá algum detalhe ou outro que será importante para o seu avanço no jogo.

Jogabilidade: A jogabilidade é focada na exploração, na interação com o ambiente e nos diálogos com os personagens. Você pode usar ferramentas como um scanner, um rifle e um robô para resolver quebra-cabeças, coletar informações e se defender de ameaças. Você também pode dirigir um veículo chamado Rover, que te ajuda a atravessar o terreno hostil. O jogo não tem combate direto, mas sim situações de perigo que exigem raciocínio rápido e furtividade.

The Invincible é um game do típico do gênero (simulador de passeio), onde o enfoque recai na narrativa e nada além disso; a única atividade no jogo é perambular e interagir com alguns elementos para avançar na trama. A experiência do jogo leva aproximadamente 6 a 7 horas para ser concluída.

Infelizmente, na minha gameplay, eu sofri com alguns bugs ou outros que podem resultar em situações de bloqueio em algumas partes, como personagens que repentinamente se calam e deixam de reagir a interações ou avanços, me fazendo quase sempre ter que recarregar do último ponto de verificação e repetir a fase, uma inconveniência, mas dado que o jogo se baseia principalmente em percorrer e narrativa, não há fases desafiadoras que precisem ser revisitadas, apenas possivelmente diálogos longos, o que é bem chato. Além disso, tanto eu quanto alguns outros jogadores nos deparamos com um problema que nos impede de visualizar o final do jogo ou pelo menos um deles , em que um comando deveria aparecer, mas nunca acontece.

Gráficos: Os gráficos do jogo são impressionantes, com um estilo retro-futurista que combina com a atmosfera do livro. O planeta Regis III é belissimo, com paisagens incrivelmente bem feitas, efeitos de luz e sombra, e detalhes realistas. O jogo usa a Unreal Engine 4, e tem até que um bom desempenho em PCs de médio e alto nível, isso incluindo também a versão usada para jogar ele do início ao fim que é a versão do series S que também está linda de morrer.

Conclusão:The Invincible é que ele é um jogo de aventura sci-fi fantástico, de maneira geral, é um Walk-Sim bacana com gráficos top e uma estética linda, além de uma trama interessante. Só que o preço, na minha opinião, é meio exagerado. O jogo é uma experiência única, que te faz pensar e sentir, e que te leva a um planeta inesquecível. Eu sugeriria esperar, pelo menos até o jogo dar uma abaixada no preço. Aí, talvez, você pague um valor mais camarada e justo, e dá tempo dos desenvolvedores consertarem alguns bugs chatos que eu tive no game.

Pontos positivos:

- História Incrível
- Jogabilidade diversificada
- Gráficos incríveis
- Legendas PT-BR

Pontos negativos:

- Alguns bugs
- Um pouco confuso na sua gameplay às vezes

Versão utilizada para análise: Xbox Series S.

"The Invincible" to gra bazująca na hard sci-fi powieści Stanisława Lema z 1964 roku, o tym samym tytule. Twórcy ze studia Starward Industries podjęli się zadania, nie tyle przeniesienia co rozwinięcia fabuły tej klasycznej powieści na ekran komputera, co jest rzadkim i odważnym krokiem. W grze wcielamy się w Yasnę, astrobiologa, która budzi się na obcej planecie Regis III z amnezją, próbując odkryć, co stało się z jej załogą i jakie tajemnice skrywa ta planeta. Główne tematy gry to alternatywna ewolucja, miejsce ludzkości w kosmosie oraz potencjalna samoreplikacja maszyn, co stawia przed graczami filozoficzne pytania o naszą przyszłość w przestrzeni kosmicznej.

Rozgrywka i mechanika
"The Invincible" wpisuje się w gatunek tzw. "symulatorów chodzenia", gdzie kluczowe jest opowiadanie historii poprzez eksplorację świata gry. Yasna, jako postać, porusza się wolno, co ma oddać ciężar jej skafandra i trudne warunki na Regis III. Choć ten realizm dodaje immersji, to może być frustrujący dla graczy, zwłaszcza gdy sprint kończy się po kilku sekundach, a interakcje z otoczeniem bywają niewygodne i ograniczone. Gra nie oferuje tradycyjnych zagadek ani walki, co może rozczarować tych, którzy oczekują bardziej złożonej rozgrywki.

Budowanie świata i atmosfera
Jednym z największych atutów "The Invincible" jest jego oprawa audiowizualna. Retro-futurystyczny styl, nawiązujący do wyobrażeń przyszłości z lat 50. i 60., tworzy unikalną atmosferę. Technologia w grze jest zaawansowana, ale jednocześnie analogowa, co dodaje jej specyficznego uroku. Krajobrazy Regis III, choć często puste i surowe, są pięknie przedstawione, a muzyka autorstwa Brunona Lubasa doskonale podkreśla nastrój gry, potęgując poczucie tajemniczości i izolacji.

Postacie i dialogi
Gra skupia się na relacjach między Yasną a Novikiem, astrogatorem, który pomaga jej przez radio. Dialogi między nimi są dobrze napisane i stanowią oś fabuły, a ich głosy są profesjonalnie podłożone, co dodaje autentyczności i głębi postaciom. Yasna jest sympatyczną i wiarygodną protagonistką, która z czasem staje się coraz bardziej zmęczona i sfrustrowana sytuacją, co doskonale oddaje jej głos aktorki Daisy May. Novik, grany przez Jasona Baughana, jest spokojnym i opanowanym mentorem, który pomaga Yasnie zachować zdrowy rozsądek w trudnych momentach.

Tempo narracji i zakończenie
Tempo narracji w "The Invincible" jest powolne, co może być zarówno zaletą, jak i wadą, w zależności od oczekiwań gracza. Historia rozwija się stopniowo, budując napięcie i zagadki, które jednak nie zawsze prowadzą do satysfakcjonujących odpowiedzi. Zakończenie gry pozostawia wiele pytań bez odpowiedzi, co może być frustrujące, szczególnie dla tych, którzy oczekują pełnej konkluzji. Mimo to, fabuła jest na tyle intrygująca, że trzyma gracza w napięciu przez większość czasu. Podejmowane wybory, mimo, że jest ich niewiele - mają wpływ na zakończenia, których jest kilka w zależności jak poprowadzimy dialogi.

[+] Wyjątkowy retro-futurystyczny styl wizualny i doskonała muzyka.
[+] Oprawa audiowizualna: Piękne krajobrazy i przemyślane detale technologiczne.
[+] Dobrze napisane i profesjonalnie udźwiękowione dialogi między głównymi postaciami.
[+] Wciągająca i pełna filozoficznych pytań narracja.

[?] Długość gry.
[?] Wolne tempo.

[-] Ograniczone i czasami frustrujące interakcje z otoczeniem.
[-] Brak satysfakcjonującej konkluzji i wiele pytań bez odpowiedzi.
[-] Brak bardziej złożonej rozgrywki i elementów grywalnych.

"The Invincible" to wyjątkowa gra, która czerpie inspiracje z klasycznej powieści science fiction, oferując graczom intrygującą fabułę i piękną oprawę audiowizualną. Mimo pewnych wad, takich jak powolne tempo i ograniczone interakcje, gra potrafi wciągnąć swoją atmosferą i głębią narracyjną. Polecam ją szczególnie fanom gatunku "symulatorów chodzenia" i miłośnikom science fiction, którzy są gotowi na cierpliwe odkrywanie tajemnic Regis III.

Review de The Invincible: Uma Jornada Visualmente Atraente, Mas Ponderosa

The Invincible oferece uma experiência visualmente deslumbrante e imersiva, mas essa fachada esconde uma jornada que pode não ser para todos. Completando 100% do jogo no PC, devo admitir que, embora os gráficos sejam impressionantes, a experiência geral é prejudicada por um ritmo extremamente lento, transformando-o, em grande parte, em um simulador de caminhada.

Os gráficos, sem dúvida, são um ponto alto. Os detalhes visuais, a ambientação e a fidelidade gráfica contribuem para criar um mundo envolvente e esteticamente agradável. A atenção aos detalhes é notável, especialmente em ambientes e objetos, proporcionando uma experiência visualmente rica.

No entanto, a jogabilidade é onde The Invincible pode dividir opiniões. O ritmo lento da progressão, combinado com uma quantidade significativa de caminhadas e exploração, pode não ser do agrado de todos os jogadores. A narrativa, embora intrigante, pode parecer arrastada devido à falta de eventos dinâmicos e ação substancial.

A mecânica de jogo, apesar de sólida, não consegue compensar totalmente o ritmo moroso. A ausência de desafios mais intensos ou elementos interativos pode resultar em uma experiência que parece mais uma contemplação visual do que uma experiência de jogo envolvente.

Em termos de longevidade, o jogo pode se estender, dependendo da disposição do jogador para explorar cada canto do ambiente. No entanto, para muitos, a falta de variedade de atividades pode limitar o apelo duradouro.

Consequentemente, atribuo a The Invincible uma nota de 7/10. Embora os gráficos se destaquem, a lentidão do jogo pode tornar a experiência um tanto monótona para alguns jogadores. Para aqueles que apreciam narrativas contemplativas e estão dispostos a aceitar um ritmo mais lento, The Invincible pode ser uma experiência única e envolvente.

I honestly loved The Invincible, it was a fascinating journey through a retro sci-fi lens, and I’m a pretty huge fan of retro sci-fi. The game features an intriguing story, beautiful alien landscapes, a great soundtrack, interesting characters and much more. If you’re a fan of walking sims, like myself, then you’ll no doubt enjoy this game.

«𝘈𝘯 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘣𝘪𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘥𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘯𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘭, 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘢 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘴, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘢 𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦»

I was very intrigued by the screenshots many years ago, Invincible “unfinished” has finally been released in the Unreal Engine 5 shell, and turned out to be a game adaptation of a science fiction novel by a famous writer, accordingly, do not expect any action, all that is required of you is just press the "forward" button and enjoy the very cinematic landscapes of the sandy planet, this is a real interactive Art object, i could compare with last year's "Scorn", and even there were good puzzles, and terrible, but still shooter mechanics, there are no even mini-games with QTE, game always show you where to click, just like our equipment - radars and binoculars, they themselves show where to look, just spectate, it’s also impossible to get confused in the local map, since there are always landmarks on the ground. A comparison with “Firewatch” also immediately comes to mind, where throughout the game we develop our relationships in funny dialogues with the interlocutor on the other side of the walkie-talkie, constant dialogues with a choice of lines are good, but our captain speaks in dry, working phrases, and we know practically nothing about him as a character, that is, this aspect of the game is also very weak and doesn`t allow us to somehow highlight the game,
In principle, i have never been against a “walking simulator” genre, but, damn it, in 2023 you are making an intriguing fantasy that follows literally all the templates of similar walking games, only unlike the others it lasts not 2, but 6-10 hours, most people will just fall asleep 5 times, no matter what kind of “CINEMA” you give, but also not everywhere, I didn’t remember the middle of the game at all, and the indoor sections are made very lazily, they are extremely lacking in detail. Oh, there’s also movement using an all-terrain vehicle, but it’s also very primitive - it’s feels like skiing, and it adds a bit of annoying backtracking at the end of the game. The soundtrack is also somewhat basic for such a theme.
What saves the game?
Firstly, a small selection system, right at the very beginning you can find a steep slope and try to slide down it, or you can notice a rope left in the distance and use it on a safer stone, yes, this is small thing, but also by studying the surroundings you can find out more grain of the story, you can put yourself in danger or literally influence the life or death of your expedition partners, and you can also come or not come to the correct scientific conclusions based on what you see in conversations on the walkie-talkie, this creates some kind of illusion of involvement with story, which, by the way, it’s quite boring (not counting the “fantastic” lore notes) - go from point A to point B, find this one, bring something, try not to die, relax, but still, closer to the end we will meet a real living character with a good interesting character and with this comes the multi-ending of the game, of which there are almost 6, but they all have understatement and philosophical overtones, which will not suit everyone, but what did you expect from the gameization of the Book?) I can only say that the writer played up the title well.

p.s. There is also a cool visual trick with the robot`s photo memory cards, and a visually cool boss fight.
p.p.s. As for optimization, the game is doing great with it, only if you have more than 4 gigabytes of video memory, if not, then 90% of the textures will be covered with soap, small texture and shadow bugs can be noticed on good video cards, but there it is not critical.

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Весьма заинтриговавший меня по скриншотам много лет назад Неуязвимый "долгострой" наконец-то таки вышел в свет в оболочке Unreal Engine 5, и оказался игровым воплощением научно-фантастического романа известного писателя, соответсвенно, не ждите никакого экшена, всё, что от вас требуется, просто нажимать кнопку "вперёд" и наслаждаться весьма кинематографичными пейзажами песчаной планеты, это настоящий интерактивный Арт-объект, можно было бы сравнить с прошлогодним "Scorn", да даже там были хорошие головоломки, и убогая, но всё же шутерная механика, тут же нету даже мини-игр с QTE, вам всегда показывают куда нажать, также как и наше оборудование - радары и бинокль, сами показывают куда смотреть, просто наблюдай, в местной карте запутаться тоже невозможно, так как на земле всегда присутствуют ориентиры. В голову также сразу приходит сравнение с "Firewatch", где на протяжении всей игры мы развиваем наши взаимоотношения в забавных диалогах с собеседником на той стороне рации, постоянные диалоги с выбором реплик - это хорошо, только вот здесь наш капитан разговаривает максимально сухими рабочими фразами, да и о нём самом, как о персонаже, мы практически ничего не знаем, то есть этот аспект игры тоже весьма слаб и не позволяет как-то выделить игру,
я, в принципе, никогда не был против жанра "симуляторов ходьбы", но, блин, в 2023 году вы делаете интригующую фантастику, которая следует буквально всем шаблонам подобных игр, только в отличии от остальных она длится не 2, а 6-10 часов, большинство людей просто 5 раз заснут, какое бы вы "КИНИЩЕ" не давали, но и не везде, середина игры мне вообще не запомнилась, а секции внутри помещений сделаны очень лениво, им крайне не хватает деталей. А, тут ещё есть перемещение с помощью вездехода, но оно тоже очень примитивное - как-будто на лыжах просто плывёшь, и добавляет чутка бесячего бэктрекинга в конце игры. Саундтрек тоже какой-то базовый для такой тематики.
Что спасает игру?
Во-первых, небольшая система выбора, уже в самом начале можно отыскать крутой склон и попробовать скатиться с него на попе, а можно заметить вдали оставленный тросс и использовать его на более безопасном камне, да, это ерунда, но также изучая окрестности можно узнать дополнительную крупицу истории, можно подвергунть себя опасности или буквально повлиять на жизнь или смерть ваших напарников по экспедиции, а также можно придти или не придти к правильным научным умозаключениям по увиденному в разговорах по рации, это создаёт какую-то иллюзию сопричастности с историей, которая тоже, кстати, весьма скучная (не считая "фантастические" лорные записки) - иди из точки A в точку B, найди того то, принеси что-то, попытайся не умереть, отдохнуть, но всё же ближе к концу мы повстречаем настоящего живого персонажа с неплохим интересным характером и на нём завязана многоконцовочность игры, которых тут чуть ли не 6, помоему, но все они имеют недосказанность и философский подтекст, что устроит не всех, ну а что вы ожидали от игронизации Книжки?) Скажу только, что название писатель обыграл неплохо.

p.s. Также есть прикольный визуальный ход с фотокарточками памяти у "роботов", и визуально прикольный босс-файт.
p.p.s. Насчёт оптимизации, с ней у игры всё прекрасно,
если только у вас больше 4 гигабайт видеопамяти, если нет, то 90% текстур покроются мылом, небольшие текстурные и теневые баги можно заметить и на хороших видеокартах, но там это не критично.

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“Not everything is everywhere is for us”

I was very surprised by this game I’m not that big on walking sims but this is one of the few that actually ended up being pretty good. The story for this game is very intriguing the themes it gets across about human understanding and comprehension more stuff like evolution and human nature are done pretty good. And the message that not everything should have a meaning to humanity is done very well although if the game had much more defined endings to it this would have placed much higher. The art direction and scenery of this game is also amazing

This is basically Firewatch in space, this one is great especially cause of it's setting and atmosphere. I loved both of those things and kinda want to read the book now just to see what the cannon choices were for Yasna. If you don't mind a walking simulator this game is fantastic, you can truly get immersed in it's world.

As for the game polish itself, you can obviously tell that it's indie and not super polished BUT... it's still incredible. I really hope there's more of this world in the novel that I can discover.


А что вы знаете об некроэволюции?

A solid sci fi adventure game that i did not know i was waiting.

It's been years that i have searched for a good sci fi game but i did not find any and gave up after some time but this game changed that.

The atmosphere that gives you the impression that you are exploring an unknown planet, soundtrack that gives you the loneliness vibe, gameplay that is simple yet but enjoyable and a story that is scary, mysterious and makes you wonder about everything related space, even Starfield couldn't give to you the glimpse of...

I really like this game and planning to look at original novel so i can know more about this universe, i am really curious about so much things and if a game makes you curious about its universe and concepts i will take it as a good game no matter what.

One of the scariest things to me is being alone on a planet. I've had a recent fascination with this, especially after reading The Martian by Andy Weir. It's a different form of psychological horror. The human mind is a vast pit of emotions and an endless imagination. The fear of the unknown and the human mind running rampant combined is a scary combination that very few media tackle. The Invincible is one such story, and it's done well.

First and foremost, this is a walking simulator, but with a bit more freedom. There's really no gameplay, but you can interact with objects and control a vehicle a couple of times, but that's about it. It does what walking simulators are supposed to do well, and that's provide good characters with great writing and a story that keeps you hooked. The Invincible starts out slow and may come off as a typical space adventure with pretty colors and nothing more, but the story just gets darker and darker as you move along. The length is a couple of hours longer than a typical game of its kind, and it helps. There is more character development, more explanation of what is going on, and more of this planet, Regis III.

It's a desert planet similar to Mars, but with an ocean. You play as Yansa, one of a small crew of scientists scouting out a possible Earth-like planet. You learn about two warring factions known as the Alliance and the Commonwealth. The space race to find a planet of paradise is very apparent. I don't want to talk too much about the story, as I can easily spoil something. I will just say the story keeps going when you think it ends and gets darker and deeper, and the theories behind what is going on are very fascinating. There seem to be some choices you can make in the game, but I'm not sure if they impact the ending or not. Most of the dialogue is between Yansa and another crew member on her ship, the Dragonfly. The story has so many ups and downs, emotion-wise, as your fight for survival takes a back seat to a larger plot point, and the excellent voice acting helps suck you into this void.

You spend most of the game climbing ledges, dropping down ledges, and examining objects. There are a few large open maps, but you have a linear path you need to follow thanks to the well-designed map system. The interactions are always changing, and the pace is great after the first opening sequence, and things pick up. There is always something new happening, and I love that about this game. You aren't just walking in a straight line in a borefest like Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, and it's not a jump-scare-induced horror roller coaster like Layers of Fear. The terror of survival, death, and being alone is omnipresent in The Invincible. Just seeing a robot can make you feel less alone. The atmosphere is so well done in this game.

I usually start complaining about a lack of gameplay or that the story is so short that there's no time for anything interesting to happen, but The Invincible does what walking simulators haven't really done in a long time: make you want to walk through something and keep going. Between the 50's art deco-style designs of the ships and equipment, the immersive first-person view, and the excellent voice acting, there's so much to take in. Sure, the visuals aren't impressive on a technical scale. There is also no ultrawide screen support, which is a real bummer, but it's not enough to knock this game down. The Invincible makes you think and talk about the story to your friends because you want to theorize, and it entices you to think about life on other planets, which might make you go read a book or watch a movie like Apollo 13 or The Martian to continue experiencing this fear of being alone on a planet. Walking simulators aren't this good very often. Enjoy it while it lasts.

The Polish view on human existentialism and the evolution of robots.

The Invincible is a walking sim through and through. It's pretty to look at and the performances of Yasna and Novik are well-performed and endearing. Not much else to say; I think with the advent of AI entering the consumer market, this game came out at the right time. It was fun to reflect on this sci-fi adventure with the real world.

A Beautiful cover.... To a good game.