Reviews from

in the past

the story lost me but i really enjoyed the escape room puzzles and the fact u didn't have to replay them like in 999

Just as good if not better than the predecesor.

I feel alone in this take but this is such a disappointing sequel to 999. Let's start by what we can see at first sight: the graphics. While its predecessor had mostly timeless visuals, here they replace the great drawings of the characters with ugly, lifeless 3D models that at most have three poses and no changes to their facial expressions. The setting is also changed from a memorable cruise ship to a grey and dull facility that is really painful to the eye. As for the pacing, VLR takes the perfect length of 999 and triples it, and it makes this game drag like hell. It is also sold as a non-linear story with ten main endings, but you have to do them in a specific order or else you are locked in the last third of the storyline you're playing, so when you come back to it you have to hope to remember what was going on, and with ten different freaking endings that's a hard thing to do. The story also pisses me off, not only is it extremely complex, but despite being set in a mostly grounded universe (as established by its predecessor) it now introduces androids, clones and the fucking end of humanity? I'm sorry I hate this game. Its only saving grace are the puzzle rooms but that doesn't save it for me at all.

Some of the most interesting moments in gaming can be found here, but it has a large host of issues at the same time.

Real good follow-up to 999. Takes a lot of the previous game's underused features and fills the entire game with them.

Takes the already amazing first game and improves on it IN EVERY ASPECT. Crazy story had me lost so many times, but when finishing everything gets pieced together so beautifully.

Get 999 and improve it tenfold and you get VLR, the best game of Uchikoshi's Zero Escape trilogy.

Will you trust your allies?

Perfect compliment to the first game, raising the stakes and adding in more characters in a new scenario one of the most complex stories ive consumed written so well it doesnt feel it until the very very end. Twist with the Mc is probably one of my favorite twists ever in gaming.

This game is insane but an enjoyable type of insane, although I still prefer the first game

This review contains spoilers

Virtue's Last Reward is a strange sequel. The original Zero Escape game, 999, is very much a standalone, self-contained story. VLR feels like an alternate reality or a "what-if" scenario, rather than a true sequel. It makes some pretty major retcons and expands on the original 999. Most notably, it is much more sci-fi in terms of its setting, whereas 999 felt like something set in a contemporary time period (2010s-2020s), VLR is much more futuristic. Not to say that it is bad, but it just feels like a very separate game, in-spite of its major connections to the original.

The game itself is 3d this time, and looks quite good. Characters now have models, which look good, and backgrounds are now fully 3d spaces. You can now look around a room all 360 degrees. As far as puzzles go, I didn't think too many were unfair, it definitely helps to have a piece of paper nearby to work out logic. Also it is definitely good to write down/take a picture particular passwords, because the game will not keep track of the ones needed for story sections.

The writing was overall quite strong, it kept me guessing and surprised. When I did deduce information before the game gave it to me, it usually lined up with what I thought or twisted things around in a way that made sense. That being said, there were some frustrating moments where both the player and the player-character know a certain piece of info, but the player character acts on it in an illogical way (i.e. explaining things about a suspicious person, that person takes action, and the player character is surprised even though they knew this person would act in such a way). Moments like those were not constant, but when they happened it really took me out of the game.

Overall, it is absolutely worth playing if you're a fan of the first game, even if it is quite different.

Virtue's Last Reward é piiiiica. Em termos de história, ele compensa a falta de um plot twist tão maneiro quando a do 999 no DS com vários plot twists que não são tão fora da caixa como o do 999, mas que ainda assim geram muita surpresa. Novamente comparando com o 999, os puzzles não são taaao legais assim. Se baseiam muito em ficar olhando e tentando memorias os arquivos e aplicar eles no puzzle em si. E o final é meio longo demais e o final final final mesmo achei meio anticlimático, ainda mais novamente comparado a delicia que é o final do 999.
No fim das contas o Virtue's Last Reward ainda vive muito na sombra do original, mas a grande escala da historia e os novos plot twists sustentam muito bem

história incrível, mas por que 3d?

Ei niin hyvä kun 999 mut ihan palveleva jatko osa vaiks grafiikat kyl on aika kamalii mut ite ei haitannut

i think that centrism is the life for me after all!

It's like the original but literally cooler. It's so cool. The plot twists are so cool. Zero Escape is so cool you guys.

Uma das melhores histórias que eu já vi na minha vida.

A great sequel, that expand and improves everything from its predecessor. Although, at times, I felt like there was too much (40 hrs +) and some puzzles were just freaking hard, what you get from all of it is rewarding, making this one of the best stories that the video game industry has delivered.

feels kinda slow not even gonna lie but its probably just me. I will get through it eventually TRUST

not as good as 999 but its still really solid
the escape sections did give me headaches from the movement tho (also what the fuck even is the q room it makes me feel braindead thinking about how much i consulted a guide for it)

The only thing that holds this game from being perfect is the amount of time I lost going through the same dialogs time after time

i hate the 3d models i'm sorry

o que fizeram nos graficos desse jogo é um crime contra a raça humana e tal onde a historia vai parar n é tao bom assim mas vale pela ideia e pelo meio

I didn't even finish this game but I don't even want to at this point

The 3d models threw me off at first but this game is still excellent, I don't like it quite as much as 999 but it's still very, very good. Will be replaying it soon to see if my thoughts have changed over the years

historia legal e pa personagens legais e pa
mas eh chato demaisss demaiss toda vez a gente ter que ver a animação das portas abrindo pelo amor de deus pra que

This game is absolutely insane.


Se me hizo algo repetitivo tanta ruta, pero joder vaya final, valió la pena

this is like the best utilization of the video game medium in a story. some story moments are stupid but it's made up for by having amazing story moments