Reviews from

in the past

too smartass and so ugly but it tries i guess?

Beautifully constructed and written, I enjoyed it slightly more than 999 (honestly you get used to the 3d models after a while), but for the love of god don't play the Vita port - 999 and ZTD work flawlessly on the portable console but for some reason this one is awfully tedious to play, rarely reaching 30fps and with often crashes.

My favorite entry in the trilogy, and I only grow more certain of that the more I think back on it.

More like Kino's Last Reward am i right

I do think that, like the last one, the ending shits the bed somewhat, and gets caught up in whatever dumb narrative it had created for itself, but importantly VLR understands that what is most interesting about it is how the following of different routes is integral to the narrative, and not simply different little things to collect, as is the case with many VNs. THe slow drip feed of the plot was excellent, until the end when it all sort of comes crashing down.

Regardless, I have seen few games that actively interrogate the player's role in a narrative and their ability to shape it. It improves on 999 tenfold by making the puzzles significantly harder, the art style better, and the plot actually make sense. I am sure that I will eventually get around to Zero Time Dilemma.

If two men were on the moon and one of them killed the other with a rock, would that be Virtue's Last Reward or what?

Zero Escape is back and this time they cranked the bullshit up to 110%. An equally good game to 999. Always love the idea of a sequel that takes place somewhere completely different, with a different cast of characters and style that also carries on the story and themes of the original game. Story is pretty nuts but rewarding, giving an ending that leaves a tonne of excitement to the imagination. Only downside to this over 999 is that I feel like 999 nailed the relationship and emotional stuff better than VLR but it's a minor gripe with how strong the rest of the narrative is.

I rate this 5/5 starts because I cannot rate it 6/5 stars. This is above genius, this is gorrilion IQ game.

It's like 999 but not as good and four times as long and with significantly worse characters. The twist is really fun though

It is the sequel to 999. While it is great and I loved playing it all the way through, it wasn't as good as the original. The production value is clearly higher being polygonal graphics, full VO and better puzzles. I did see some of the twists coming but the reveal was exciting none the less. I ended up playing the European 3DS version which is clearly inferior compared to all other version out there as it doesn't have the English VO which sucks and it has a game ruining save bug which can delete your entire progress. Clearly the version to get is the North American Vita version. But since I don't have a Vita and I wasn't going to buy one just for this I had to settle for this version. Still though, it's a great game. I'm looking forward to the next one when ever it comes out.

maravilhoso gostei mais que o primeiro. estranhei o gráfico 3d no começo mas acostumei

Virtue's Last Reward é piiiiica. Em termos de história, ele compensa a falta de um plot twist tão maneiro quando a do 999 no DS com vários plot twists que não são tão fora da caixa como o do 999, mas que ainda assim geram muita surpresa. Novamente comparando com o 999, os puzzles não são taaao legais assim. Se baseiam muito em ficar olhando e tentando memorias os arquivos e aplicar eles no puzzle em si. E o final é meio longo demais e o final final final mesmo achei meio anticlimático, ainda mais novamente comparado a delicia que é o final do 999.
No fim das contas o Virtue's Last Reward ainda vive muito na sombra do original, mas a grande escala da historia e os novos plot twists sustentam muito bem

Ei niin hyvä kun 999 mut ihan palveleva jatko osa vaiks grafiikat kyl on aika kamalii mut ite ei haitannut

They topped 999 with VLR, and I really enjoyed 999. At first, it looks to be a downgrade with the switch to 3D models, the need to include that poor man's Monokuma with Zero III, and some of the characters looking so outlandish. Right off the bat though, they introduce a huge improvement in the ability to jump instantly to specific sections of the game, unlike in 999 where you had to see an ending all the way through, even if you knew you were heading towards a dead end.

But most importantly, the main twist of this game is not only well implemented in terms of the plot, it casts a whole different perspective on everything you've done up to that point. I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I encountered it, and its why I think so fondly of the Zero Escape series still.

I don't even have a joke here this game destroyed my brain and I don't think I'll ever recover

full of surprising plot twists. the translation is excellent and extremely natural, and the voice acting is great. graphics definitely have aged a little poorly but it's understandable for a small game like this one.

this review is brought to you by all of sigmas 18 inches (if you think im joking the director confirmed it AND NEVER DOUBT ME PUNY MORTAL)

can get long winded and repetitive but god I love it. every path you take slaps you with the wildest shit ever and it’s an absolute ride.

k’s the best ZE character.

That's my first entry in the Zero escape series and I already want to play all of them!
The games grew some much on me. At first, I was interested in the puzzles and not in the story, however not long after a few hours, the scenario changes completely. The puzzles were still cool, but I wanted to finish them quickly to continue the story.

The puzzles are well designed and challenging but not frustrating, which make them possible to solve with a bit of patience even in the hard mode.

The story is the top-notch and mindfuck. It's impressive how the game manages to surprise all the time, at the same making sense with the twists and turns.

It's a great experience. I played for more than 50 hours to get every single part of the story and discover all the possible endings, and I can't imagine not playing this way!

Travel animation showing you move around the map gets repetitive and annoying after the first jumps. Other than that, top-notch.

Absurdly good story, even by itself (i actually played it before i knew it was a sequel). Graphics are lackluster and gameplay is meh, but the music, plot and
cast of characters carry this experience to a perfect score in unimaginable ways.

Some twists were a tad over the top but I enjoyed the story, characters and setting. The puzzles are annoying long and boring, they should just remove them to make them true real visual novels and not 'pretend visual novels'.

A downgrade to 999 in basically every way, but still alright. My biggest issue with it is that so many elements of this are just reused from past Uchikoshi games.

That ending gave me the best feelings I’ve ever felt witnessing a convoluted plot unfold.

o que fizeram nos graficos desse jogo é um crime contra a raça humana e tal onde a historia vai parar n é tao bom assim mas vale pela ideia e pelo meio

história incrível, mas por que 3d?


Se me hizo algo repetitivo tanta ruta, pero joder vaya final, valió la pena