Reviews from

in the past

Brink provided me the experience of buying a 60 cent physical copy from Gamestop. This was back in around 2013 or 2014, so the game wasn't even that old - this shit bombed hard. I love TF2 and Counter Strike so I gave this game a chance, and for the price I guess it was alright. It feels pretty barebones and lacks much personality, but the gameplay is fine. They hype up this parkour running system, but again, it's just kinda okay. Overall Brink is mediocre across the board - I'm glad I paid 60 cents instead of 60 dollars.

I cant believe I paid full price for this

Brink is an oddity to me. This was one of those games that I bought strictly because the cover looked cool and it was $10 at my local GameStop. And yet, this game was some of the most fun a young 11 year old me had with a game. This was for sure a game I stumbled into, but I enjoyed it quite a bit for the heyday it had over my Xbox that summer long ago.

I was doing parkour before it was cool. I mean I was doing parkour before the hipsters who said they were doing parkour were doing parkour, I was that cool.

Brink was among few games I bought for full 60 dollars price back in the day, I was playing lots of TF2 and needed a refresh, back then refund wasnt even an option, after a week I got back into TF2 again. What a dissappointment.

Even if my dad abandoned me and never came back after my mom was killed in a horrific and traumatic accident, this game would still be the biggest disappointment I had ever felt

Remember the artist that put a crucifix in urine? The Brink devs are destined for the same circle of hell

Boring, weird mix of Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch.

I did not like Brink. Back when it was announced, I already had mixed feelings about this little project, and, when finally playing it, my mixed feelings turned into boredom.

Brink is a FPS Parkour game in which players fight each other on different maps. You can choose various classes like the Soldier, who’s primary job it is to kill stuff, blow up stuff and throw ammo at teammates. Then you got the Engineers, who build stuff, upgrade stuff and disarm stuff. The Medic heals stuff and buffs teammates with health bonusses. And finally, the Operatives, spies who hack stuff and can see hidden landmines.

Each class also has a body type, which gives them different advantages/disadvantages. Light bodies are the fastest and most agile, while Heavy bodies can take more damage.

You earn experience for kills and completing various objectives, which you can use to make your character stronger.

The mechanics in Brink are relatively unique, until you realize that they ripped straight from Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. This is not a problem perse, but I rather play that game than a reskin with some added parkour in it. Other than the burrowed mechanics from Wolfenstein, the new objective system, in which every player receives an unique objective, is kind of cool. This way, you have the feeling that you are actually contributing to your team (or let them all down by dying). Each team also has a Squad Commander, with his own different objectives.

In terms of graphics, Brink all right, however, the color pattern of the environment makes it kind of blend and lifeless in my opinion. It is missing color like in Team Fortress 2 or Overwatch. Animations and walk cycles of the characters is decent enough.

Sound wise, the guns sound like pea shooters. It is not the worst I encountered, but it is far from special.

The controls and parkour itself works pretty well. The implementation of SMART, automates parkour when running towards a certain wall or gap. However, besides looking cool, jumping over a wall when being pumped full of lead, and reaching some higher ledges, I did not think it added that much to the game.

My biggest problem with Brink is simply that I did not get “a feel” with it. I thought it was unbelievably boring. This was mainly because I could not get into the play style, but the graphics and mechanics also did not motivate me to play any longer. Maybe Brink is/was not so bad after all, but I just considered it as “another so-called innovative online FPS” that did not add anything to the genre.

Another reason, for me at least, is that this game is Multiplayer only. Now this is fine, but there is a whole story and tons of lore behind this game about Global Warming, a floating city in the future, civil war between factions. It would have been great to have some sort of single player campaign. But no, although you can play the “Single player mode”, it is just multiplayer with offline bots.

In Online, or Single Player, I had exactly one hour of fun, jumping and parkouring around, but after that hour, I died of boredom immediately and de-installed the game.

So, based om my own personal experience, I would not recommend Brink.

Parkour and guns, who doesn't love that? Reasonable people that don't love the infuriating missions that are poorly thought out and become nearly impossible to beat. I recall enjoying what I was able to play up until a very specific mission. I've honestly tried to forget I played this game over the past 12 years.

Aged poorly. Was a cool idea when it came out though.

я вообще не знаю что это за ебаный позор был

I remember being so excited for this and how poorly it ended up being.

Overall, +.5 for neat customization.

I'm sure there was some fun you could have but the online was so brutally broken that you couldn't play the damn game in the first place.

I hope the brain behind this has been caved in.

One of those flops where you can only just look back on it and laugh

preordered it at full price, actually enjoyable unlike the dota-like verbal abuse operating system "over watch".

I just remember this being BAD.

Divertido demais até certo ponto, depois se torna bastante repetitivo e um pouco maçante.

É o tipo de jogo pra brincar quando tu não tá afim de entrar de cabeça em algo mais sério, ou que exija atenção. Apenas para brincar.

It's exactly as bad as everyone says it is. I could write more but why bother, this game sucks, don't play it.

Malo de cojones, obsceno. Es lo que vio Coto Matamoros, y se quedó corto describiendolo.

I remember buying this on a fucking grocery store for 9€, I also got Darkness II for the same price. I don't remember much, other than that I was injured while playing it, and gave up on it after a while. Surely it must have been remarkable

I remember seeing a preview and then review of this game in Game Informer magazine, then getting a free trial to game fly just to try this game, and it SUUUUUUUCKED. Super disappointing, glad I didn't spend any money on it

I wish this played as good as it looked

Not to say that I played a bunch of this, but playing it again, my opinion on this doesn't seem to have changed. It's a bland, boring shooter with no meat to it. I do not see the one/half stars people are giving this shit. This is just bland as fuck, and that's where it ends.

Как же я обожал эту игру. Все эти пробеги по стенам, классы. Стрельба. Все было довольно кондовым. Но сколько я в ней чудесных вечеров провел толкая какую то херню на гусеницах к ковчегу это вообще что-то с чем то. Дизайн персонажей кстати был моё почтение.

vorst garbage i've ever played. Did they even test this game.

Looking back, the game wasn't even that good but it was one of my first game I had when my parents bought me an Xbox 360 so hundreds of hours was spent on this little gem.