Reviews from

in the past

Nice little bite sized treat.
I'm on a mission to finish games that were too hard for me as a small childe.
Aladdin is a good ol' platformer with fluid animation and is (for the most part) faithful to the movie with regards to the movie and the soundtrack. It's not too challenging, it's short and very sweet.

They managed to capture the overall tone and vibe of the film very well and it's cool to hear the film's soundtrack with these SNES renditions.

ah, o mundo perdido dos jogos licenciados de super nintendo, como é belo...

em tempos já longínquos me lembro de ligar o ps2, enfiar aquele cd que acabei de limpar com detergente, e ver bootar o snes station. passava horas testando os jogos. mas lembro especificamente da DELICIOSA sensação quando tocava a musiquinha da logo da capcom. os caras só faziam bangers, era impressionante.

a trilha sonora desse jogo é uma das melhores merdas já feitas em 16 bits. fora que, vc sabia que o designer disso é o SHINJI MIKAMI???? pois é, maluquice. mas tudo nessa geração não fazia sentido, afinal, como um jogo do Aladdin pode ir tão duro?

Apparently Shinji Mikami designed this. Go figure, because what we have here is a very competently put together platformer.

It's much, much better than the Genesis version, which I've found to be too messy and chaotic. The SNES version removes the sword, and is in comparison a casual and short romp that anyone could master in less than a handful of tries. I think in Capcom's attempt to decrease the difficulty from "90's hard" to "managable for kids", they incidentally created a difficulty that sits around the middle for today's standards. It asks you to prove your reflexes, but never gets too overwhelming in doing so.

Is it special? As good as Mario? Maybe not. You'll probably play it once and forget about it. But as far as licensed Disney games went, Aladdin here proves that Capcom had a talented team of developers that knew exactly how to handle these IP's, and delivered a mechanically simple yet refined experience that does all it needed to just... be pretty fun. It's just fun. It's fun. Fun.

depois de um jogo de 120 horas um de 40 minutos pra relaxar. jogo do bom ja zerei umas 200 vezes

capcom was kind of on a roll back in the day (still are)

GooeyScale: 65/100

its time for break time, SPIN THE WHEEL!

O Darksouls do supernintendo.

With the exception of Yoshi's Island, this may be the best platformer of the 16-bit era. Swinging, rebounding, ledge-grabbing – Aladdin manages to put the overrated Super Mario World to shame with his acrobatics and sure-footing. The wild 'Genie's Lamp' level pre-figures the inventive OCTAHEDRON with ever-evolving obstacles that shake up the move-set. Unfortunately, the game's second half bogs down in the repetitive pyramid and palace stages, bottoming out with a lackluster final encounter with Jafar.

A surprisingly acrobatic game. The level design was almost always great, and it was obvious that everything was made for a specific purpose in mind. Though I do feel like there could've been a bit more enemy variety.


Le meilleur jeu Aladdin. Vous laissez pas avoir par ceux qui vous diront que la version Megadrive est meilleur, ces gens n'aiment pas le jeu vidéo. Ils aiment juste voir de beaux tableaux mais surtout pas avoir une manette entre les mains.

Aquele pano que ele segura para planar acaba com a experiência do jogo.

A perfectly solid, average platformer. A lot of people hype up the Genesis Aladdin, and while it has nice animation, its gameplay does not compare to the SNES Aladdin. I've never bothered trying to get all the gems or whatever it is that unlocks the secret ending.

Paguei uma dívida com minha infância e terminei esse jogo pela primeira vez. O mais interessante é que a fase impossível do tapete, pelo menos pra mim quando criança, é muito tranquila e até bastante curta. Jogo com cheiro, gosto, ar de infância e magia Disney.

Simplesmente INCRIVEL todos os cenário são lindos e bem construídos e o jogo de cores aqui é perfeito, charmoso demais e ainda envelheceu muito bem!

Não é la tão difícil assim quanto as pessoas dizem, só tem que aprender um pouco do mapa e não dar bobeira que o jogo fica até que ok

Que joguinho divertido! Gameplay dele é bem simples, mas eu diria que bem divertida e fluída, a trilha sonora é bem legal também, e o tema da logo da Capcom torna tudo melhor ainda.
Com certeza é um dos clássicos absolutos tanto da Disney quanto da Capcom pro SNES.

Jogo bom d+. A música e os cenários são perfeitos, lembro q fiquei testando todos os password possíveis pra descobrir as fases q n tinha chegado ainda.

>> Prós
• FASES : Os cenários são bem bonitos e alguns remetem ao filme.
• SOUNDTRACK : Outra parte positiva do game é as músicas q são do filme tbm.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Perso Favorito = Tapete.

Very funny and charming, recommended to everyone who likes Disney and/or pretty platformers

Better level design than the Genesis version but doesn't look as epic and they take away your sword.

Jogo muito bom. Achei que seria ruim igual ao rei leão, mas me surpreendi, jogabilidade ótima, dificuldade na medida, historinha legal, só é extremamente curto.

Bom jogo. Se preparem para a fase do tapete voador, rsrs...

i could never get past the first couple of levels

damn i remembered this being better

I've always had fondness for this game due to nostalgia, but, if I'm being honest, revisiting it was a bit disappointing for me. I'm not gonna have a lot to say about this one in comparison to other games I've reviewed. It literally only took me around an hour to beat, which is just absurdly short, even for a SNES platformer. From what I hear, the Genesis game is a different beast and is typically seen as the better game, but I never had a Genesis so that's not the version I know.

The gameplay is extremely simple. Aside from a rather situational apple toss move that stuns enemies (can be quite useful but I wasn't using it much despite the game showering you in apples to throw), the only thing Aladdin can do is run and jump. Simple isn't inherently bad, but its made worse by the fact that I found the game to be not very fun to control. I'm not sure if its just because I needed to get used to how the game feels or not, but generally movement just felt kinda clunky. Aladdin goes farther than I expected him to, like just inching upwards makes him walk forward more than you'd think, and that made platforming a bit tricky. I remembered this game being really easy but I actually got a few game overs since I just had a hard time getting used to how this game feels. Some of it was also me being stupid, yea, so you could call it a skill issue if you want, but generally I just didn't like how the game feels to control. One thing that does help is that this game has an item you can find in levels that lets Aladdin use a cloth as a parachute. Honestly, the times I didn't have this item was rough with how much I relied on it. Structurally, the game is divided into four...I guess I could call them "worlds"? Or is it more like acts? Regardless, each one has three levels, except for the bonus carpet ride level. I will say that I absolutely loved the Genie world, that was by far my favorite part of this game as a kid and its just really fun seeing a big cloudy world with the Genie's face plastered all over everything. It was probably the most creative world when it came to level obstacles, too, though it certainly won't blow your mind. Lastly, the bosses were pretty alright. I liked the semifinal boss, that being the first Jafar fight where you need to avoid his attacks and wait for him to float down so you can jump on his head. The final boss is kinda hilariously easy. I died a lot to the first boss since my tiny brain didn't really get the rhythm of baiting his attack then jumping on his head. The third world doesn't have a boss and neither does the second world, though the final level of the second world sorta makes up for that by being a decently tough autoscroller with moving waves of lava and rocks you gotta avoid (plus you can't touch the walls, which are often different heights). Aladdin SNES is a serviceable platformer in my opinion, but it felt kinda middling overall, especially in gameplay feel and length.

It's been forever since I've seen the movie, so I don't remember its story, but, as far as I know, this game's story is pretty much just retelling the movie's story. I won't cover it just because there's not a lot to it.

Overall, Aladdin SNES is just an okay game. I have my gripes with it that I covered here and some of those were pretty disappointing for me, but I definitely don't think the game is bad. Gets a "meh" 3 stars from me. I was a little sad to have my childhood bubble burst like this, but I suppose it is what it is

Juego de Disney que a pesar de ser demasiado facil y corto es extremadamente divertido, disfrutable y rejugable. Avanzaremos en niveles fieles a la pelicula. A pesar de no haber mas que 3 jefes el titulo cumple. Disney y Capcom fueron buena combinacion.

Uma aventura do SNES que amo muito, minha infância

Tava rejogando isso aqui com sorrisão aberto, é o puro suco de infância. Perfeito em praticamente tudo, seu único defeito é ser curto demais.