Reviews from

in the past

I played this on pc. There isn't a pc option.
What the fuck Backlogged

(it's bloody fun)

A simple and elegant return to form.

This game is fucking great. It's got a lot it does well but has a small amount of issues that hold it back just a bit.

The gameplay carries the shit out of this movie. It's energetic, fast paced, and blood pumping. Shooting demons at such a quick pace is super addicting and I love that you get so many weapons allowing you to approach every encounter in many ways. It's fun and holds the game together. The visuals look great, the switch port is actually pretty solid, and this game holds up really well.

The only things that hold down the game is the story, finale, and exploration but it's just minor things though. Like, the story was fine but I wish we got more of Olivia on screen compared to logs. The final boss was fairly disappointing as it's just a medium sized spider and not what the game has been holding up to but it was still fun. The exploration is great but dying after falling and having some areas way too difficult to find makes it not super rewarding.

Overall, an excellent game with minor things holding it down. A+ tier.

Foda, porém em alguns momentos é estressante

The perfect balance of boomer shooter goodness and modern QoL additions. One of the best modern FPS games, and one of the best Switch ports as well.

Actually sick as hell and it runs as well as it possibly could. Load times are a little old fashioned but nothing out of the ordinary. Comparable to other major Switch titles like Breath of the Wild or ports like Wolfenstein 2, but there's hardly any stutter.

The graphics are honestly great so long as you're just playing the game and you're not stopping to count the vertices of a barrel. You're supposed to run and jump around and shoot stuff and if you're doing that you're gonna find yourself wondering how it looks so good. HD rumble and a pair of headphones really sell the experience too.

The gameplay is TIGHT, you can really get into it. Finding the zenith between the difficulty level, the motion controls and your layout is unmatched. This has to be what it felt like to play the original because there's nothing else like this as far as I know.

Of course I haven't played Eternal yet, so...

Violence can be art.
This is probably the only piece of violence as art that exist.
It isn't about the pain, the sorrow or the fear, this is just violence, and you feel violent playing this, that's all.

A blood-pumping adventure that is only bared down by its semi repetitious gameplay (but still remains really fun) and lack of really good upgrades.

Fuck yeah loved this game. Everything had a nice, violent flow to it and I'm excited to see what Doom Eternal does to improve the format

Super solid FPS. Not too challenging, but not easy. Runs great on Switch, an excellent choice for anyone getting into the genre

incredibly solid though its muddy and slightly uninspired visual style can't keep up with the electrifying gameplay

the switch version of this game is so bad its not even funny

my 60 dollars bro...

I replayed this on the switch mostly for the motion controls but also cause of Doom: The Dark Ages as I'm sorta excited and hyped

Game still holds up very well! it has a good level progression to it and a lot of good design and enemy encounters. Some of the areas feel a bit too cluttered for my liking but I enjoy how things escalate. I do wish the bosses were better but that's just me. Weapons feel punchy and satisfying with really good detail to the sound and modeling and the visuals are good! I think it still looks good for the system even with the more obvious downgrades.

I still hold this up as a great FPS of it's decade that I'd recommend regardless on what system you play it on

Great ass game, even if it's running on an inferior hardware. Still got a bang for my buck in high school

Um bom jogo, porém que não me prendeu.

This game rejuvenate the christ in me

Evolución directa de Doom 64, no se necesita más.

obviously not the ideal way to play doom, but a really solid switch port. isn't it ridiculous how they didn't use this cover art for the first release?

O último boss quase fez eu quebrar meu Switch de raiva, mas é um ótimo jogo

I always think of this game as the Devil May Cry version of an FPS although I'm sure there multiplayer games that fit the bill better. Anyway, it's probably the best resurrection to a classic series in the past couple of years. And obviously better on the PC.

Really fast paced and addicting fps with great graphics and story

This game is a different genre from the originals. Somehow it feels much slower and less “tactical”. That said, I’ve always thought that it looked good and was cool. The same cannot be said for “Doom Eternal” which I refuse to ever play.

I don’t remember how much this costs but the campaign was an appropriate size and fine to go through. Just not something I ever want to play again, while I happily revisit classic Doom levels frequently.