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in the past

Damn shame this one ngl, there's a really good 2-3 hour game here but the walking speed being set to fuckin 0.5% and half the PS trophies being "stand still for 5 minutes lol" make the whole game feel like a waste of time.

The story was genuinely interesting and the map is very well crafted, if I was able to move around it at human speed I'd have had a wonderful time exploring, but playing as what I assume was a 200lb camera being pushed around by a small child made it feel more like reading a picture book on a tablet with shitty internet.

It seriously takes almost a full minute to get from the front door of a house down the yard and across the road, bro has a fucking 3 hour commute to his shop half a mile away.
Anyway I'm sure everyone is as bored of walking-speed rants/complaints as they were being let down by what should've been a much better game.

Thanks for reading if you did, sorry for the moan but it's gone 4am now and this game would've been twice as good were it half as slow. Can't wait to speedrun it again tomorrow for the platinum! :D

Hope you all have a lovely December, hopefully I'll have a proper review before it's over but brief thoughts for now: Persona 5 Tactica was great, much better story than expected. Jedi Survivor has been really good so far, Ace Attorney isn't as good as TGAA was but it's a joy and Maya is 😌

Shame, such a beautiful environment that is left almost completely non-interactable and is wasted on a pretentious and boring game that for some reason is insanely slow and tedious without any deeper meaning to justify such choices. Also, who tf makes walking simulators with CryEngine??

Hauntingly beautiful. The game shows you a snapshot of humanity right at it's end. Everything frozen in time. Cigarettes are still smoking in ashtrays, laundry is still on the line. Signs of life are all around, but everybody's gone.

The game focuses more on the interpersonal connections between all the villagers than the sci-fi end-of-the-world, which is definitely a choice. But I think it was a good one, overall. It feels like you're getting to know all the drama and gossip between the characters. The importance of human connections was a big theme in this game, and also seems to be in most post-apocalyptic media.

As everybody has said, the walking speed is comically slow. Which I thought would be fine, as long as the game is linear enough. But it's not, it's pretty open and there's lots of exploring and accidental backtracking. This just leads to frustration and "ugh i gotta walk all the way back now."

The voice acting was great and sounded realistic, but the characters being depicted by glowing lights that you can't really make out most of the time was pretty lame. It made it harder to keep up with what's really happening, and remembering names for each of the characters. Deliver Us The Moon did the whole "memory's of people from the past" thing a bit better I think.

The game also was maybe a bit too long. I still don't really know who Frank is or why he had a whole chapter dedicated to him.

When people say "I hate walking simulators," it's exactly because of games like this. If I want to take a stroll in the English countryside, I can do it in real life and at triple the pace.

No shame in saying I did it for the plat.

Gorgeous graphics. Unbelievably boring story.

This is one of the worst walking simulators. The story is told through weird means, and there are just so many collectibles. Oh yeah, also the walking speed is the slowest I think in any video game ever. I thought the story was alright but it was just annoying to actually get it, which meant I didn't really enjoy it when I did get it.

A decent-looking story experience, but made arbitrarily slow at times.

call me petty but i hate when i cant walk quickly in a game im SORRY

Was really hoping for this to go somewhere profound, as I was really digging the vibes and I was into the themes it was exploring, but it doesn't really. This is a pure, through and through walking sim, there's no real gameplay to be found here. That puts a lot of pressure on the writing to deliver, and the story just isn't quite strong enough to carry the game.

I can only stand it like 1 hours, unbelievably boring and slow

Pretty compelling for a walking sim

I won this game through SteamGifts.

"We have each other.
We lived apart from them; we understand now.
Our failure to touch, to belong.
But it doesn’t matter anymore.
Everybody is gone, and we will join them."

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture combines elements of a walking simulator to a classic science fiction story with added drama of a small town in an English countryside. You walk through the empty village of Yaughton, learning the story bit by bit through telephones, radios and small specks of light that produce memories of the people that lived there.

The game comes from the same developers as Dear Esther, which piqued my interest right away. Dear Esther was a great walking simulator, and I feel like this game didn't disappoint in the slightest. The story is intriguing and the way everything unravels as you move forward is almost always unique to the person playing, as the order you can do things in is entirely up to you. There is different side storylines you can follow that wrap around the main story perfectly and as you go further into the area you learn more and more. I was quite disappointed however, that the walking speed was quite slow, and the "sprint" button, didn't really help.

The graphics of the game are absolutely stunning! I just couldn't keep my eyes off of everything, there were so many beautiful little details to look at and all of the scenery was wonderful. Sadly there is some optimization issues which caused a lot of stuttering and dropping of frames, but there were a few fixes in the community guides on steam. The game is definitely a screenshotter's dream and well worth checking out in that regard.

The soundtrack was something I absolutely adored and it often moved me to tears for how well they implemented the soundtrack with the story and the memory points you were watching. It's a beautiful combination of sounds, emotions and harmonic music.

Now, something that I did not like, was the achievements...many have claimed to have troubles with the achievements popping up, I had no problems in that regard, but the content of the achievements itself were quite annoying. If there were a way to walk faster, then perhaps it would have been more enjoyable, but the slow pace and the fact that you can't complete the game 100% in a single playthrough, made me annoyed. I did it however, and I feel like it was worth it in the end.

It's a game that you will enjoy if you are a fan of slow paced walking simulators with beautiful scenery and intriguing story elements. If you are not a fan of that, I don't think this game is for you. For me, it was exactly what I thought it would be, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I 100% recommend this game to anyone who is planning on getting it.

Premise and gameplay
What a way to spend an evening! In typical walking sim fashion, this one can be completed in one sitting. I took my time and spent about 5 hours from beginning to end, which is actually quite lengthy for a walking sim. A lot of this is thanks to the extremely slow movement speed, but I think it fits both the mood and the story. After all, this is not a high octane action game by any stretch of the imagination, but rather a narrative experience for a relaxing evening.

Without spoiling any of the story, you're playing an unknown person or entity, leisurely walking around a quaint, but deserted, English village and watching the ghostly figures of the residents relive their last day alive. The reason for everybody's disappearance is a mystery, and it's up to you, the player, to piece together the clues based on what you hear and see around you. You may well reach the end and find yourself utterly confused, but that's to be expected of a TCR game. The story needs to be considered and analyzed before you can make sense of it from start to finish, which I'm still in the process of doing.
By the end of the game, you know a bit about everyone in the village. You follow a handful of people more closely than others and get a close look at their relationships with the people around them, which made me feel like they were real people. As a result, I felt more intimately connected to them and cared about their stories.
In case you're scarred by The Vanishing of Ethan Carter and are apprehensive about possible scares in this game, I can assure you there are none. No horror.

There is actually quite a lot of content here, but you have to find a lot of it on your own. You're guided through the village and its surroundings by a floating orb of light, but you won't see all of the story by simply following it along. You have to go off the beaten path and explore on your own. Check out houses, sheds, cars and you'll occasionally find another plot point. These are just as important as those on the guided tour, so don't be afraid to stray. The way you experience the story isn't designed to be linear anyway.
Actually, the orb somehow got stuck in the hedge outside the pub in the last chapter of the game, so I had to explore without a guide. I thought that was just as well, because I would have to check everything to find all the plot pieces anyway. Still, it's handy in case you've missed something major, as it will lead you to it.

This is definitely among the most beautiful games I've ever played. All aspects of the presentation are spot-on and I've never before seen the English countryside so accurately represented in interactive digital form. It's one of my favorite settings and EGTTR absolutely nailed it. The attention to detail in the environments is just staggering. From the gardens and exterior of the houses, to the road markings and signs, to the clutter of garages and lived-in interiors, it all feels extremely realistic. Everything is placed with a purpose and there's quite a bit of story to be gleaned from observing the environment with a keen eye.
Effect-wise the game also delivers. Made in CryEngine, it boasts a lot of eye candy that it uses to full effect. The atmospheric and lighting effects really sells the countryside vibe and the detailed and (quite) high resolution textures look great. Yaughton feels like a real place.

The voice acting is superb. The actors cover a range of british dialects and the interactions between characters in conversations are very believable. I'd say this is probably the strongest point of the game, fitting enough for a voice focused narratively driven game, as I was completely sold on these characters thanks to the great emotional range and general acting talent of the voice actors.
Sound design is great. The wind in the trees, the chirping birds, the player character's footsteps, the rumbling light orb. It's just great.
The soundtrack deserves special mention. It is absolutely fantastic. It's melancholy, beautiful and haunting. It mostly takes a back seat and sets the mood, but swells up during important moments. The pieces draws on a variety of styles, but the choral arrangements are probably the most powerful for me.

By the end, these elements all come together to create an uneasy mood that had me on edge for the entire last chapter of the game. The mood was very well crafted. Mission accomplished.

The controls are as simple as they come. Playing with a controller, you use the analog sticks to move and look around, A or X/Cross to interact, LT or L2 to activate manual story segments and RT or R2 to "make haste." You can't run or jump, but RT/R2 makes you gradually walk slightly faster, which is nice for the longer stretches of road.
You can invert the Y-axis, but be aware that this also inverts Y for mouse control as well.

Value for money
This is a recurring topic when discussing walking simulators. Due that lack of "game" in these titles, the price point is under a lot more scrutiny than other games. I got it at -50 % for $10, which I found to be a fair asking price for the amount of care that had gone into the creation of the world, its sound design and the story, but anything more than that is too much for the amount of content it offers.
Get it on sale.

All in all, this is an excellent walking simulator. If you like walking simulators and are looking for a relaxing and intriguing experience, look no further.
It might not be everone's cup of tea, but that's totally fine. Just be aware of what you're buying and don't complain afterwards if you feel understimulated. This is a purebred walking sim, after all.

Slightly la-de-da but suitably moving walking sim.

Thought I'd finally check this one out after thoroughly enjoying Still Wakes The Deep, a great story which kept me invested to the end, however some spotty voice acting and the absence of a FUCKING SPRINT BUTTON! Did take away some of the charm.

Enjoyment - 9/10
Difficulty - 2/10

A truly one of a kind game. Through its explorative narrative moments, an immense sense of intrigue builds as you bounce from place to place, providing a meditative experience that not many games have achieved. It is also set in a VERY English country town. ENGLAND ITS COMING HOME!

Graphics look beautiful and the game has amazing lighting but who cares if the gameplay is a walking simulator going at a snail's pace. A simple sprint button would fix everything.

Rapture uses a scifi apocalyptic premise to tell personal and intimate stories of the inhabitants of an idylic english town, problem is it goes out of its way to be as vague and mysterious as possible about it. On the surface, it doesn't sound much so the best way I explain the problem by comparing it with a tv show I recently watched called Broadchurch.

The show is a who dun it murder mystery where the dirty secrets of an isolated town are dragged to the broad day light as the investigation goes on. There the mystery is the hook and every detail revealed adds to intrigue. But make no mistake, it is primarily a drama of inhabitants. The show makes you want to know about the characters, and when you do, it's their struggles and pain that you care about over even the mystery.
Now Rapture is similar case, but the hook is vague and kept mysterious. The characters are faceless wisps of light where little dialogues snippets are drip fed to you in potentially (most likely) non linear fashion due to how the exploration is structured. Not only is it hard to keep track of who's who, but the dialogue is of mundane variety. Very little of it adds to overarching mystery, serving more to form a vignete of a group trying to deal with apocalypse that anything concrete. It left me with little reason little reason to care about anyone or what happened to them and that is why I stopped playing.
I can see how some may connect to this form of storytelling as it is a pretty game with great VA and soundtrack. The use of light to guide you and the solitude that comes from the lack of information helps to project your feelings and ideas on to the story. Maybe I could have gotten more out of the story if I finished it but I already played more that I wanted and I don't want to indulge in sunk cost fallacy.

I knew about this game via it's soundtrack a long, long time before I played it thanks to the UK official charts deciding this "bona fide classical album" (their words) wasn't actually eligible for the classical charts. ANYWAY what I'm saying is this is a very good, if flawed game with a 5 star soundtrack.

Simulator of walking with good picture and intriguing plot

ngl I didn't know what was going on but fuck it we ball

First bought it on PS4, played it briefly and turned it off again. Then bought on PC, played for a few minutes and turned it off again :D I don't know but somehow I didn't get the feeling that this narrative game was doing anything particularly new or original. The story seemed quite interesting but the pacing was also sooo lame, somehow it didn't get me...maybe I'll pick it up if^^

A massive disappointment. I was hoping for something compelling like The Leftovers, but instead it squanders its premise with caricatures & boredom.

Graphically it is amazing but the plot is kinda a mess unless you're really into it.

Another of the walking simulators I played during the first year I had a PS4. This one seemed a bit more mysterious than, say, Ethan Carter, but they're all equally good. Equally abstract and direct, I just love this form of storytelling.

All stories compete, all radios, interactibles, maps, Chads, shortcuts found

I really enjoyed the graphics and style of the game; for me games where you discover along the time the lore of it by yourself is a really cool way to approach a game! I liked the way it was set up, and the concept I enjoyed too, but for my complaints, I have a few. I didn’t enjoy the snail walking pace, I feel like there should’ve been an option to speed up. I understand wanting people to take their time to enjoy the game, but eventually it becomes boring and excruciating to be going that slow the entire game. Besides that, the mapping of the game is a bit confusing and it felt like I went in circles a couple of times. I think it would’ve been beneficial to have added a map widget to refer to instead of just sort of guessing your way through , hoping to find another map table somewhere. Last but not least, I understand the concept, that people sort of just vanished but I think some clips of people just actually in their human forms would’ve brought a lot more interest into the game. Even at the end if they had shown even just one overlapping imagery of the people who lived in the town, just for an informational visual, I think that would’ve greatly improved the storytelling. But besides all my complaints, regardless I enjoyed the game.

Right off the bat: I will say that I knocked a whole two stars off because of technical reasons. Unless you go into NVIDIA Control Panel in the Program Settings tab, select this game, and set Low Latency to Ultra, this game runs TERRIBLY. I am using an i7-8700k and 3070ti build with 64gb of ram and was getting frame drops down to 15-22fps. Really immersion-breaking. Some other critiques: walking speed is way too slow at some points, "sprint" button does virtually nothing, and the direction I was supposed to go wasn't always clear, even though I knew I needed to follow the glowing light. I ended up missing the end of one of the character's story arcs because I ended up getting lost, and then at a later point, I thought I was following the light and took a wrong turn and ended up getting lost in a previous area for about 30 mins where nothing happened. So yeah, there's a few things they could have done a lot better technically.
Artistically though, phenomenal work! The voice acting is among some of the best I've seen in a while, kudos to all the actors involved because they killed it! Music was also incredible, definitely going to be listening to a good chunk of these songs on repeat. And the overall map was absolutely gorgeous, full marks there. Loved the vibe of this small rural british town, made me wanna go and live there. And when it rains during the later parts of the game was chef's kiss. So good.
This is an interesting one because I would absolutely LOVE to play it one or two more times to try and pick up on things I missed, but the walk speed and light guidance thing was confusing enough that I'm not sure if I wanna deal with it again just yet. I'll probably come back to it in a month or two.