Reviews from

in the past

There are two types of people in this world.

Those who game, and those who watch.

They put this shit on NSO instead of an actual game 😭

The game and watch series was one of the first games out there for gaming as a whole. They were a lot of mindless fun, and only really had high scores as a prize for playing them. Game and Watch Gallery 3 changes that foundation by adding a lot more to score attacking with unlockable prizes while learning the ropes of what makes these games fun. On top of the amazing presentation and endearing use of Mario characters for the remix gamesl; Game and Watch Gallery 3 is something worth playing if you fancy yourself as a mini-game nut.

Game & Watch Gallery 3 (G&WG3) is basically a fancy remake version of varies game and watch games from back in the old day; these game and watches were sold separately and only had one game on it with 2 possible modes. G&WG3 takes these games, mixes them all together and provides a nice fresh Mario coat to them that help make them not only more endearing, but fun too. While not all the games change mechanically, there is something pleasing to the eye with the changes made graphically to each game. Not only do most games have backgrounds, new characters, and enemies, but sometimes they throw in slightly newer mechanics or make things easier by giving you additional lives. While I can't say I fully played through this game without a rewind feature, I can tell that a lot of those extra lives really helped to increase weaker players, like me, to higher score attacks and prizes. See largely this game is just seeing how the games are with the new Mario aesthetic, and then realizing that you can unlock more things by reaching certain high scores. This creates a feedback loop where you keep trying each game to get more and more high scores in order to unlock things from the museum gallery that this game has. Sometimes the things you unlock are simple things like history of the past games, and other times it's unlocking new games or older versions of the games you been playing. While that is relatively it, the main selling point is how the game presents itself and the unlockables you earn so if hearing this draws you to a yawn, it's probably not for you.

I don't think G&WG3 is really worth looking into unless you're really interested in video game history. Even then, a lot of the factoids can be looked up and games that can be played aren't exactly up to snuff compared to the games that were released when this game came out or currently available today. That doesn't mean the presentation for this game isn't great or the new remixes mean nothing, just that it's hard to really sell this as something that someone should play. Really G&WG3 is just a neat novelty more than it is a game, and honestly it's fine for being exactly what it is.

If you don’t enjoy LCD games, a bundle of them on a much more capable platform isn’t going to sell you.

Got 50 stars and played 10 game & watch games from the gallery. Overall, I like the modern changes that use Mario characters and the added music. Games are all pretty addictive. I played through Switch Online and the rewind feature comes in handy when you’re trying to reach 1,000 points on sole of the games!

Game and watch gallery 3 is a nice introduction to game and watch games. This is the first one I played and it's decent. The only one I came back consistenly is the egg one. And mario bros sometimes. That's because the collection in this one is a bit weak. After shelving it after trying 2, it's easy to see. But I dont't have any problem with the remakes EJEM g&w gallery 2 EJEM.And one thing i'm going to say about all of them, is that the original games, don't work, especially the dualscreen ones.

Besides that it's a decent timewaster. And it's fun to check all the games at least once.

High 4/10

mario bros was the best title of this gallery

Some very simple but fun mini games that actually still hold up and are still fun to play today.

Game and watch gallery 3 is exactly as it says om the tin. but the extent of the options and basic instruction screens definitely give it an edge over its predecessors

I like that this one had simple instruction screens before each game. Also, is it just me or was Egg like disproportionately easy compared to all the other ones?

Incredibly simple and incredibly easy minigames. It'll kill a n hour or two before you put it down and leave it there.

Good collection, not really gonna win anybody over to these mostly less than mediocre games though.

Played it a bit on the plane. Pretty good

Every game and watch gallery is good.

Not aiming for 100% because doing the pure G&W only games for beat the records is beyond monotonous and repetitive. But it was a pleasant surprise to discover with the NSO Game Boy that hooked me up for good. I felt the nostalgia wave even if it was the first time trying it.