Reviews from

in the past

Still a WIP... excited to see where they go-- still a fantastic factory building game in its current state.

This will almost certainly be a 5 star once it comes out of early access. As the name suggests, it is truly satisfying. One of the best factory games out there

Automation, endless updates, more automation, have I mentioned this game still getting big updates after 4 years? And you know what? AUTOMATIOOON!!

Janel cabron tornam los 30 pavos de esta merda

By far my favourite factory game
(not played Factorio at time of reviewing)

Really enjoyable with a lot to expand with.

++ Core gameplay
++ Art style
-- Bug fixing
-- Earyl Access

Building game with slide hopping


Note: Only last played since Update 7. Game is still in early access to take this review with a pinch of salt.

I found myself getting very addicted to this game. I love the whole resource management and creating your own factories in regards to exploiting the resources of the world and making advanced components to send up the space elevator.

Lizzard doggo is best doggo.

The wildlife are interesting and also quite dangerous too. I do love the different options you can get for power, but that you also have an issue with nuclear power plants producing Nuclear Waste and also certain other resources that can be used for all kinds of things.

No matter how many hours I've spent on the game, the world is so interesting and impressive. I'm often so lost, but not in a bad way. I find myself spending hours just observing and destroying nature to get wood and leaves for biomass. Not to mention looking for power slugs that can be made into energy cores that speed different machines, finding hard drives to get alternative recipes (some being much easier to produce than the others) and the artifacts that the voice desperately requests the items in a way that comes off as nefarious, but at this time they have no actual function, but I assume they will in the future.

I made a video in earlier development, around update 5 or 6 I think:

Played on Steam Deck, was a struggle trying to get used to the unintuitive controls, even with community mods. If gamepad support were properly implemented, it would be a lot easier to get into. I wanted to love it; guess I'll check back in a year or so

industrial revolution and its consequences

I fundamentally do not like factory games but I can respect the attempt

Demonic piece of software. Once I had to pull up a calculator, Google Docs, pen and paper, and start drawing blueprints, I knew that the worms had infested my brain and that The Fog was drawing ever closer.

This is still in early access, so I assume the devs are fully aware of all the problems, but I'll throw in my two cents:
• The map is too big and too empty. There's a lot of interesting biomes, but zero reason to explore. Having to travel longer distances for resource nodes is a waste of time and a glorified loading screen - you will not find anything on your way to your destination, and nothing will kill you.
• Enemies are barely a thing and only serve as minor annoyances. The game throws some pretty cool weapons at you, but you don't have any reason to use them, since everything dies with 2-3 hits from your laser sword anyways.
• 99% of the factories are the same thing. They don't get more complex and satisfying to build - they just get bigger and more tedious.
For the final few products, I just started putting down a bunch of overclocked Manufacturers and feeding them manually, because factories for stuff like Supercomputers are insanely hard to optimize, and way too slow even when fully optimized.

Noped the fuck out once I calculated how long it would take me to build all the Phase 4 Space Elevator parts.

A great game with an excelent and passionate development team

has only entered my life during times of incredible mental crisis, and is a good enough replica of Having A Plan to make those times easier

Essa review é injusta, já vou avisando.

Satisfactory é bom. Satisfactory é bem-feito. É interessante, o loop de gameplay é divertido, e é um jogo bonito e com performance boa.

Mas cara, sinceramente... eu sei, eu sei... mas é verdade...

É um Factorio 3D.

E pô, é um jogo bom. Mas não é um jogo tão bom quanto Factorio, infelizmente. Ainda vale a pena, especialmente se você não consegue conectar com a interface e gráficos de Factorio, que são indubitavelmente menos acessíveis que as de Satisfactory.

Im Sure The Nuclear Reactor near my Base is no prob... FUCK

divertido boa pogresaão mas parece vazio ao mesmo tempo sem vida sem animal sem nada

Not Trypophobia friendly. Arachnophobia friendly! Eventhough the sounds of the spiders remain :(

Not too much to say here. If you love factory sims and automation, you'll love this game.

I am suffering from severe and chronic decision fatigue, and playing this game almost killed me, making any progress just made me feel like a new born baby again and I dunno I didn't enjoy that. Waiting for my Darwin era to truly appreciate this game.