Reviews from

in the past

Eu joguei no Steam, eu joguei no Game Pass, eu joguei no celular.

Alguém me ajude, esse jogo não sai da minha cabeça, estou enfeitiçado como um rebanho para um Tzimisce, sendo sugado pelas incontáveis runs que já me aventurei na busca pelo vampiro que está em outro caixão.

Dopamine receptor fryer, you dont actually enjoy this.

I love this game, it's easy to learn and easy to pick up with an accessible price. I played it so much that I closed my eyes and saw the XP crystals on the back of my eyelids when I was falling asleep.

Probably the best 5€ I’ve ever spent in my life.

the most playable slot machine i ever did see.

This game is laced with fent. Despite it's extreme simplicity and potentially ugly outward appearance after one hit you are HOOKED. I've gotten 100 hours on both phone and PC and got 100% completion in less than a month. Fun weapons, great music, absurd humor, and so many secrets you can organically stumble across.

Also somehow beats PvZ as the game with the most insane and funniest bestiary. (It's that good I had to mention it)

every day there was a new update, which means every day i had to log on to recomplete my 100% status. games that add achievements post release stink me up so taking off some points for that

omg arca in this ⁉️⁉️ get wrapped up in some shit not sure who you think you're dealing with
phlegm spit in your open hole before I cum in it pulling it out then returnin' it like this is a revenant all these other bitches are irrelevant heaven sent

fun stuff but idk kind of soulless cookie clicker

Too addictive for words. Low-fi graphics, simple controls (up down left right,) simpler concept (use your automatic weapon to kill nasties,) great scale, good difficulty curve, and just enough JNSQ to keep you coming back for more. It's all been done before, but nowhere near as well.

Amazingly addictive rogue like. Played a ton of this over the course of about two weeks, one really hard weekend.

Varied runs kept me coming back especially finding the different combos of weapons to make super weapons.

It's fun for a time, until you unlock all the main weapon combinations. Then, it's just repetitive. I think I had enough of this type of game. Co-op made me play it, and made it worthwhile.
Timesink game... You ask yourself if that's what you want. I wouldn't exactly recommend it.

The way people talk about this game on here is so funny. Dude it's fun. That's all a game really needs to be. Lots of my friends who don't care about gaming enjoy this game and have it on their phones. I appreciate Vampire Survivors for being simple, effective, and harkening back to the social element of arcade-like gameplay without falling into the modern mobile pay-to-win trap (granted, I only play the Steam version but per my friends who have the mobile version it's really fair and doesn't feel like a joke port that demands your money every 2 seconds). It's really fun to sink a spare 30 minutes into this game. Good time.

It's bizarre how addictive this game is. This is simply one of the best roguelites I've ever played, keeping the player hooked with its progression system. The only thing I missed in this game is the lack of online co-op (it only has local). I hope they implement it someday.

O jogo é consistentemente bom. Sua fórmula e sua gameplay é relativamente simples, e é isso que trás seu charme.

Por mais que não goste da temática vampiresca em geral, foi legal ver as armas e sua s evoluções, itens, inimigos, mapas e principalmente as músicas. Dá pra ver que o jogo se destaca no seu estilo, mesmo que tenha pego elementos de Castlevania.

Pontos que acho q pecam um pouco são menu, que realmente é bem desinteressante navegar nele, e a falta de uma mínima história durante o jogo, sinto que desenvolvessem uma lore-zinha enquanto vc debloqueias as fases e personagem traria um carisma bem legal.

Gamified bubble wrap. Tunes my brain to static within 5 minutes of starting a new run, guaranteed.

Which also means that it feels genuinely unhealthy to play this for more than 30 minutes at a time, like the government should intervene before it allows you to start another round after finishing your first one.

So I’m giving this a brisk 4 out of 5 stars but deleting it from my Switch before I have forgotten what the faces of my family members look like.

Cada vez com mais certeza que o único rogue like que gosto é Hades

The game tips its hand and winks at you whenever everything pauses to play slot machine noises and have a 'jackpot' go up with a ton of coins that you can spend in the in-game shop. The randomness, the progression, it all feels like it's designed to manipulate your brain chemicals rather than actually be fun. As far as incremental games go, the game does a good job at keeping the player engaged, but there's only a crumb of gameplay here.

Its a 2 (3 if you're generous)/5 brain fog autoslop simulator. But it earns five stars for making everyone mad forever.

There's a subset of people in the middle of the bell-curve thinking they're on the right of the bell-curve talking about addiction behavior, casino aesthetics, and blah blah. As if anyone who has ever held a phone before couldn't immediately identify this.
Ignore them. It's your average redditor pontificating circle-jerk. VS a mediocre game with limited customization. Good at passing the time, but little else. If you like this game, you should play other roguelikes.
Ableism sucks! Trans rights! Whoooooh!

I simply love this game, it helps me unwind a bit when I get overwhelmed from life stuff! I got 100% completion on Steam and I am unlocking the last characters of Emergency Meeting while waiting for Operation Guns!

Mephistophelian incantation of evil maths that control our world, the claws sunk into your orbitofrontal cortex (plutocratic)

Talvez o único Rogue Like até hoje que eu AMEI. É simples e delicioso de jogar. Mistura elementos de forma genial, resultando em um jogo viciante e satisfatório. Mostrou que a simplicidade ainda tem espaço na indústria.

brain goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

why r the graphics so bad... worse than minecraft,,,

Bad luck with power ups and dying early sucks, but few things compare to the raw power of becoming the Ulimate Garlic Bible Deathball

This game is addicting as crack. There really isn't much to Vampire Survivors. It's the most simple survivor rougelite I've ever played, but something about this is so much more addicting than the others. Sadly once you figure out how the game really works, it becomes really easy and eventually loses its magic. Abandoned because I don't have the patience to finish a lot of roguelike games 😊

Dopamine the game. Truely a fun game which is simpel to control but complicated enough to not get boring.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
Simple yet addicting. What I liked most is how the game expanded the more you play it. New characters, attacks, items, levels and more. Played it for several hours till and managed to defeat the "final boss".

+ Music;
Great collection of music which all have 3 variations.

- Graphics;
Sadly the art isn't it's strong point. It even has some traced art which is disappointing.

+- Story/Characters;
Non existent aside from some small things.

Barely costs anything and gives you hours of entertainment. I'd recommend it, even tho it doesn't look that fun in the trailers. You have to experience it.

mmmmmm yummy crack for my brain yum yum yes