Reviews from

in the past

Konami sua vagabunda abaixa o preço dos negócios, tanto em grana real quanto no preço dos cardas com aquelas malditas gemas!!! e coloca coisas do anime pra customizar, um jogo de Yu-Gi-Oh! onde não tem nem uma fotinha de perfil do Yugi pra por, onde já se viu kkkkkkkk

It's YGO. For casual play i'd recommend playing in a free simulator with friends. I log in from time to time to play some Ancient Gear and that's it, it's not very good for casual playing.

Its yugioh with the good and bad. But master duel was long overdue. Like the game but wish they would do more with it like deeper progression systems to grind

This is probably the best LEGAL Yu-Gi-Oh! Simulator to date. Older versions like "Legacy of the Duelist" pandered to anime fans too much or had shitty graphics/music. Master duel makes up for that by having much better graphics, UI, and music. Additionally, plenty of card archetype lore quests to finish give you plenty of points to spend in the shop. Admittedly, the game feels pay-to-win with the high points required to get good cards from a pack, maybe, but that applies to TCG & OCG as well. Pick this game up if you want to play this specific format with the UI and don't care for fan-made projects. It's free!

After not playing Yugioh for 15 years, this has been a lot of fun to get into. I tried Duel Links, but it was a limited version (3 monster & 3 spell/trap spaces instead of 5). I have learned that there are some decks that are just boring to play and play against. The deck basically play solitaire for 5 minutes. But that's fine. They give so much free currency, it's kind of crazy. There are also solo challenges (and more get added over time), where you can use your deck or a loaner deck to learn new ideas.

This rating isn't a review of YuGiOh. I love the game and pay waaaay to much money for colored cardboard.

I just finished the Solo-Mode. Every. Single. Duel. Twice. This rating addresses this part of the game. It doesn't teach you how to Duel. It doesn't show you what actual Meta-stratagies do. Some duels/decks are unbalanced as fuck.

Konami should start to release Solo-paths for every new Deck-Release, so people can learn how to play a deck before buying it/how to play against it.

I love getting destroyed in the first turn without playing for even 1 fucking second

Apart from the ANNOYING LOSERS in the game its very fun it's like nightmare troubadour but upgraded

Es una buena forma de pasar el rato, aunque siempre hay que recordar que este juego podria ser mejor, simplemente tienen que... BANEAR MAXX 'C'!!

Eu não sei como eu tenho 173h nisso

Ich LIEBE Yu-Gi-Oh ich liebe es physische Karten für 30 Euro zu kaufen die ein halbes Jahr später nicht mehr Meta sind!!!!

O melhor simulador de yugioh automatizado que temos hoje (Já que o DB é manual). Infelizmente a optimização desse jogo é beeeem mais ou menos, mas mesmo assim é muito bom. Outro ponto é a economia pouco predatória, já que, de fato, você consegue fazer inúmeros decks.

why cant more online tcgs be as accessible as this game

It's yugioh. In the current meta of tear and spright dominating, it can be boring as most games are insanely one sided. Whoever goes first has such a massive advantage that if you are going second it can be impossible to win a majority of time.

Yu gi oh is a dumb stupid game that is so volatile that a match can completely change sides due to single card. Some decks just let your or your opponent play solitare and can just win the game in a single turn. But for some reason I can't stop playing someone help me.

Mesmo problema que o Duel Links: o jogo é bom, mas muito caro e desgastante. Não que isso seja um problema exclusivo desses jogos, porque todo free-to-play mobile é assim.

PS.: E da próxima vez que a Konami lançar um jogo pago do Yu-Gi-Oh, que pelo menos tenha legendas em PT-BR.

This game is what actually got me into yu gi oh. I fucking love playing elemental heroes and spirit charmers :)

This is the best way to play modern Yu-Gi-Oh officially. Extremely well supported by Konami, good monetization(!), and fantastic music and presentation.

This is currently the best way to play Yu-Gi-Oh if you want to get into it or you're a Yugi vet trying to get back into the game despite all the new BS.
Hope you like gacha games if you want to recreate a childhood deck!

I hate this game and Konami with a passion

Good and the most closely perfection we had beat in card game. Unfortunately YU-GI-OH! has become unplayable in actual days with so many broken features and cards systems. But if you really want to have fun, play it with a friend, not online PvP against other random people.

O entras sabiendo el mejor combo de 1 turno o palmas

It's Yu-Gi-Oh, that's for sure. In terms of a digital adoption, it's really good. You don't have to pay for shit.