Reviews from

in the past

exactly what you would expect from a sequal
really brave tho (if ykyk)

Franquia dos meus jogos favoritos

Se nota la confianza en la saga después del primero, la ambientación da un paso más y ayuda al crecimiento del personaje de Amicia.
Las voces originales son algo con las que el doblaje no puede competir. La banda sonora es impresionante
La jugabilidad se amplia un poco más para mejorar una de las flaquezas del primero. Un top gráfico en el momento de lanzamiento

This game took a lot of risks, and it worked, a game as good as the first, but this one is sometimes a little more boring, but only sometimes, it's still a great game

Seguito più che buono, non tante novità, ma introdotti side characters comunque di un certo livello.

Ainda vou zerar
I will complete soon

Having completed A Plague Tale, I received quite a lot of different emotions and when comparing the first part, the authors outdid themselves 2.5 times. A very beautiful combination of vile death and noble views that intertwine together, creating harmony and fear at the same time, even when nothing portends trouble. Ours hero, of course, a strong woman (and this is very meticulously explained in the game, it’s infuriating), which is a pretty strong hackneyed stereotype, but despite everything, the connection between all the characters is strongly felt, even in the background, and how difficult it is to describe.

Пройдя A Plague Tale, я получил достаточно много разнообразных эмоций и сравнивая первую часть, авторы превзошли себя в 2.5 раза. Очень красивое сочетание мерзкой смерти и благородных видов, которые переплетаются воедино, создавая гармонию и страх одновременно, даже когда ничего не предвещает беды. Наш гг конечно сильная женщина (и это в игре очень дотошно разжёвывается, аж бесит), что довольно сильный избитый стереотип, но несмотря ни на что, сильно чувствуются связь между всеми персонажами, даже на втором плане, и как это сложно описать.

Finalizei o game agora, realmente, tem uma historia muito boa e um final que prende a atenção, além da boa construção de personagens e trilha sonora.

Recomendo jogar o game, merecido reconhecimento na disputa pelo GOTY 2022

I can't bear the main characters. They are just whining all the time, they sound so unconvincing, all their interactions feels fake. I don't know if the problem is the acting or the writing, probably both, but damn the dialogues here are bad, it's like drama-written-by-AI.
And what a lazy gameplay. It's just the most boring and repetitive stealth mechanics and fifth-grade level puzzles. The walking simulator parts are actually the only enjoyable ones.
First game didn't annoy me that much, maybe because at least it felt a little fresh and with a more cohesive story. It's still a mediocre game, but this one feels worse.

A jornada dos dois irmãos é encantadora, mas, ao analisá-la, percebe-se que a história é enfraquecida pela lógica empregada. É satisfatória, mas não excelente e um tanto simplista. A narrativa é linear. O jogo se destaca nas atuações dos personagens e na jogabilidade que contribui para a sensação de perigo iminente. A necessidade de furtividade, ou a falta dela, em momentos de mais ação (se o jogador assim o desejar), torna a exploração prazerosa, embora se estenda por algumas horas a mais do que o necessário, tornando-se repetitiva.
O ponto forte do jogo é, sem dúvida, a direção de arte. A quantidade de detalhes e a qualidade gráfica são espetaculares.

Honestly this game does not let up at any point. The intense, eerie moment to moment gameplay is broken up my minute moments of respite which pass as soon as you realise they're there. The way the game makes you feel small and vulnerable throughout, with a few small power trips thrown in for good measure fits so well with the atmosphere the game tries to present.

Compared to it's predecessor, this one outshines it in ever way. From character development, to story, to general world building. Great story, great soundtrack and phenomenal visuals, especially when considering the AA budget.

Definitely a recommend from me, and if you do play it, remember to take breaths where you can, because I definitely forgot.

Emocionante, cenarios incríveis, Hugo...

A Plague Tale: Requiem improves in most aspects from the previous game, the gameplay is pretty much the same with some QOL improvements, the areas are bigger and more detailed now, more enemy variety, new items to use, the graphics are also really, really good too.
The story is nice although I wasn't a huge fan of some parts and reveals, I wasn't very attached to other characters besides Amicia and Hugo so some moments weren't very impactful.
I also would've liked some more improvements to the gameplay, it still feels a bit clunky like in the first game.
Overall, it's a solid sequel and a nice ending to the franchise.

Eu acabei de terminar a história e estou sem palavras, eu amei essa obra de arte. As músicas são lindas, os cenários são lindos, você sente a atmosfera de idade média quando joga, um detalhe que eu adorei nesse jogo foi a forma que usam as cores, quando é um bom momento da história, as cores são vibrantes e alegres e vai perdendo a cor conforme piora. A história foi me cativando mais e mais conforme eu jogava. Eu chorei no final do jogo, é muito lindo e eu não quero até agora aceitar que acabou assim.
Comparando ao primeiro jogo. os momentos "stealth" estão bem mais abertos e com mais opções para passar, as músicas continuarão no mesmo nível do primeiro jogo, o que é um elogio, as músicas de ambos são maravilhosas, os gráficos melhoraram também.
Eu tive a sensação de que não é necessário jogar o primeiro jogo para entender a história desse, por mais que seja uma sequência direta, em nenhum momento se tem alguma informação que você entende apenas por causa do primeiro jogo, inclusive em nenhum momento se fala sobre como acabou ou algum momento marcante dele, mas, eu recomendo jogar antes, para você ter o contexto da aventura deles e a conexão de Hugo e Amicia que é o ponto mais forte desse jogo.

This was a great game, even better than the first Plague tale. Excited to see where the series goes next.

Tomaron tanto de Uncharted y Tomb Raider que perdió su personalidad

Amazingly well written game with beautiful scenery even when being surrounded by death and well, rats. I didn't exactly love the ending, but I can't say it was a bad ending. Overall, I'm glad I played this and can finally shut the chapter on Amicia and Hugo's story.

Story 5 | Gameplay 4.9 | Audio 5 | Visual 5 | Details 3.5 | Entertainment 5

Total 4.7

I fairly enjoyed the first game, A Plague Tale: Innocence, for its visual design and story, but at the time I also hoped for a more diverse and deep combat system in a possible sequel. Well, A Plague Tale: Requiem surpasses its predecessor not only in terms of combat but in any aspect and to a remarkable extent. The combat system is more refined, finally enabling stealth kills, which were sorely missed in the first game, and implemented in much larger "arenas".

Skills progression is based on playstyle, but it's rather convoluted in its implementation, namely, on the number of kills in each encounter, which requires the players to consult a guide to see how many enemies to kill in each encounter to max out everything.
The more power of the PS5 also means many many more rats, which in this game have reached a grotesque amount.

On a more negative point, navigation in open spaces can be quite confusing and in the first few chapters, I find myself stuck at a checkpoint with no option to proceed (that I could see).

Based on rumours and the post-credit scene, it seems that a third iteration of A Plague Tale will happen, so I'm looking forward to that.

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gameplay moyen et exploration aussi mais histoire si touchante rip Hugo

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Damn... So in the end we have to kill Hugo to stop him and the macula from killing more people. Honestly, The whole game was absolutely cool and I felt immersed with the story and world building. I haven't played the first game but watched a streamer for it till the end of the first game so I had no problem understanding the story for the second game. After finishing the game and watching the whole credits roll I just felt empty,, This was a fun ride and I ABSOLUTELY will be happy if ever the devs announced the third game for this considering the near the end cutscene showed us a baby that had marks of the Macula so Im guessing the devs will make another sequel to which I will absolutely be anticipating and will be playing once it releases. The writing, graphics, gameplay, everything was great props to the devs.

Jogo muito parecido com o original, gostei mais do envolvimento da história e dos personagens, que é o forte deste jogo. Conduz muito bem a narrativa para que o jogador nunca saiba ao certo o que irá acontecer.

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Als erste muss ich die Grandiose Musik hervorheben, dass spiel hat eines der besten soundtracks welches ich seit langem gehört habe. Die Grafik ist echt gut zwar nicht ganz so gut wie ein AAA spiel aber dennoch echt schön anzusehen. Das Gameplay ist wie beim ersten teil nichts besonderes aber dennoch nicht verkehrt obwohl es sich nach 15 stunden schon zieht. Ich so meine probleme mit der Geschichte: die erste hälfte finde ich echt gelungen sehr Atmosphärisch aber die zweite hälfte wurde viel zu over the top, da hätten wird diese seltsamen Kultisten und der antagonist selber ist echt dämlich und blass und der rest ist mir viel zu viel "tomb raider-haft" absurde fantasy Gräber,katakomben usw. und gegen wird es mit den Ratten einfach nur Lachhaft. Ich habe mir wie beim ersten teil eine Atmosphärische Historische, geerdete Geschichte erhoft und nicht so eine seltsame Historisch-post-apokalypse. Die charaktere waren jedoch sehr gut geschrieben und gesprochen und habe stets mitgefiebert Hugo wurde aber echt nervig gegen ende und ich war schon fast froh ihm einen stein gegen den kopf zu schleudern. Alles in allem kann man sich das spiel schon geben es ist leider kein muss und auch ein bisschen schlechter als der erste teil.

achei q ia gostar mais, realmente muito lindo, mas achei mega repepetitivo, 90% dos capitulos seguem a formula de ver paisagens lindas e felicidade e indo pra missoes de stealth e terminando sem esperanca nenhuma mega depressivo pra no inicio do proximo eles estarem super felizes dnv.

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Increíble final, totalmente inesperado, el hecho de poder decidir o no matar a Hugo, y luego tener que vivir con ello en el epílogo es increíble

Liked it quite a lot until it sort of became a drag? The gameplay mechanics just became very repetitive. The graphics are great though.