Reviews from

in the past

A dull brawler that completely misses the right way to utilize the Xenomorphs and that turning them into mindless basic enemies completely defangs what they're supposed to represent.

Não é necessariamente ruim, mas também ta longe de ser bom

Alien vs Predador é uma franquia e um universo que eu me interesso bastante em saber mais sobre, vi poucos filmes dele na minha infância mas dos poucos que vi gostei muito e tem até cenas que não saem da minha cabeça até hoje. Indo por esse amor de infância, fui comovido a dar uma chance pra ele no universo dos jogos e como estou jogando a biblioteca do SNES ultimamente e eu descobri que amo beat em up, não poderia deixar esse aqui de fora.

Bom.. na real eu poderia sim, e pra ser sincero seria melhor se eu tivesse deixado, foi uma experiência nada agradável.

De início ele parecia promissor, tinha um combate que funcionava e uns cenários até que atraente, mas passou alguns minutos o jogo ficou MUUITO repetitivo e cansou a beça, quanto mais eu jogava mais eu queria que o jogo acabasse e ele não acabava NUNCA

Sua gameplay é injusta muitas das vezes você morre por um erro besta e os ataques dos inimigos te acertam mais fácil do que você acerta eles, a única coisa de bom que deu pra tirar um pouco desse jogo foi sua trilha sonora e sua capa estilosa pra caramba, fora isso.. era melhor não ter nem encostado.

This is another game most people don't like that i really liked and thought was a good game my only complaint is the controls still a good game though got more than I expected out of it.

Imo the finalized perfection of Capcoms beat em up formula (along with Battle Circuit)

A beat em up that starts up fun but quickly cranks up to a pretty insane difficulty, AVP has energizing music and a massive suite of skills and weapons.

However, this beautiful house of cards topples quickly once played enough to have its secrets discovered. The shoulder cannon grants I-frames, the slide tackle can pin enemies off-screen infinitely, and the art assets repeat over and over again to a point of fatigue.

It's fun, I'd even say it's good enough to play, but know that your mileage will vary entirely based on how many times you may or may not have to restart from game overs, and how well you can keep yourself from slide-tackling all the way to the end.

This is the quintessential 90s licensed game.

✅ Side-scrolling beat-em-up
✅ Minimal frames of character animation
✅ Overly simplistic controls, with fewer moves than buttons
✅ Very short length inflated by repetition
✅ Different enemies are often just palette swaps
❌ Fun

Please be advised, this is not a port of the Arcade title. These are drastically different games, I've submitted a revision on IGDB to get "Arcade" removed from this page as a platform because these have nothing to do with each other besides the IP.

EDIT: Revision approved!

Steaming garbage. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. What went wrong? This is just tragic. Time to hunt? No, just time to turn this excrement off and play something else. The original arcade game which followed a few months later is a fantastic Final Fight clone chock full of enemies to kill with addictive gameplay, this is like its elderly drunken relative who turns up at a family get together smelling of piss and trying to ruin everyone's fun with their bandy legged dancing.

(Just remembered to list this one, didn't play it recently)

Easily my favorite Capcom beat em up of all time. I love how many liberties it takes with the franchise to just go all out with its stupid capcom bullshit. It's mechanics and game feel are sooooo good. I love all of the characters. The bosses are so cool. It's just incredibly high quality beat em up stuff.