Reviews from

in the past

se tivessem me dado esse jogo quando criança ao invés de guitar hero iii eu provavelmente teria conhecido a banda garbage mais cedo e minha estrutura cerebral seria completamente diferente

I love Rock Band Blitz and this is just a very Y2K version of that.

Man... this game is great. Love the pure 2000s soundtrack this game throws at you, and it fits so well with the gameplay. It always feels like such a trip going from Blink-182 to P.O.D. to Freezepop to Komputer Kontroller. It's a strong variety between music as well as difficulty, because it does get a little difficult. Robot Rockers to me is probably the most difficult track in the whole series for me. This game is a lot of fun and feels like a trip, really my only complaint is that I hate the lane switching specifically in this game, but everything is else is so great.

i wish i had a ps2 as a kid, i would have turned out different if i had this then instead of now.

Told someone they were "super sprøde" (trying to take it back) and got knocked the fuck out in the Kroger parking lot.