Reviews from

in the past

the fuck do you mean i got the bad ending i got all the stupid fucking pages fun game though

man, video game tie-ins to cartoons and stuff used to be SO good! this game is good i love it.

I borrowed this from a friend as a kid and enjoyed it. It felt like a few Animaniacs episodes stitched together.

Good game in SNES, meh in Genesis

jogo dificil da desgrama mas recomendo

Animaniacs acaba entregando o básico que se espera de um jogo de plataforma, só que zero física nos pulos que são sempre na mesma altura, independente do personagem do momento, criando desafios em diversos momentos, com obstáculos difíceis de desviar, buracos e os ataques que tem um alcance mínimo

Ainda assim é extremamente charmoso, sendo fiel ao desenho em todos os aspectos, de grande qualidade da Konami. Eu amo esse joguin

Trivia: uma versão totalmente diferente foi feita para o SNES, e depois a versão do Game Boy, pegaram a versão do Mega e enfiaram lá

I don't want to be too harsh with this game. Yes, it has many flaws and is extremely frustrating but you have to give it credit as there are some interesting and well executed ideas, for example the ability to use all three characters at the same time.

Jogo bem do difícil, a gameplay não é muito precisa e sinceramente eu não entendi metade dos buff que aquela roleta dava que fica girando o jogo inteiro, a trilha sonora é muito boa e divertida, a pixel art também é linda!

I have a soft spot for this game based on huge childhood nostalgia. Loved the Spielberg references, and was one of the first games I remember wanting to100% to get the secret ending. The scripts are really hard to find; maybe that was the start of my love of collectibles.

Cleared on August 24th, 2023 (SEGA Genesis Challenge: 35/160)

To tell you the truth, it's been a long time since I last saw Animaniacs. I haven't even seen the reboot yet since I wanted to get caught up with the original first, but I recall it being among my favorite cartoons of all time. And after playing this game, it makes me want to go ahead and marathon the series and remind myself why I love the series so much. Why I love the characters and the humor, how Rita and Runt single-handedly manage to get me the watch the show when I initially had no interest, and why Buttons and Mindy are the worst things to come out of the show. As for the Sega Genesis game, it's a decent effort to translate the series onto a 16 bit game.

The game stars Animaniacs leads Yakko, Wakko, and Dot who come up with the idea to make a Pop Culture Shop by going into different studios in order to claim props from the movie to put on display. The plot isn't even a strong point and while the humor does try to match what the show has, it isn't as funny since it doesn't have the legendary voice acting which to be fair, this is a Sega Genesis game, so that's going to be out of the question. The rest of the presentation does match the series perfectly in 16 bit, though with the Animaniacs looking exactly as they do and the music does have the soundtrack adapted which is really cool.

The gameplay is interesting. It reminds me of Sonic Heroes where you have three playable characters that you can switch to. Each of which having their own quirks in order to overcome obstacles. Yakko has the ability to push crates and use a slingshot which isn't always that useful, but it does have a niche of being able to nullify a few projectiles which may come in handy for the last two bosses in the game. Wakko has the ability to bonk things with a hammer which is the ability that gets used the most. This is useful to push buttons or destroy breakables. Dot has the ability to blow a kiss which is the ability that gets used the least, but it does have value at times to charm living beings into assisting you. This is actually an excellent way to translate Animaniacs... well, on paper, anyway. While it doesn't exactly function horribly, the one thing that bugs me is that the character rotation is in a set interval. So for example, if you were playing as Wakko, but now you need to get to Yakko, you need to switch to Dot, wait a brief window of time, and then you can switch to Yakko. This usually won't be a problem throughout the majority of the game since it acts as a puzzle platformer, anyway, but during boss fights is where it gets really obnoxious.

The boss fights in the game are the worst part, especially the ones that involve Ralph, who you might know is that fat police officer that chases the Animaniacs when they are up to no good, and oh boy, he really has it out for them. Even as an obstacle, he is really annoying. First level of the game has him in the way when you are going down the river and even now I can't figure out how to get through him without taking any damage. There is that one segment in the second level where he is able to climb ladders and you have to climb up the slow way and if he gets up close to you, he's going to be up in your face and deal damage to you at a fast rate. As for the bosses themselves. One boss fight has you using the boulders to fling upwards in order to hit him, but once he comes down, you better hurry over to the right side with your slow movements or he's gonna come rushing at you with his net to damage you. The second boss has you go through an obstacle course and you better hope you're at full health when you get to him or its gonna be unbearable. The third boss has you operate a train and you need to time a boulder to hit the hatch as it opens and closes which will speed up the train, but if you hit the boulder too soon or too late, it will bounce off the hatch and if you are inside the train, you take damage. Also Ralph can just get on the train which is very tiny and he has a very high chance of damaging you unless you can get a good attack frame on him and drive him off. Then when he is running to you on foot, you have to speed up your train all the way to the end which felt anti-climatic since I expected to have to hit him more times to defeat him, but no, I was doing it wrong the whole time. I would say it's the worst boss in the game, but I doubt it would be enough to make the cut for a Top 10 Worst Sega Genesis bosses since I found it hilarious to time the boulders to speed up the train so that when he jumps, you just go "nuh-uh".

The other boss fights after that are actually not that bad. The fourth boss is kinda easy once you understand what you need to do, but the final boss is surprisingly better than I expected it to be. Dare I say, compared to the majority of final bosses in the Sega Genesis line-up that I faced, it does make an actual effort to stand out. All three of the Animaniacs are actually important to the fight, and while it can be quite difficult to avoid attacks if you are caught in a bad position, it's not disgustingly unfair.

Of course, another reason why I'm ranking it so low is that some parts of the game can be really obnoxious like those damn hippos in the final level, but other than that, it's a harmless enough game that I wouldn't go out of my way to recommend to anyone, but if you're into Animaniacs and you wanted to see what the games are like, it's worth a shot. I don't know about the Super Nintendo game, though, but I will come back to review the SNES version when I inevitably get to my Super Nintendo challenge.

An alright game that made me wanna rip my hair out as a kid, today, its just alright. Looks pretty, sounds good, plays oddly as a platformer but yeah. Got not much else to say about it. It defs has the spirit and humor of the show.