Reviews from

in the past

Belle tentative mais malheureusement en tant que jeu de plateforme ils sont mauvais. Seul le Russia à réussir à me tenir en halène et encore je me suis forcer. Très mal rythmée que ce soit dans le scénar ou le gameplay. Dommage car le personnages principal de Chine était très intéressant et les épisodes possédait une DA un peu recherché (encre de chine mais les contraste de couleurs aurait du etre plus appuyé pour moi, la russie se partageait entre édulcorations de nuances de rouges et gris, et tableau froid et sombre et selon moi l'équilibre aurait du être moins marquée). L'épisode inde était le moins bon.

Quite fun AC 2D game, just played a bit but might want to do it more in the future.

This game was marketed to the wrong crowd. I don't want to claim that AC fans 'couldn't handle' these games being different, people are entitled to their opinion on the concept. I will argue that it's a weird take to claim Chronicles "took away the chance of playing a """real""" AC game in these settings" There's no evidence of this take and it has nothing to do with the merit of the trilogy.

If you've ever played Mark of the Ninja, you'll like this.

if you like stealth, there's an extremely compelling take on it here.

The trilogy peaks at India, Russia isn't that bad, but it's the most restrictive and harshest to play.

Movement and controls are impressively weighty and responsive even on the vita port (my favorite cause I'm weird like that.)

China feels the most polished and encourages multiple playstyles/playthroughs.

India improves the base mechanics and the first half offers some genuinely impressive level designs, it starts to feel rushed by the latter half with a lot more restrictive levels.

The tightening of options that the latter half of the trilogy does feels like a rushed way to spike difficulty towards a 'climax' Russia does this heavily.

That said, Russia has some genuine innovations to it with the tools offered and one or two of the levels are genuinely cool. but yeah... it doesn't go too well in the end. before you know it Russia has you literally railroading through aggressively tight and specific corridors of enemies and fighting a contextual button prompt of a boss.

The aesthetic across all three is excellent. story is not, but I don't really care ngl.

These games have a very special place in my heart and I deeply regret that they will forever stand as a 'mixed reviews' in the pages of gaming history.

Between this and Mark of the Ninja, there could have been a really excellent 2.5d stealth game with semi-3d open-ended stealth levels and advanced tool combat (and maybe grab the world tendency idea from Dishonored and tie it to the playstyle system from Chronicles allowing players to play the way they want and be rewarded with more engaging challenge in later levels.).

between the two I honestly prefer chronicles as it controls smoother.