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Asura's Wrath me fez rir
Asura's Wrath me fez chorar
Um jogo que em essência é básico, nada extraordinário mas esse básico é feito de forma extraordinária, eu sempre amei QTEs, e um jogo cheio deles e com impacto, seguindo fluxo da cena e requirindo reflexo além de extenuar da mesma forma que o personagem se cansa simplesmente já vale muito, mas meticulosamente temos uma boa história de deuses extremamente humanos e o reflexo da nossa luta constante como ser humano contra as adversidades, temos lutas fantásticas, carregadas pela trilha sonora do querido Chikayo Fukuda e até Antonín Leopold Dvořák com o embate contra Argus na lua ao som da Nona Sinfonia do Novo Mundo
A voz angelical da Tomoyo Mitani carrega demais as cenas mais poderosas e catartícas com o Trembling Heart
TODO o episódio Palavras de Sabedoria, com as interações, o buda gigante escorregando, você tomando um tapa por tentar apalpar peitos, é kino
Você começa destruindo naves, luta contra budas gigantes, contra budas com RPGs, contra mobs em uma roda, vê rider kick pra krl, luta contra seu mestre na lua com uma espada que estica, com seres enormes que explodem só na base da porrada, com o centro da terra e até mais(mas esse mas eu só vou ver quando comprar a DLC), é the coolest shit ever na veia
E não para por aí, os QTEs, sessões de combate livre e batalhas de bosses são pontuadas pelo sistema de notas tradicionais(D,C,B,A,S), e além de liberar CGs, Artes Conceituais e vídeos, você libera novas HUds, que a primeira vista pode ser só cosmético mas na real te dá vantagem, é o elemento meta de progressão sem esquecer que Asura's Wrath nada mais é que um anime jogavel, e sem dúvidas, um dos melhores

Great art direction. Interesting character design, a nice cel shading style and overall beautiful aesthetics.
The gameplay is a little formulaic, basically fighting until the rage bar fills up, pressing R2 and watching something cool. But it's something really REALLY cool, very exaggerated and over the top, I played the whole time with a smile on my face. The music is really cool and really highlights the emotion of the moment.
It has a lot of QTE but I haven't found one that gives instant death when missed. Either you take a little damage or you get a slightly lower ranking at the end of the mission.

The game has 18 missions, 6 for each arc. The last one has an extra scene when completing 5 missions with S-ranked or completing 50 missions on any difficulty. I had 2 when I finished the game, so I went back and did the first 3 missions again and got the requirements. I did the mission again and saw the scene, which ends with a fucking cliffhanger.

Capcom in its darkest period put the true ending through DLC. The arc is called Nirvana and has 4 missions, I would say "Nevermind" but it's the best part of the game. I couldn't put the game down until I saw the end and I'm satisfied.
Another DLC is a crossover with Street Fighter 4. One fight against Ryu and another against Akuma. One round like a tradicional fighting game and another like the rest. I defeated Akuma the first time Oni mid tier was no work, but against Ryu that came first gave me a lot of trouble.

The worst part for me was the performance, at times the frame rate dropped a lot and the input lag is so much that I had to advance the time in almost a second to get the perfect QTE. There is no way to calibrate this like in Guitar Hero.

Even with some problems, I really liked it. It's the best Berserk game to date. I imagine Guts rubbing Griffith's face against the walls of Falconia like that. Too bad we'll never see it.
I miss Kentaro Miura. =(

Pure, unadulterated, Badassery.
One of my top ten games of all time.

Capcom took all that Street Fighter IV DLC money and wrote themselves the biggest blank check of all time. I love it.

At the height of the “Crapcom” era we still got a few gems. This is one of them

Asura's wrath can be described as a very shallow experience when it comes down to it. But despite that this game has so much charm and style to it that it more than makes up for any big issues that come from the style of game it is. Probably like 60-70% of this game are qte cutscenes that will present you with some of the sickest shit you've ever seen in your life. Meanwhile that 30-40% is a mixture of a 3D fighter and a on rails shooter. Don't ask me how it all works cause it just kinda does. The story and characters have all the subtlety of an atom bomb but I think the over the top nature of it all works and it sucks that the true ending of the game is locked behind dlc that can be hard to experience nowadays cause I think those last 4 episodes have easily the best story and character moments in the whole game. This game is in desperate need of a definitive edition so the dlc can be preserved in a better way cause I emulated this game and getting the dlc to work that was a process in a half but seeing how we've seen hide nor hair of this game since it's release i have my doubts. Regardless the game itself was very sick experience that I'm glad i got to experience.

this is the most "dudes will look at this and say hell yeah" game ever

if it was only bosses and the on rails segments, it would be perfect

It's cool, definitely earned it's badass seal of approval(this is real, I still remember this from when I was 12 for some reason)

Shame this will never get a sequel. Its just so fucking awesome

$5 on sale. only played the prologue. I'll probably actually try to play the game properly later.

Pura furia. Pura ira. Puro juegazo

This is a spectacle fighter where there's a huge focus on SPECTACLE.

Problem is, the focus is so intense in that department that they have nothing else to show for it. Audio design is a clustefuck, gameplay is clunky and boring, performance is terrible, story is nonsensical, dialogue is unnatural... But it does manage to make something so absurd that it can be entertaining.
It's not a good game and not one I'd recommend, but I can't say I don't understand why it made an impression of most people that played.

Kiziyla yaptigi konusmada cidden agladim..

bem doido, mas o conceito é desse jogo é melhor do que ele em si

This is a pretty good YouTube anime.

Condense four seasons of an anime that never existed and you get this game, an OTOKO NO ROMAN shonen of epic proportions with stellar action choreography and art design, topped with a tried-but-true but still blood-pumping story. This game has a master vs pupil deathmatch on the moon while Dvorak's 9th plays and it's not even the best fight.

praying for the day this gets an official pc/steam release

Asura's Wrath is the literal definition of that really talented kid that stopped following his dreams because his parents stopped giving him money and support.

In terms of the core concept of the game: it is really really good! It presents an amazingly exagerated world inspired by Hindu and Buddhist stories, with sequences that rivals Metal Gear Rising in terms of levels of hype.

The combat is reminiscent of games like DMC or Bayonetta, but with the additions of gimmicks unique to it, and the bizzarre ability to make stuff like quick-time events actually engaging and fitting.

.... and then you reach the end and find out that the final sequence of the game has been locked by Capcom behind DLC......

Now don't get me wrong, you can still enjoy this game by itself, there is technically a sort-kinda-satisfying "conclusion" to it, and the rest of the game is able to stnd on its own... but also is like having a book and not being able to read the final chapter.

As a whole Asura's wrath is awesome, a bombastic sugar-thrilled experience that I hope capcom brings back on modern consoles.... but it is also the poster child of some of the greediest and worst decisions this company have made over the years.

Still great, but not better than God Hand imo

Asura's Wrath is the type of game that should in theory be a terrible game. Gameplay? meh its fine. QTE? Shit ton of it! Music on par with the action? Well its good but not godtier. Story? Its good. You would think with all of these aspects the game would be terrible, and quite honestly its very flawed... But man I love this game still even knowing that it barely scrapes by being called game.

As this game is described as more of an "Interactive anime" than an actual game, of course the main focus of the game is the story. For a simple that has a simple premise, it has a surprising amount of complexity, not with the themes of course or morals, but mainly beliefs between each of the characters, rights and wrongs (yes I know I said no morals, but it isn't crazy grey themes), and of course just how pissed Asura is with the idea of killing people to raise themselves up as gods... and making his daughter cry. The REAL treat of this game however is easily the cinematics and watching Asura battle each one of those who betrayed him 12,000 years ago, even if he has no idea why he is acting revenge in the first place. If there is any real theme to this game, it is easily humanity's hopeless cry to a God who will quickly squash them, and earning their self determination through Asura (not them nah they kinda blow). Overall the story's simple story of Asura wanting revenge for the torment they gave to his daughter with conflicting characters works best in what is basically a shonen anime happening in this game, and it is so damn amazing for that. Will I remember any of the story apart from cool ass cutscenes? Or any message from the game from the story? no, but I do not care cause this game and the style it tells its story through amazing scenes is a bit too uncommon in the industry, and while the production for a ton of this game was easily put off for the animations, story was at least covered even if you had to pay for a shit ton of the DLC just to see the final conclusion. Overall pacing was good, but what broke it was the game's weakest aspect, gameplay.

Asura, Yasha, and the other Deities were interesting, albeit stereotypical which makes sense for how they represent I think 9 stages of hell? I could be wrong of course but the main point is they represented aspects like greed, wrath, etc, but I could be wrong with those names. Asura, Yasha and Augus were the ones who got the best development character wise, and while the main focus was saving Mithra, her development revolved around Asura's development. While Asura 90% of the game was just grunting, yelling, and punching first question later, he does have some genuine development mainly revolving around Yasha and of course, Mithra, who are able to calm Asura down and have actual conversations with him. The other deities have no clue how to talk to Asura and just piss him off to the point of exploding and being their downfall. Other than those 3, the other deities weren't the most interesting, and while there were some twists with their true motives and goals, overall they never took me by surprise apart from 1 big twist near the end of the game, which was mainly just forgetting that character existed till they appeared again.

Here is where the troubles of Asura's Wrath occur. There is 3 main gameplay segments (4 if you play the sf4 lost episodes dlc), QTE, which were the better parts of the game sometimes as they usually occur during the really cinematic cutscenes. The other gameplay segment is a shooter that plays like Panzer Dragoon, and the last gameplay was the action brawler gameplay that plays a tiny bit like DMC but not really? Like I said, QTE were annoying yeah, but they were usually during really cool cutscenes, and while some of them it felt like "wow, that LOOKS fun" instead of being fun since you can only have so much fun mashing B. The Scenes that ARE cinematic makes the QTE really damn good, but it isn't the worst gameplay aspect of the game even though obviously its the most hated by those who haven't play the game. The Shooter segments were quite honestly, the better part of the game as they are usually short, and while not the most interesting mechanic wise, are again, pretty cinematic as so many particles are on the screen that you can barely see what tf is going on. The worst part however was the action brawler, which you would hope would be the best part of the game. The problem with the brawler segments were the very shallow gameplay which revolves around fighting either multiple enemies, one big ass enemy type, or a deity. The multiple enemies had the pleasure of having the camera freak out whenever you fight enemies around you, and of course after awhile does get a bit stale. The big enemies are a bit too simple on the pattern, and don't really innovate much once you figure out their mechanic. The deity fights were the most interesting, but can sometimes turn into waiting game as you are forced to wait for their laggy move to finally kick in, and as the game goes on, their windows to combo them get smaller and smaller to the point where you have to wait what it feels like half a minute to even have a chance to damage them, and failing to do so will cause you to get hit for half your health for DARING to attack them before you were supposed to. The Action segments could had been really good, they could had either gone the DMC route and made their combat system really complex so you are learning the system still by the time you are near the end, or just add new abilities as the game goes on. Of course you get new forms that have new fight animations and combos, but by new combos I mean you launch them a bit sooner then before as they all feel the damn same. Quite honestly I wish the game just focused on the QTE more than the brawler sections which make no sense as while they are really damn fun for half the game, by the other half you are just waiting for the cutscenes to start as they are the best part of the game, but those brawl segments are just too damn shallow to be interesting, as you will always do the same thing. Jab Jab Jab Launch, air jab air jab air jab dive kick into hit Y till you fill the burst then watch cool ass cutscene. Its basic, and not the best part of the game, serviceable, but not the reason to play this game at all, but forced to play anyways. It may sound like I HATE these sections, and while I don't HATE them, I find them the most disappointing parts of the game as you can tell they put all of their budget into the cutscenes, so the QTE segments are good cause the cutscenes are good, and the shooter sections are good cause they are also really damn pretty to watch. The brawls are good when the cutscenes and QTE sections due to cinematic clashes occur. The DLC is when they start to change the mechanics a tiny bit, mainly with the fights being really damn good, but whenever I had to fight those damn monkeys I just got really damn annoyed my GOD they blow... yet I still really love this game for some reason god DAMN it why are the QTE segments the best part???

Quite honestly Its pretty good. Augus' fight theme, Yasha's Theme, Main theme, and some other songs were really good. The only problem I felt with the music were the REALLY intense moments, which I feel like the game lacked intense music. It had really good sad music, epic music, but whenever the action got intense it didn't really match what was happening on screen I feel like.

Last Positives/Nitpicks
- locked to 30 fps kinda sucks, these animations being locked to 30 fps is a crime.
- Shonen. As. HELL... and I love it for that
- the DLC were all damn amazing. Only ones that were meh were the anime .5 episodes, which apart from voice acting not being the craziest, the animation was just pretty inconsistent with quality specifically 11.5. 15.5 was better and I just wish this game was as a whole an anime instead of a game.
- Asura's "shut them up" button was hilarious asf

This is the type of game that critically, kinda blows. TLDR is that the game is just QTE events with meh gameplay. However even knowing those issues with the game, what this game achieves with the interesting story and characters while also having some of the craziest cutscenes I have seen makes this game really damn good. Its so damn exciting of a game, even if in reality you are just mashing B the entire time I DO. NOT. CARE.

esse jogo é literalmente você saindo na mão com divindades orientais


my GOD what a game! from beginning to end i was really hooked with the gameplay and action sequences! the soundtrack is such a great listen too! all the dlcs are pretty great too! would absolutely recommend!

Nome: Asura's Wrath
Plataforma: Xbox
Data: 19 Março 2024
Horas Aproximadas: 50 Horas
Dificuldade: ☐ Muito Fácil | ☐ Fácil | ☑ Normal | ☐ Difícil | ☐ Muito Difícil







