Reviews from

in the past

Played this game borrowed from a friend, and was the one thing that made me a Batman fan as a kid. Have finished multiple times, and it's always fun.

As an adaptation, it takes few liberties here and there from the source material, but the overall aesthetics are spot on witht he dark diesel-punk esque enviroments.

Batman itself, althought very simple, feels like playing Batman, with cool jumping tricks, the fast and effective batarangs, the hard punches and the iconic batclaw. Regular levels with batman are basic platofming + action stages where you go around punching dudes and doing some tricky jumps, which is always nice. Level design isn't the most impressive thought, but you can tell the developers tried to keep it interesting and varied, with some cool bosses and driving stages that play like good old shoot'em ups, which gives a good pace to the overall experience. Graphics looked pretty nice and realistic and the soundtrack is top notch as usual with Sunsoft.

Only minor complain I've got with this game it's it may be way too simple and lacks some challenge aside the difficulty levels (which annoyingly adds more health to the enemies).

It is always fun to come back and enjoying the short journey this game offers, and is one of the most impactful games I've played.

Easily the best looking Batman game on its release. The platforming and combat are pretty generic, but they're saved somewhat by the visuals and soundtrack.

Hard as hell, not super fun, but I dug a more reserved and dark look that made me take it more seriously, and the soundtrack is genuinely great.

I like this game, controls are hard but only cuz I have a mini keyboard.

This game will be a masterpiece for me until I die. I spent days to finish it when I was child and couldn't do that but experience and all those mechanics that other games don't have was so different. Thank you for this game Sunsoft.

Les niveaux peuvent être super chaud à cause du trop grand nombre d'ennemis mais les boss sont dans l'ensemble super simple, étrange équilibrage. La maniabilité est assez chiante, en particulier sur la mécanique de double saut, imprécise et un peu raide. Quelques niveaux en véhicule pour varier les plaisirs mais rien de très palpitant et la durée de vie est assez courte (1-2heures max). Visuellement, c'est pas mal.

Batman would get utterly laid out if he moved as rigidly as this.

Soy Batman. El videojuego de la película que hizo famosa esa afirmación. Un juego de acción y plataformas a golpes y batarangs bastante entretenido que recrea a la perfección situaciones vistas en la película. Además podemos usar el garfio elevador. Recomendado.
Siempre recordaré como Jack cae en el líquido verde que lo convierte en el Joker. ¡Me pareció tan espectacular!