Reviews from

in the past

Divertente in coop, il migliore della saga. E poi ho carriato quei nabbi dei fratelli di gamepad nei DLC.

i know this is THE borderlands game but i’m more attached to the 1st game. still a great game.

Ain't ever gonna be another Handsome Jack

Lo divertido, tanto en gameplay como en humor, de este juego es de estudio

Though i still haven't finished this game at all, its a damn good game. One of the best looter shooters of all time even. gameplay is sick, even though i probably died more than a hundred times, its just so fun to run and gun and end up dying by a bunch of bandits or critters jumping you. Looting can be a bitch sometimes but once you get that one golden gun, your going to be cleaning out everyone you see! The characters are also great. sir hammerlock, tiny tina, Roland, HANSOME MUTHAFUCKING JACK! Even the playable characters are sick (Zer0 my beloved) Storyline is also pretty nice, find and kill Hansome jack to stop him from getting the vault while he brags about how rich he is and pays you to kill yourself (thats something he actually does). The humor in this game is also nice, not the greatest thing ever but for its time pretty fucking good. Overall another fun game to play, and bonus goes to its COUCH CO-OP love to see it.

Borderlands 2 is like a loot-splosion fueled by hilarious writing and frantic action. You blast your way through colorful alien landscapes, collecting a ridiculous amount of guns and gadgets, all while cracking up at the insane dialogue from the characters (especially Claptrap!). The story's decent, but honestly, it's all about the mayhem and the neverending quest for the next awesome weapon. If you love shooter games with a heavy dose of humor and a sprinkle of RPG elements, Borderlands 2 is a total blast.

Se que jugue muchisimo pero que no me lo pase pq me pasaba farmeando armas unicas a full y era la ostia de divertido

This is one of the best games in the world to play with a friend, just try it, the fun is guaranteed, with 3 friends then, the 4 of you get in a car and drive around the map, filling up places, doing missions, whatever, each one with a different class

As an act of rebellion to avoid playing another game, i decided to spent 3 full days getting all the achievements in BL2 for the first time, as redemption to my younger self who put almost every game aside to play nothing but multiplayer shooters for 4-5 years. I do remember this one being the most fun to play, aside from BL1 which is my fav all around being introduced to it in 2011. Gunplay and build crafting is simple and enjoyable i played Axton for the first time so i went with a turret/kill skill build that made my normal playthrough trivial. Now, not having played this game in quite a few years i had forgotten the majority of the dialogue or jokes written and it has to be just the over-saturation of the style of writing, but after the halfway point and for all the DLCs i was tuning that out. I dont know if BL2 is seen as the perfect middle ground of snappy and good writing compared to the other ones (especially BL3) but i was generally bored when it came to having to pay attention to the story, and almost any wit gave me an excuse to eye roll especially with the dated humour, but those got a pity laugh for them even adding it in the first place (they had a Do it for the Vine Badass Challenge name and its there forever). And of course the massive positive i can give the game is the grind it gives you for gear, i didn't do too much of that during my playthrough but if i get bored and return i know for sure i can go hours killing the same boss for a specific thing. All in all BL2 still holds up as an amazing looter shooter with those fundamentals honed in, while i feel like i moved away from its style of writing, i know some people that will quote this and other BL games for hours and die laughing in the process.

Improved looting and shooting, fun combat, and funny villain. This game really did it all right.

Stupidly fun, too bad the collision bugs are so annoying.

It's true, the writing is really unfunny in that special 360-era way. The gunplay isn't particularly satisfying either, and they all feel too similar to each other. It and its predecessor popularized one of the most lifeless AAA genres, though at least this one has the novelty of actually showering you with a bazillion guns instead of just like, a reasonable amount.

But with the right friend(s) and some pizza... it's a good time. Also Gaige is cute, at least in Japanese fanart.

First of all: better than borderlands 1, B1 was an alpha of this one

Jokes are better, mechanics, story, characters, cutscenes, bossfights, etc. Everything is better! I get the "I think it's edgy" vibe, but It's a stupid humour that I like and with friends is way better.

Good one 👍🏼

Amazing game and it still holds up well in 2024!

Contrary to popular opinion, I like the first Borderlands game better, although I can see why most consider this one to be the best in the series. Much more interesting story (and, obviously, villain), a lot more creative and colorful environments, tighter gameplay, lots of improvements over the first game. For me, personally, I just like the aesthetic and vibe of Borderlands 1 better, and think that the main 4 playable characters are better, too (evidenced by the fact that the original 4 are the only ones that really stick around, minus Roland). I'm not gonna be a revisionist and say this game was never funny, but the specific brand of Borderlands comedy does feel a bit forced at times in this game, too. But, a lot of these points I have are just personal preference. The game is great, and it only goes downhill from here for Borderlands.

People love this game—no wonder. Plenty of fans call it the best game in the series, and there's definitely a reason for it. Quirky-but-entertaining characters, a charming soundtrack, strong aesthetic design, fun gameplay, a /very handsome/ antagonist. There's a lot of deserved praise to give.

I was always off-put by the difference in atmosphere between this game and its prequel. The first game had such a solitary vibe to it, while the second was rife with a fun cast. This gives Borderlands 2 a charm that the series initially lacked. Plenty of the NPCs will stick with you, just because they're lovable and unforgettable.

The gameplay is sick, too. Various guns—87 bazillion according to devs, LOL—each of which with different modifiers, features, and even elemental abilities. There's a playstyle for everyone, and it's fun to find new styles of gameplay that work well for you. I personally like playing as the Assassin and Siren classes most.

Solid game. Not a real fan of the extreme difficulties because of slag being a required part of the game at that point, but I absolutely love Jack as a villain.

The best borderlands game ever. I've spent hundreds of hours playing and exploring with friends.


Borderlands 2 is an airtight experience that is best experienced with another person, and for the most part serves as a fun-as-fuck co-op game. While most looter shooters fail for being ridiculously repetitive, BL2 doesn’t fall under the same level of scrutiny because there is enough quest variety to keep it mostly refreshing. In fact, I’d say the side quests are some of the best I’ve seen in a title like this; on pure variety alone, I’d say bare minimum the objectives are refreshing even if you end up just killing people on the way there. Some of the quests have some interesting story & character implications and help flesh out the world just a bit.

On the topic of story, it’s…. ehhhhh. Handsome Jack was hyped up to be this amazing villain but at best he was incredibly charismatic and entertaining, beyond that he isn’t anything too special. The plot is serviceable and the stakes are hardly felt, there’s as much to get out of Borderlands 2 as there is a Resident Evil game… so like, nothing. The humour is absolutely early 2010s but I found it oddly charming even though it was cringeworthy at some points too. I didn’t hate the humour and I get it’s part of BL2’s quirks but it just led to a lotta eyeroll moments. Though, it does fit how I feel about the game holistically. The game is meant for shutting your brain off and shooting shit and in that regard it’s a solid game.

However, some gameplay quirks were a lil annoying. Endgame enemy damage scaling got ridiculous at points even when you’re at their respective level and honestly if you don’t get golden keys to get the special weapons in the cases, then you’re stuck with some really shitty and boring weapons.

It’s fun, but I don’t know how much I’d like it had I played it solo, and especially if I didn’t find out about the special crate weapons. But from what I’ve experienced, I liked it!

I'm not a big fan of looter shooters (30 on 30).

Story 4.7 | Gameplay 4.5 | Audio 4 | Visual 4.7 | Details 5 | Entertainment 5 | Open world 3.8

Total 4.5

Just play it with a group of friends, it's a blast.

first singleplayer game that i went back to beat MULTIPLE times

Multiplayer dele é bom!mas falta uma legenda

non mi ero ancora imbattuto nell'espressione "looter shooter"

best looter shooter and a ton of replayability